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Everything posted by PostaL

  1. Can't download this hotfix operation timed out 2 times. It must be on a very slow server Also im pretty disappointed again in BI. I thought this campaign would have at least not major game breaking bugs. Because it's a small campaign and it would have not been much effort to check it a few times for release. I had both of these bugs. I avoided the truck bug by reloading the mission a few times after that it worked cost me an half hour though and a lot of frustration. Then I come at the end of the campaign i get the endless waiting bug. Yes endless waiting it was. The campaign doesn't finish. But I also couldn't load a point back in the mission to get around it because the game thought the campaign was finished so the user saves disappeared. Can only revert and begin the mission at the point where the atombomb drops. So this small mini campaign only was frustration. To bad. Im glad the hotfix is here so soon(although i cant download it) but it shouldn't have been needed in the first place. I will certainly think twice to buy arma: oa on release date because of this.
  2. PostaL

    1.05 Benchmark Mission Results

    The brown/yellow tree performance is a pain in the ass. And visual they look not that good either. They should remake other less perfomance hog trees. Especially in the new 1.05 campaign i have to walk in those performance hog tree areas. BI should make other trees. Trees are just as an extra to fill the island up to look it more life like. They shouldn't be the major performance impact in a game. In general you focus more on the enemy and not how ubernice the trees look whilst playing the game. Also the barr trees(pine and such) still look pretty nice and dont have these performance problems. I'd rather have the island full of them barr trees then run to parts of the island where i have to lower my resolution / fillrate and shadows off to be able to aim at enemies in a leafy tree area.
  3. Euuh some other people miss the sound of the a10 warthog? I just was so happy with the realistic sound but now I only hear a part of the old sound 1 sec and rest no sound in ACE. Others have this problem with the a10??
  4. signed, i can't get it to english with my serial and i dont want an unofficial patch.. just make it official already. Petergames loses nothing by giving out an english option. If they are the culprit in this. I understand german but still it's a lot easier in english for me.
  5. I've been an ofp player from the beginning. I really like their games but still im surprised now I play arma 2 how many of the same issues that were in operation flashpoint are returning in this game. One of them is the distance soundbug. In operation flashpoint 1 there were a lot of issues with hearing footsteps from ai soldiers who were walking at the other side of the island. Now in Arma 2 i hear the abrahams tank turret turning sound like im next to it , but in reality im standing 2 miles away from it. Anyway I guess it will be fixed in a patch.
  6. I think the new character jumping style is quite strange. Ok it looks nice when you jump over a fence. Then it looks like a realistic jump. But the model also uses this jump animation when you jump over nothing or when you want to jump on higher ground(like a concrete base of a industrial building) This looks really weird in my opinion. In that case the character should use it hands and push himself up to higher level or some sort of other jump animation. In the future i would like to see better alternatives for this.
  7. BUG noted. No character shadow in first person bike riding view. Only the gun shadow. Shadow is ok in third person bike view. Also not fixed in 1.01 german final patch. Hope BIS will read this post
  8. PostaL

    Crackling Sound : call for a patch

    i have the same problems here. You are totally right, its all in the ofp programming. I tried everything. I dont have problems with other games. And it disappears by switching views. So it can be solved other ways
  9. PostaL

    SB Live & Via. The problem is OFP!

    you are right,
  10. PostaL

    PATCH 1.30

    had this problem once. When i wanted to do the 1.27 beta patch the game thought: damm a patch again, im not accepting that...... drool crash. I uninstalled and deleted all files that were from ofp, except for the users folders which i backed up . After that i installed it again and began the whole patching process again. Didnt have problems after that
  11. PostaL

    OFP has fu**ing low framerate

    that will not make the game any better
  12. PostaL

    OFP has fu**ing low framerate

    im helping them for donating my money for this game,
  13. PostaL

    OFP has fu**ing low framerate

    If only bohemia played the game for a year themselves to experience and fix all bugs in stead off annoying the consumers with it.