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Pvt. Parts

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Everything posted by Pvt. Parts

  1. Pvt. Parts

    Ai's stupidest moments

    One time i was with a law soilder and there was a jeep coming down the road i was beside him and i told him to fire he waited up it was up in our faces and we both die like he was RIGHT in front of the drving jeep then he shot all 3 of us died lol one time was shooting at a squad of soilders with my hk 3 of my dumb ai teammates go in to my fire and then the other bots just kill me Â
  2. How can you NOT? know how to fly the 1st thing i learned in ofp was using stuff i started with driving jeeps and cars and trucks then the helis got good at that in 2 day got use to fast landing in 2 weeks and then the tanks and then the weapons and then the tactics like making plans and then we got the #1 thing we all should learn is team work! me i love helis my fav is the ah-64 i can fly at about 5 m with that i can fly at 1 with the ohbj-64 at 200 once flew a chinkhook at 1 at the speed of 300 the only time's i crash is Shot down or flying too low and hit a tree or something i'm going to start making a OFP traing class about stuff all newbies should take it if i erver get around to making it or if some one else already made it any way good bye!
  3. Pvt. Parts

    Rain addon

    i'm thinking of a addon that when you have it raining in a misson the roads sould be slippery and make the grass wet so it's hard to run and maybe rain hiting agaiest the window of the car? or maybe puddles?
  4. Pvt. Parts

    Rain addon

    Come on reply!
  5. Pvt. Parts


    i'm making a misson called Opertraion Spetz-Natz i have it starting where your flying down in a paricute and i have the heli there...any way i want to know if i can edit thses's guy's so i can have one guy with a rpg one with a bison 2 reg one's and a sniper and other guys with dif guns....Can i do this somehow? and if so how?
  6. Pvt. Parts

    why did you use your username

    My name came up from my head i use it in DOD also and other world war games but my real in game name is Viper Viper i got from the snake/Car and when i was thinking of buidling a mech and mister frag you stole my name you see...mrfrag@hotmail.com.....is my e-mail and look at the name! and i also used Mr. B for some time too for about 2 years Viper i used for 1 year Pvt. Parts 1 i been gaming for 4 years and Mr. B stands for Mr. Burns from the simpsons rember when cheiff wigaum called Mr. Burns Mr. B...well there ya go! some ppl thing it stands for Mr. <conresed> Mr. Bot Mr. <conresed>
  7. Pvt. Parts

    I made a swim addon!

    looky! http://www.magicalcheese.com/uploads/CrazyMonkey/float1.jpg just kidding it's a pic of me prone on a tiny rock in middle of the water
  8. Pvt. Parts

    Fail to suceed

    A crashed ah-64
  9. Pvt. Parts

    Pick Up Weapon

    Note Civs can't pick up Weapons only gernades and some other things
  10. Pvt. Parts

    Home made Prison

    yeah i wanna test it out
  11. Pvt. Parts

    Arrogant newbies in MP piss me off!!

    But in the radar in the heli it's hard to tell well here's how you telll if you see a flying heli or a tank or something put your mouse or it on the radar it's green but if you put your mouse over it nothing shows up right? that's beuase it's a emney in one of YOUR helis/jeeps/truck/tanks so i shoot if i don't see a name a name tag i shoot it or fly off or drive off so ALWAYS check your fire before you shoot!
  12. Pvt. Parts

    Your coolest MP kill?

    My funnyest death must of been today testing out my new misson Air war and i'm flying around in my heli i get to the sea i go down and crash but no....it crashed but it did NOT blow and i was still alive i thout...was i dead and i got the respawn to work? i waited a min no....it seemed i was still alive in the crashed heli in the water i was floating on the water i look around erverything desortyed....so i get out and BOOM i drown and get blown up by the heli! hehe =======================Kill===================== I was in a heli flying about and i came arost a other heli i was trying to shoot it down but i got hit i ejeted amost landed in the water lucky me i still had my rpg i pulled it out it was coming back right on top of me i fired i hit it it came smoking down from the air to the water and i amost hit a jet too...
  13. Pvt. Parts

    Pushups  how ?

    hehe thx Black hawk! now i can use it in my training misson!
  14. Pvt. Parts

    New island! help!

    if the new island winter whaterver 1.2 my misson i started and amost done (which is really cool i'll post some screenshots later)do i have to remake it beuase things are moved around and other things?.....i don't want my 1st misson dead!
  15. Pvt. Parts

    New island! help!

    eppp but i have kinda alot of things on it i'll check the size of it.................it's 78kb