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Everything posted by Pukko

  1. Pukko

    Robert Deniro's holiday pictures

    Well, I prioritated quality over size when I saved them; high quality (8) in Photoshop - since I did'nt thought about posting them here when I saved them. BTW. as you probably know, the forum has been real slow for a week or so now; I have been waiting for half an hour to write this reply..... (have been watching Sweden beating the not so bad Iceland in handball in the meantime).
  2. Pukko

    Star Wars vs. Star Trek

    NO offence dear US citizens, I just think this pic is very interesting thinking bout the Empire and the fellows who want ot stop them...
  3. Pukko


    Well, thought I would add my view on the LOTR movie. It is indeed the mightiest movie I have ever seen. I have only seen it once on cinema yet, but will make sure to see it some more times before it dissappears from the cinemas, which I think takes some time still -maybe when the next movie comes? But my main impression was that it felt like a 3 hour long trailer for the book -The fellowship of the ring... And futhermore I just can't understand how the people deciding age limits on movies think when they put 11 years on this movie and 15 on much less violent and scary movies here in Sweden. Not that I dont think 11 year olds can handle it, but its very inconsistent. I know of 'adults' having nightmares after seing it...
  4. Pukko

    To you swedish guys!

    Well, it looks like he is born Swedish according to Expressen (and therefore not very valuable information). Not that I would care if he was really born a Swede or a immigrant; I dont hold 'real' Swedes any higher than immigrants. Also if Expressen is wrong, there are always the possibility that he just have came over a Swedish passport.
  5. Pukko

    Should Russia Help US?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Funny, you must not be watching the same newscasts and reading the same newspapers I am.  The Taliban no longer exist, and anyone in Al-Queda is either dead, captured or running into other countries.<span id='postcolor'> Hey Worldorder! Still using the same arguments I see, well so do I, even if not of the same kind as yours  We over here (Europe) most certainly don't get the same news input as you. The ways of 'manufacturing consent' is as you probably know quite different dependning on where you dwell. Tell me, are your US media allowed to criticize the war on terrorism freely yet, or are they still too afraid of losing customers/viewers if they do? (the way 'freedom of speech' works in reality). And do you know if this Arabian news channel (through which Bin Ladens messages came) have had any sucess in starting broadcasting in the USA (they planned to do so some time ago)? Also, have the USA advaced any in their plans to start broadcasting radio channels in about the entire the muslim world? The media war goes on...
  6. Pukko

    Operation Firelord.

    That mission is the most scary OFP experiece I have had so far..... The end 'battle' beated movies like Aliens big time. And the effects were astonishing....