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Everything posted by PowerMage

  1. PowerMage

    Very serious multiplayer bug

    Yes yes... I know that this was requested a million times but I just wanted to show a practical example that really hits the point. As I said... I won't complain for waiting 30 min to get into a mission but if there are really big dynamic maps it's really hard to get it done without a join. The last comment about resistance, did it mean "Yes, ingame join" or "No, no joinings". My english is not best yet an rethorical stuff is a bit hard... Okay... that's it. CU
  2. PowerMage

    Battlefield of rts style

    Well... I think you can predict the actions... in this game you'll have some sessions were you'll explore all cities and find out what you can build in which city... after some sessions you'll know where to find the kewl stuff so the actions are predicted... both players will strive for towns where they can build heavy armored vehicles or even helicopters... so both players will try to catch this spot and then a fight will occur around these important places. So it's almost for sure that most players will try to get as soon as possible to airports, etc. After some time they'll develope a strategy how to get best equipment as fast as possible and so on...
  3. PowerMage

    Battlefield of rts style

    Sounds really cool! Did you do/plan a MP Version of your map? I already have some results and experience about skripting MP Maps on OFP. I did a really huge one that is nearly finnished. It also covers some of your ideas like group switching (not yet included). So you can take a look at it: http://powermage.dyndns.org/ofp/ My Computer is not always online so U have to make some tries to get the file. There are some bugs left in the map. Most important is that all Playersides choose an Officer! Without Officer the Game gets a bug and you can't build vehicles and there won't be random events (civil traffic, military traffic). Try it out with atleast 10 players (5 per side). It's a log of fun to play that map but also takes a lot of time to finnish it (many hours). You can build vehicles on some special Buildings and with MobileBase Vehicle you can build a base anywhere on the map. Also you can set your respawn at every captured city... there are many other functions available. CU
  4. PowerMage

    Dedicated server crash

    Okay... I now looked somewhat closer when exactly the server is crashing. It happened when I was deleting the soldiers from the playfield after the player left a specified area. It's a strange thing because these Units 100% exist and have been created before. So I don't really know why this happens. Deleting units worked fine on some older versions on my map. Maybe the extensive use of arrays causes trouble? I don't know... please help!
  5. PowerMage

    Dedicated server crash

    Hi there! I've been working on a massive multiplayer map for a while now. Therefore I use a lot of createUnit, createVehicle commands. My map is based on capturing cities and trying to conquer the island. Since I don't want to have all units on the map at the same time I generate them with createUnit/createVehicle and store their data into large arrays so that I can remove them from the map again if they are not needed and place them back, when a player comes close. I've been testing this mission with the new upgrade 1.45 and 1.46. After the second wave of createUnit created units the dedicated Server crashes with an adress violation. It could be that my skripts might do something bad but that shouldn't be the reason for an adress violation! I'll do some tests today to find out when exactly this happens. I wonder if anybody else has sightet this new feature? Btw, the server crashes within the first 5 minutes exactly when the new wave of soldiers is created. CU
  6. PowerMage

    Dedicated server crash

    Can U maybe explain how to use textlog and debuglog commands? Do I have to enable some commandlines to use these commands in OFP? And where are the output files stored with logged data? Here is the flashpoint.rpt for my server crash described above: ===================================================================== == D:\SPIELE\OPERATIONFLASHPOINT\OFP_SERVER.EXE ===================================================================== Exe version: Mon Mar 04 11:29:20 2002 file: cur_mp world: abel campaign: battle: mission: Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION Version 1.46 Fault address: 0047A6AF 0100796AF D:\SPIELE\OPERATIONFLASHPOINT\OFP_SERVER.EXE Prev. code bytes: 4A 0A 00 85 C0 75 1D 8B 43 24 D9 45 08 8B 40 08 Fault code bytes: D8 A0 80 03 00 00 D9 E1 DC 0D 30 F6 65 00 D8 45 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:040AB100 ECX:00000000 EDX:0093ECC0 ESI:01745DB0 EDI:0093F8D0 CS:EIP:0177047A6AF SS:ESP:017F:0093EC98 EBP:0093ECB8 DS:017F ES:017F FS:272F GS:27B6 Flags:00010246 =======================================================
  7. PowerMage

    Problem with float values.

    Well... 100 lines... so I guess when I'm running a loop that modifies an array with about 20 entries and the code for the loop is about 5 lines so I run this loop 30 times in worst case (when the element I'm searching for is at the end and that element is an array itself). Now I have 150 Lines for the expression evaluator to interpret so it will switch to another skript after 100 lines. The problem is now that I can't let the skript be interrupted because there might be another skript just doing the same thing. I don't wanna explain the stuff with critical section and semaphores now because I think you already know what I mean. It's just that this way simultaniously running skripts might produce garbage with my arrays if they are interrupted while updating an array list. Is there any possibility to avoid these problems?
  8. PowerMage

    Problem with float values.

    I have been working a while on a new mission where I use logical units dammage to represent a state. For example I use setDammage 0.99 to tell the logical Unit that it's on the west side (dammage is checked by a skript run with this unit). In Singleplayer everything works fine and all states are recognized correctly but in multiplayer these values seem to change. I set the dammage of a unit to 0.99 and let it draw it's dammage on screen but on screen it had a value of 0.988189. This only happened in Multipalyer. In Singleplayer the value is shown correct with 0.99. Is this a bug or is it a feature?
  9. PowerMage

    Problem with float values.

    Well, I needed this precission because I used float values to represent a state. The value 0.99 i.e. meant that a city was captured by west and 0.98 meant that the city was east. It was easy to preconfigure the cities with these values by setting the dammage to the logical unit. Anyway... I use now big big arrays to store all data and update these arrays when something changes. It was a bit hard to figure out how I can do this without getting a mess when client and server scripts are working the same time but now it works very fine. I have a little question: When you're running a skript and you do a critical section, which means that you update a large array with new data (replace one entry with new one in the middle of that array) and it's possible that skripts that are running in the same time might do the same thing with that array. Now my question is if the skripts aren't interrupted unless they have a wait command (~) or are finnished there is no big problem because it's ensured that only one skript at a time has access to these arrays and nothing can be overwritten or skipped. Since 1.45 I read that skripts won't freeze the game anymore if they enter a infinite loop without a wait command. Is this feature enabling the skripts to switch threads (meaning you execute skript1 and then ofp allows skript2 to be executed and than skript1 again without the wait command). If this is so than I can't have my critical sections anymore. I didn't use wait commands in my loops while updating the array to insure that my skript isn't interrupted by another skript that is trying to do the same. It would be nice to know a bit about these things.
  10. I have been working a while on a new mission where I use logical units dammage to represent a state. For example I use setDammage 0.99 to tell the logical Unit that it's on the west side (dammage is checked by a skript run with this unit). In Singleplayer everything works fine and all states are recognized correctly but in multiplayer these values seem to change. I set the dammage of a unit to 0.99 and let it draw it's dammage on screen but on screen it had a value of 0.988189. This only happened in Multipalyer. In Singleplayer the value is shown correct with 0.99. Is this a bug or is it a feature?