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Everything posted by Psycho1

  1. Psycho1


    This thread deserves a bump.....I have experienced this several times and I definitely think it should be looked into.
  2. Psycho1

    Ideas how to make waiting in mp easier

    That's true, but their are many dedicated servers that run games with a fixed time of 30 minutes.......Stoners, Fraghaus, MTCO. They could all benefit by using it.
  3. Psycho1

    Ideas how to make waiting in mp easier

    Thx, got it working now. I can't believe practically no one uses this when it is so simple to do. I guess most people must not know about it. Since a great deal of people play OFP through ASE, it would only make sense to make use of the estimatedtimeleft command so ASE can read the timeleft from the server. It's a real coincidence you replied Hell, because your tank valley map is one of the maps I noticed use it.
  4. Psycho1

    Ideas how to make waiting in mp easier

    This is not totally on subject here, but it's something very important in regards to waiting and such. What I noticed is that ASE can tell you an accurate time left for a game.....it's up to the map maker to actually implement it. I almost never check the time field on ASE because about 99% of the time the map maker doesn't implement the commands so ASE can read the time left from the server. That would drastically cut down on the amount of time you have to wait since you know before you get to the server when the game will be over. This will also prevent joining a server only to find out the game just started a few minutes ago. I tried messing around with a map I made, trying to get it to work. I used pboextractor so I could look at a map that does correctly implement it, but I'm missing something. I noticed an "estimatedtimeleft" command in the init, but when I put it in my map it still wouldn't work. Their is more to it than that, and I haven't gotten around to really looking hard for what other changes need to be made before it is correctly implemented. I'm surprised that most maps do not use this, it's probably not hard to do at all, and it would save everyone the hassle of joining servers when they have no clue when the game will be over. OFPeditingcenter and sites like that should really harp about this and mention in lots of their tutorials how to correctly implement it.
  5. I always play on this one server......and I've noticed a really weird bug occur two times, I never experienced it until the server was updated to 1.49. Â When it occurs, the server will not allow the game to start even when everyone has picked a side and everyone is green. Â I'm positive it's because the server still thinks that someone is playing on the server even though they aren't. Â It's really weird because if the person it thinks is still there comes back to the server and greens up....it still doesn't start the game. Â The guy left the server again and rebooted....than the game started. Â I'm pretty sure it's because the server was still sending him data even though he was not on the server, but when he rebooted, the connection was halted. Â When the connection is halted, the server finally says that the guy has disconnected, even though he was not listed on the server. The reason I could test it a lot is because we had a pretty good idea about who was the culprit since someone had a 2 after his name. Â We tried kicking his original name without the 2, and with the 2(even though only the name with the 2 was actually listed). Â It is impossible to kick the ghost person(we kicked the actual guy, but it's impossible to kick the ghost since it isn't actually listed, it's invisible) that's causing the bug, you have to wait until he has halted his conection. Â It's a real pain in the ass, I hope it's looked into.
  6. Psycho1

    Game wont start even if all green

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tactician @ April 21 2002,17:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">On a dedicated server, I've linked the occurence of this bug to the usage of #reassign by an admin.<span id='postcolor'> If I recall correctly, the guy that was causing the problem never got in the game. He came in, than he left because he didn't want to wait. I'm pretty sure we didn't reassign while he was connecting. He than came back after awhile, and this time he had a 2 after his name. I guess it still thought he was still on the server from before. The other time we did reassign right before the trouble started, so it may be more that one thing causing this.
  7. Are you sure? How would you stop a waypoint from activating unless complex conditions are met than? I'm guessing I would have to select the "scripted" waypoint type.....but I wouldn't know how to accomplish what I want to do if their isn't a condition field to use to decide whether the waypoint is activated.
  8. I want a chopper waypoint to become activated only if their are no soldiers located outside the chopper within 20 meters. I'm guessing I could set up a trigger to determine if their are any soldiers around, and than execute a script if indeed their are soldiers in the area. I don't want the chopper to just sit there for someone that might be afk, so I'd have it wait 30 seconds for the soldier to get in the chopper, and set the time limit back to 30 seconds for new soldiers that just came into the area. Once their are no more soldiers located outside of the chopper, or the time limit has run out.....I want the waypoint to be activated. I have tried doing this but the chopper still takes off immediately when the game starts. I have a trigger around the chopper, that is activated by east since those are the soldiers that will board. On activation, it executes a script that waits 30 seconds, then sets a public variable named "var1" equal to 1. In the waypoint's condition field, I put var1 == 1. I also put var1 = 0 in the init field, so the waypoint shouldn't be activated until that trigger has been activated and has waited 30 seconds.....but it still takes off immediately. I don't get any errors when I test the map, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
  9. Psycho1

    Remote vehicle collision bug

    I have also noticed lag occuring when a chopper crashes and doesn't stop bouncing up and down. It could be a coincidence but whenever I have noticed crashed choppers bouncing up and down, it seems their is lag present too. Usually people with 56k start getting desync, possibly because their is too much data being sent to them due to the chopper bouncing.
  10. Psycho1

    Ctf and c_h map making!

    Well, I think we should keep the text messages but give a special type of soldier the ability to deactivate satchels. I hate when satchels are at the flag and the guy who placed them is hiding waiting for the text message.
  11. Psycho1

    Bis: age-old tank glitches everyone hates

    I'm glad you brought this up. I get especially annoyed with the radio blocking. If several targets are being called out in succession, you have no control over your ai until it stops. All those problems are very annoying, fixing them would improve tank combat a lot.
  12. Psycho1

    Pay check!

    I've never got on someones case about this before, so don't think I get a kick out of this....but this is a ridiculous topic to have on a forum that is about the game in general. Do you not realize their is an off topic forum here?
  13. Psycho1

    Pay check!

    I've never got on someones case about this before, so don't think I get a kick out of this....but this is a ridiculous topic to have on a forum that is about the game in general. Do you not realize their is an off topic forum here?
  14. I'm probably not the only one who has noticed this....but if you place a castle on sloped terrain, you will run slow like you're running up a hill even if you are in the building. Also, if you lay down you will notice your body will be oriented like your laying down on the hill below the building. It looks funny because it looks like your floating in space, hehe. I've tested this with vehicles, and this may be why vehicles bounce up and down on objects.....the tracks of tanks sink into the object, it may be due to it taking the orientation as if it were on the ground, not on the building. Since I've heard OFP resistance has bridges, maybe they patched this up....if indeed this is the cause of vehicles bouncing on objects.
  15. Psycho1

    Oriented like the landscape in or on buildings

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sandman @ April 17 2002,15:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Psycho1 @ April 17 2002,02:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Sounds like a possible explanation.<span id='postcolor'> Or maybe not... <span id='postcolor'> If you don't think so, why not give your own opinion on the matter instead of typing a whole 3 words...... That test shows that vehicles are affected by the terrain below the building as well. The rest is a hypothesis, and it definitely is a possible explanation why vehicles still bounce on objects on flat terrain, but to a lesser degree.
  16. Psycho1

    Oriented like the landscape in or on buildings

    I just did the same test but on the desert island(on completely flat ground), and you can definitely tell that it's less bouncy. Â I used the same buildings....I altered their z values and linked them together like a bridge. Â I tested driving over this "bridge" on sloped terrain on malden, then on desert island.....you can really tell it's less bouncy on the desert island(and I layed down on it too, and the floating was eliminated, obviously because the ground was flat). Â The tank still bounced a little, but I think I have an answer for that. Â Since the game engine wasn't even designed with bridges or the like taken into consideration, the vehicles will still want to fall to the ground, but the engine will not allow any object to go completely through any other object, so the vehicle stays on top of the object, but still sinks into it and has weird side affects like bouncing. Â Sounds like a possible explanation.
  17. Psycho1

    What the hell is ofp lost independance

    I don't normally get into a silly thing like this, but like any obsessed OFP gamer, I feel like slapping anyone who says IL won't come. You know how it is;)
  18. Psycho1

    What the hell is ofp lost independance

    I know it's an opinion, but I don't see enough information around to arrive at it. Why would they be talking about IL right now when the Resistance expansion is coming out so soon? Of course they are going to be more concerned with it. IL lost won't be coming for some time, just because they don't update the site for it doesn't mean it's not being developed as we speak. And as we all know.....lots of games are pushed back for months, that's nothing new.
  19. Psycho1

    What the hell is ofp lost independance

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ April 14 2002,15:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think IL has well and truly been shelved until after Resistance is out. In fact, I wouldnt be surprised if it has been shelved permanently.<span id='postcolor'> And you believe this because...? I just get really irritated when someone makes such a statement when they can't possibly know what the situation is. I have not seen anything that would indicate it will be shelved...care to explain why you think this way?
  20. Psycho1

    I am a slave of codemasters

    It's fun to speculate but I doubt that Codemasters would do something like that. The only way to find out is to call them and ask some question like...."Can you direct me to a good OFP FAQ page".....and if they direct you to Avon's page, than you caught them, hehe:)
  21. I just tested a map of mine for the first time online....and I found out I messed up the killzone triggers. I meant for just the player that crosses the trigger to die....but the whole team dies:( I put "player setdammage 1" in for the trigger....what do I put so just the one person dies? Thx in advance.
  22. Thx for the quick reply:)
  23. Fine, I guess I can go without a cool little sound playing when someone caps a flag..........*starts crying* lol
  24. Here is my description.ext, I probably did something wrong with the sound part: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">titleParam2 = "Score to win:"; valuesParam2[] = {10000, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50}; defValueParam2 = 40; textsParam2[] = {"Unlimited", 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50}; class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { Flagtake, Capture }; class Flagtake { name = "Flagtake"; sound[] = {"Flagtake.ogg", 1, 1.0}; titles[] = { }; }; class Capture { name = "Capture"; sound[] = {"Capture.ogg", 1, 1.0}; titles[] = { }; }; }; <span id='postcolor'> I'm using the sounds for when someone caps the flag or it's returned. I bring up the sound in a script using PlaySound "Flagtake" for example. Plz let me know what I did wrong.
  25. Can someone plz help me here? I'm pretty sure it's some syntax error in the description.ext.......but I have no other description.ext that has classcfgSounds, so I can't check it myself. I get no errors when I run the mission, but I don't get the sounds when someone caps the flag:(