I'm in deep shit on this one too
No matter what I do, I keep getting shot. I can't even get out of the woods alive...
If I try to take out the guys coming after me in the beginning, somebody gets me. If I run to the dead guys in the outskirts of the woods, my followers catch up and kill me. So I decided to just run for it. I came to the NE corner of the woods. But I can't get up that little hill to get to the jeep. I always have a close encounter with lots of led...
I've tried just running. That of course didn't work. Tried crawling. Shot. Zig-zag. you are dead...
Think I'm gonna try exiting on the northside of the woods now... But there's ruskies all over the place so I really don't know how to beat this
I've read lots of stuff about this mission, but nothing helps. goto xx, get into UAZ, drive like **** doesn't help me
Seems like you just have to be frelling lucky to get through this mission, and I'm not...