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About P8nt

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  1. I know it's possible to remap function keys but is it possible to remap the commands to the soilders? I was most interested in remapping the standard numbers up top to the number keypad on the far right side of the board since I use the arrows to control my soldier. Is this possible? Also, is there a standard set of commands you give your team before walking into an enemy camp? I usually put them in a line formation which seems to get everyone involved in the shooting... I wish it was easier to understand what each of these commands does. It took weeks before I realized I had to give the second command of "engage target" after I "targeted" an enemy for one of my soldiers to kill. He would stand around after I targeted the enemy and I had no idea why. Now I know. P8NT
  2. Can someone please explain what the "FRAME RATE AND VISUAL QUALITY" features in the options do. Obviously I understand turning visual quality up and down affects the picture but what does frame rate do and where should my settings be if I only have a DELL 400MHZ P2? I have 387 megs of ram and a 64 meg NVIDIA 3D card but I want to know what settings will reduce the workload of my PC the most. This game gets choppy on me too often....<sigh> Time to buy another PC already I assume. P8NT