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About Psycho1

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  1. Psycho1

    Locks up when trying multiplayer

    I just disabled program alerts and it works fine now. Thanks for the help.
  2. Psycho1

    Locks up when trying multiplayer

    Bah, it is my firewall. Is there any possible way to get around this issue short of turning off my firewall? Other free firewall software that won't cause these probs?
  3. Psycho1

    Locks up when trying multiplayer

    Very good point...I forgot to ask about that. I have ZoneAlarm Pro but I'd hate to disable it. I manually added Resistance as a trusted program and it's saying 1.96 as the version so it shouldn't be giving me the "recently changed" notification....I'll turn it off really quick to test it out.
  4. Psycho1

    Locks up when trying multiplayer

    I have a cable modem by the way.....I don't remember having this problem when I had my super fast 56k dialup access
  5. After a long absense, I finally have high speed internet and reinstalled OFP+Resistance. The single player missions/campaigns work but the game totally locks up when I click multiplayer at the main screen or if I use a program like the All Seeing Eye to join a game. I installed OFP, then Resistance, then applied the 1.96 patch. After that didn't work, I uninstalled both and patched the original OFP to 1.46 before installing Resistance....still have the same problem. Any thoughts on what the problem may be? When you uninstall it removes all addons correct? I looked at my addons folder and I'm not seeing any of the addons I had installed before.
  6. Psycho1

    Original ofp demo

    Doh, I should have went to Avon's sight before asking that;)
  7. Psycho1

    Original ofp demo

    I did a search for "original OFP demo" and didn't find what I was looking for......So, does anyone know where I can get the original OFP demo? It's gotta be around somewhere, right?
  8. Psycho1

    How to use unpbo

    It won't give me the option to decompress them. Only a few of the Nogova missions will actually work with unpbo.
  9. Psycho1

    How to use unpbo

    Hmmm, I guess it just didn't like a few of the missions I was trying to decompress. I have version 1.5 which has support for resistance but several of the Nogova missions still wouldn't work.
  10. Psycho1

    How to use unpbo

    After I select the pbo and open it, I still can't click on decompress.......it stays gray.
  11. How do you get UnPBO to work? Â When you select a file to open it doesn't do anything. Â No button to press to decompress it, nothing. Do you have to use the command prompt? Â Help greatly appreciated.
  12. Psycho1

    Annoying graphics problem

    Thanks for hosting the pics Placebo. I thought I was doing something wrong so I went back to edit my first post to see what you did to fix my mistake, and saw the new address.
  13. Psycho1

    Annoying graphics problem

    I played for about 30 minutes without any problems after I had the texture levels at the max resolution. Hopefully that did the trick.
  14. Psycho1

    Annoying graphics problem

    I played for about 30 minutes without any problems after I had the texture levels at the max resolution. Hopefully that did the trick.
  15. Psycho1

    Annoying graphics problem

    Thanks Avon! First I'm gonna try it with textures at the maximum value...than I'll try switching to Direc3d if that doesn't work.