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Posts posted by pellejones

  1. OK we did another test and we do get lag. When we fire with 50 cal type weapons the server lags with suppression script on. We use Script version and the servers specs (and settings) has been posted before..

    Debug is off. Don't know what in the suppression script that causes the lag.

    We were 11 players today, and 38 players on sunday. Same type of lag both times. It is like the server freezes for a short while (desync).

  2. SSG did a 15 player test today using the 'beta' dedicated script version (Ollum sent it). It worked like a charm! We got some desync issues but that could have been ALICE2 that spooked the server.

    This is an awesome script! We were doing a group leader training session where the mission was to set up and execute an attack against a fortified Shilka nest. We did lots of suppression using the M2s on HMMWVs. The entire nest seemed to be taken out, the shilka got shot fast with an M3 (Carl Gustav). So a group advanced, everything was calm. When they get close to the sandbags they all just drop dead! So we move up with one of the HMMWVs only to see a single infantry man hiding prone near a sandbag. After a few seconds a second guy pops up! The were suppressed as hell!! But since they went prone we thought they were dead. Hence the calm. As we advanced we stopped firing (no enemies remember). So the suppression was over and the AI got back on their feet again.

    So awesome!

    In total


    AI: 3x Groups of 4 units on UPSMON. 3 Static weapons. 3x Groups of 6 units on waypoints on standby waiting to support the nest.

    + Maybe 10 civilians + a few cars driving.

    We will be doing a larger test, 20-30 people on Wednesday (no debug balls though). I'll make sure ALICE2 is off. That mission will most likely use dynamic spawn of enemies. Maximum 40 enemies on the map at any given time.

    Our server specs are:

    i7 2600K @3,40GHz and 4GB (or 8?) RAM. SSD and Windows Server 2008.

    We are on 100/100 Mbit line using this server setting:








    Enemies are on waypoints or UPSMON. We are not using any server AI mods.

    We use the 1.60 official patch and ACE2.

  3. Sorry Pellejones, I wasn't accusing you of being a dick, and I absolutely appreciate your help and bug reports, for this and other mods. You just happened to be the post which I chose to reiterate my SP assertions (which I still don't apologise for). I'm very sorry if I have offended you, it was not my intention.

    No worries! Now lets help you make this 'addon' perfect!

  4. And I'll state it again, TPWCAS is an SP mod whose performance cannot be vouched for on a dedi server. I'm not going to apologise for this since it's mentioned on the first post, in the readme, and every page or two of this thread.

    The per frame event handler that TPWCAS uses to detect bullets does not work on dedi. A replacement is being worked on. And once this is in place, then appropriate visual debugging will be added.

    I am fully aware of this. I only confirmed the other users post. I you read my previous post I said 'is there anyway we can help'. I'm not being a dick or being that irritating guy who doesn't read the first post, I am only trying to help in anyway possible! I am the guy who found the houselights bug...

    We always play dedicated MP and want to help this project.

  5. Save all the files in scripts into your mission directory (or wherever you'd like really).

    Call it with: null = [] execvm "tpwcas.sqf", in your init.sqf or in the init of any object on the map. You only need to call it the once.

    That is wrong. Since tpwcas.sqf calls for call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "tpwcas_mainloop.sqf"; you have specified that the scripts are in the missions root folder! They have to be places directly into the missions folder or it will not work.....................................................................

    My tip for you is to put the scripts in a folder called tpwcas\*SCRIPTS GO HERE* and then add that path to all scripts when they call for the other scripts. This way it will work and the mission makers wont have seven extra scripts in the root mission folder.

    This is how it has to be done now:

    missions\Co@04killtime10\*tpw scripts go here*

    This is better:

    missions\Co@04killtime10\tpwcas\*tpw scripts go here*

    Just thought I should give a heads up before people start to unpack the script version and complain that it doesnt work,

  6. Hey!

    Just tested the MP version of 108. You had forgotten to define _housedistance so I added it to the script myself.

    fixed it: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6004457/SSG%20Share/Scripts/tpw_houselights108-mp.sqf

    Row: 173 and onward

    //Lighting variables associated with each house

    _lit = _x getvariable "lit";

    _light = _x getvariable "light_source";

    _params = _x getvariable "light_parameters";

    _dist = (vehicle player) distance _x;

    _housedistance = 200;

  7. I used this code, and got it working in MP on dedicated:

    //_handle = [object,radius, % of houses] execVM "houselights.sqf";
    //example: _handle = [logic1,500,100] execVM "houselights.sqf";
    if !(isServer) then { exit };
    _center = position (_this select 0);
    _radius = _this select 1;
    _chance = _this select 2;
    if (_chance <= 0) then { exit };
    _houses     = [];
    _brightness = 64;
    _red        = 255;
    _green      = 127; 
    _blue       = 24;
    _br         = (_brightness / 255) * 0.1;
    _r   = _red /255;
    _g   = _green /255;
    _b   = _blue /255;
    _col = [_r,_g,_b];
    _allhouses = nearestObjects [_center, ["House"], _radius];
    { if ( (random(100) <= _chance) and (((_x buildingpos 0) select 0) != 0) ) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses;
    if ((count _allhouses) == 0) then { exit };
    { _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (getpos _x); _light setLightBrightness _br; _light setLightColor _col; _light lightAttachObject [_x, [random 2,random 2,1]];} forEach _houses;

    It should create the same light for each client, since it is run on the server only.


    And after testing on Dedi with 4 players, the random thing is random... for every player :( no synced random.
