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Everything posted by Psycho1

  1. I play on one server most of the time, and sometimes it acts really quirky. Â I've seen it happen twice, and I can't find a pattern that makes it start up. Â All of a sudden the dedicated server will not register votes...you can see yourself vote but you can never see anyone else vote. Â This causes chaos of course when we need an admin, since everyone is thinking everyone else is brain dead for sitting their not voting, stalling the game. Â I play on this server practically every day, it only happens very seldomly....and the host always has voting enabled, and I'm pretty sure you can't change server options while the server is running. Â It's really weird....everyone disconnected and came back and it still wouldn't accept votes. When the voting stopped working, it started doing other things as well. Â Player names wouldn't show up in the pool for a long time, some players couldn't get their name to stick in a spot when they pick a position(those two were probably the server lagging up), and the server reassigned all by itself for some reason. Â We tried getting everyone to vote anyway and see if it still works even though you can't see anyone vote, but that didn't work either. I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this behaviour in some dedicated servers. P.S. I wish you could edit title, I feel kinda silly putting except instead of accept, heh.
  2. Psycho1


    I don't use trainers because it makes it too damn easy. Â I'd rather get better at the game instead of letting a trainer do all the work for me. Â If you always rely on a trainer, what happens when you go online to play????? Â You will have worse skills than people who did not use trainers in single player, and you will start wanting that trainer in MP as well:(:(:(:(:( Â That's why you shouldn't use trainers in single player, because over time SOME people start to depend on them. Â That doesn't happen to everyone, but it most definitely will get a few people to use trainers in MP. Â I'm definitely not saying that's going to happen to you guys, but it could happen:(
  3. Psycho1


    Care to explain why you think other people in MP can make you have FADE? Â I find that VERY hard to believe, I've never experienced any problems whatsoever concerning FADE even though I've seen that "original games don't FADE" message in MP several times. Concerning trainers.....if the trainers work for single player than their will probably be a way to get trainers to work in MP as well. Â OFP already has built in cheats for you to use in single player if you are having a hard time, their is absolutely no reason for you to need a trainer in single player. Â You can save all you want in each mission, just hit left shift and - on numpad, than type in savegame and you got an updated position. Â I'm pretty sure their are several other cheat codes built into the game that can help you, so I'll have to say again that their is no excuse for using a trainer in OFP.
  4. Psycho1

    Hidden Agenda (Hans undercover)

    Hmmm, that's strange. When I detonate the bombs, only a few enemy soldiers survive, and the resistance and American soldiers come in pretty quickly and shoot the rest from the hills. That still doesn't explain why it didn't let me radio in the mortar strikes, maybe it won't let you do it if you kill that one officer in the explosion. I have tried using the radio right after setting off the bombs, and I kept on trying the radio until the resistance and U.S. soldiers got into the port, but it would never give me an option to radio the Americans except for that one time.....and the officer was already dead I think. You probably have to have the right timing, I get in and out pretty quickly...maybe you have to give it some time so the officer isn't near those fuel trucks and bmps. Either way, I don't think they should rely on having that officer alive to win the mission......your goal is the objectives, if they want that particular officer alive, make it an objective. Not saying anything about it only leads to anger and confusion when you try and complete the objectives and kill the ruskies only to find out you are supposed to waltz up to a a russian for a cut scene to win. Why would you do that unless you were told to keep him alive? Your obviously going to kill him right when you see him, not run right up to him:(
  5. Psycho1

    Hidden Agenda (Hans undercover)

    I tried the mission again today and I finally figured out how you beat it, and I'm rather dissapointed about it too:( You have to either let them see you place a bomb, or have an officer recognize you. After that, you have to find some officer in the port and a cut scene starts. You take the Russian officers on a boat, and leave while the Americans kill the rest of the ruskies in the port. What pisses me off is that you can't possibly beat the mission if you actually complete the objectives, which is stupid. If you detonate the bombs, the officer most likely dies, or else a resistance or American fighter will shoot him. Since that is the case, why in the world do they NOT make the officers recognize you 100% of the time? Over 50% of the time they won't recognize you, and when you actually complete some of the objectives you can't win. I tried this mission over and over again for about an hour trying to complete the objectives only to find out you can't win if you do complete the objectives.......does that make sense? Absolutely not, so why did they set it up like that? Grr, it makes me mad, lol.
  6. Psycho1

    HOW DO YOU BEAT Red Hammer mission ALAMOE??!!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Dr Jekyll @ Jan. 22 2002,13:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder where you got enough ammo for the AT4 for that.<span id='postcolor'> While only one of the three ammo crates have the actual AT4 weapon, their are two crates with AT4 ammo:) I destroyed all the tanks with AT4 except for the m1a1. I used three satchels in virtually the same place to send that m1a1 literally flying right through the town. Miraculously, the crew somehow survived and was waiting for me when I got out of the two story building where I detonated the satchels. Made quick work of them, it was pretty smooth sailing with the AT4 weapon.
  7. Psycho1

    Hidden Agenda (Hans undercover)

    I'm having a problem with that mission as well. Did you radio the U.S. troops to start using mortars? When I go to the evac marker I get mission failed because the stupid radio won't give me an option to radio the Americans:( Only one time did it actually let me radio them, and I don't know why it didn't work before or why it suddenly decided to work. When it let me radio the Americans, than after a minute or two an m113 comes into the port and a cut scene starts. They congratulate me for a job well done, but they don't see me around. Then it shows me running away from the port, even though I was standing in the middle of the port waiting for the marker to change from holding the port to getting out when I saw the m113. It says mission failed that way as well. It really pisses me off:( P.S. Have you noticed that you can put all the satchel chargers you want in the port? I placed one right in the middle of that big group of troops and almost everywhere else, run away...detonate the bombs, than the 20 satchels I placed:) What a sight to be seen;) Of course I tried it several times without putting any satchel charges down, but I still have the same problems.
  8. Psycho1

    Stuck on Prison Escape

    In the campaign game where you escape from captivity, I can find bases with U.S. soldiers....but they shoot me:( I went to two different bases that had U.S. soldiers and every time they see me I get shot. It says you are supposed to go to the southern most part of the island, which I know for a fact I am at.....even if I somehow am not in the southern most part, which I doubt is the case anyway....why would friendly AI shoot me? Any help to get around this will be greatly appreciated.
  9. Psycho1

    Stuck on Prison Escape

    I just did the mission all over again, but this time I escaped using the Hind instead of the bmp. When I escaped with the bmp, when I got a little outside of the base, I was automatically loaded to the middle of the island, but it was night and I didn't get to keep my bmp. Escaping with the Hind worked though, I landed at the same base where those soldiers shot at me before.....but this time when I got out of the Hind the mission was completed. Weird.......still have no clue why friendlys were shooting at me and russians were telling me to cease fire before, lol. I guess they want you to use the chopper.
  10. Psycho1

    Stuck on Prison Escape

    I just did some screwing around in this mission....I grabbed a U.S. jeep at one of the bases and hauled ass down the road for awhile. I came to a base with no friendly soldiers..but I heard a bmp. The bmp dumped out some soldiers and when I shot them....it told me to cease fire......now I'm very confused. It was definitely russian soldiers I shot, but a radio message said to cease fire as if I was shooting friendly dudes, which could not have been the case. They shot at me, so they knew I was the enemy.
  11. I used the building Househospoda_mesto in one of my missions, and when you step inside, vehicles, buildings, and objects on the outside dissapear. Â This occurs no matter which window I'm at in this building. Â Sometimes while moving through this building near a window more objects dissapear as well. Â I tested this building on perfectly flat ground, slightly sloped, and very uneven ground with the same results. Â Everything doesn't dissapear on the outside, only a few buildings, vehicles, etc. Â I tested this with only several buildings and vehicles, still happens. Â This occurs with Housedum_mesto_in as well. Â I would really like to use these two buildings, has anyone encountered this problem and found a solution to things dissapearing? All other buildings do not have this problem.
  12. Does BIS know of this problem? Â I see a VERY simple solution to fix it....just take out the glass in the windows on these two buildings. Â Of course if they fixed the bug all together that would be better, but just taking out the glass wouldn't take that long I imagine.
  13. I tested Househospoda_mesto and Housedum_mesto_in today using different islands and nothing changes.....I did a test on each island on very flat terrain and hilly terrain, and it refuses to show these objects: wire, fortification1, fortification2, camo shed, flags, and lots more:(. Â No matter what I did..adjust Z values, change position of the buildings, etc., it just will not show these objects while in the building looking through a window. Â When you look out the door you can see the objects there, when you look out the window right at the objects you just saw a few seconds ago, they are no where to be seen. Notice that these two buildings are the only ones which appear to have glass covering the windows, all other enterable buildings appear to not have any glass in the windows. Â This is kinda annoying because lots of my objects will not appear when in these houses, rendering these two houses practically useless to me. Â When I recall playing missions with these houses, their weren't many objects around, none of the ones I tested anyway. Â I find it peculiar that it likes to discriminate against specific objects.
  14. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (nordin dk @ Jan. 23 2002,01:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If you are using the editor upgrade, that could be the cause of it, as it is known to be a bit buggy. There's another way of adding buildings, look here<span id='postcolor'> I'm not using the editor upgrade. I've been to that link before, that's how I insert buildings. I'm going to do some more testing on this, because I've played missions where I've been in that house and had no dissapearing problems.
  15. static imagery? Could you elaborate on that a bit plz. The weird thing is that it likes to ignore this one particular house 100%, one just flashes on and off screen depending on the position you are at, and the wire I have strung around is never seen, neither is the camo shed. I replaced some of the surrounding buildings, repositioned the house causing problems, but I still have stuff dissapearing:( All is fine with every other house that you can enter, it's just those two houses I mentioned above that are giving me grief. Those are the two coolest houses too dang it, lol.
  16. Psycho1

    Ranks and a progressive war...ideas inside

    Do you have a website explaining it and stuff? I'd like to check it out.
  17. Psycho1

    LST 54

    thx for telling me that, don't have to find out the hard way:)
  18. Psycho1

    LST 54

    Does anyone know the answer to my question above? I wanted to make a MPmission using the LST addon, will it download along with the mission? If not, what happens?
  19. Psycho1

    LST 54

    Here you go That page contains lots of addons and mods, just scroll down until you see LST.
  20. Psycho1

    LST 54

    If you use that LST add on in a MPmission, do other players have the ability to drive the LST even though they did not download the add on? Will it download along with the mission? Or will it screw up the game for people who don't have it? TIA.
  21. Psycho1

    Ranks and a progressive war...ideas inside

    I just thought of another idea......We could start a capture and hold mission at the middle of the island, the Americans and Russians start at their own cities. The goal would be to get to the enemy held city and capture and hold their flag for 60 seconds. When that happens, that side wins that particular mission, and now the side that lost the city will have to start back one city and the winning side would now have the base they just captured as their base. The next mission to play depends on the outcome of the last mission. I think we could work something out so that the server knows which mission to pick next depending on the outcome of the last mission. This could definitely work with 10 people(or less depending on server's banwidth) on each side, and if we could work in a ranking system it would be even better. We'd have to have a huge amount of missions on the server for the big islands, since their are a lot of cities to battle over:) This way you wouldn't need join in progress since after one side captures a city a new mission must be used. I'm thinking that this could work out well, let me know what you think of this new idea.
  22. Psycho1

    Ranks and a progressive war...ideas inside

    That sounds like a good idea:) I'm not so sure that we would definitely need BIS to allow the servers to keep stats, because I recall in Delta Force Landwarrior that a squad setup a server that kept stats.......and knowing Novalogic(developers), they didn't get any help from them I imagine. I don't see why it couldn't be implemented, all it would take is some creative ingenuity:)
  23. Psycho1

    Ideas for changes to dedicated server

    Those are excellent ideas, it would really cut down the amount of waiting we have to suffer when someone doesn't green up.....which is the case almost every time, lol. I like the disable all AI option too, no more worrying about whether the other team disabled AI or not.
  24. Psycho1

    Ranks and a progressive war...ideas inside

    I see what you mean....the netcode would have to be really restructured for it to handle all those players, plus being able to hook up multiple servers to work in unison like in WW2OL. Since it wasn't OFP's goal to be massively multiplayer like WW2OL, it would probably be almost impossible to implement. Perhaps an idea for the sequel to OFP? </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Perhaps a capture half of the island one round and the other half the next round? =)<span id='postcolor'> I'll be there, just let me know the time and the place:)
  25. Psycho1

    Ranks and a progressive war...ideas inside

    Yeah.....but like you said, it only involves 5 or so cities. I'm thinking more on a grand scale, lots of cities stretched out all over the island. When you don't have many people in the game, it could be a problem since one side might take over a lot of territory, but in WW2OL they slap in AI to account for that. Plus, I have not seen a dedicated server hold a large capture and hold map......Since it would be dedicated you could leave and come back and still have your stats and not lose all the land you gained(unless they took it while you were gone;)