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About Pelvidar

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  1. Pelvidar

    From codemasters - gold edition is bugged!

    Ex-Ronnin, this is only a problem with certain XP/CD-Rom configurations. It won't be a problem for everyone, but it has been a problem for A LOT of people. Electronics BOutique got so many returns on the game they hastily put up signs in some stores saying "OFP will no run on XP" Which isn't enirely correct, but it illustrates that a LOT of people are having trouble.
  2. Pelvidar

    Can not game to work

    Thanks for trying to help avon! Who knew Codemasters didn't put the game through proprer QA? Oh well, Im sure they'll find a way to fix the gold edition release.
  3. This took less than 24 hours to recieve: Dear Customer, Do you have a Gold Edition box? We have just become aware of a new problem. It seems to be restricted to OFP install CDs in the Gold Edition package. So far, we have determined that the install goes well but when you select play, you receive various error messages depending on the version of Windows you have. When the install CD is replaced with a CD from the "non-gold" box, the game will then work. This would indicate the files installed to your computer are not the problem. Rather, it is when the game needs to access the CD that we see this problem. We are trying to determine a solution as quickly as we can. We are rushing copies of Gold Edition CDs to our labs in the UK and to the facility in the US where the CDs were made. We would not recommend returning the CD to the store for a replacement of another "Gold Edition" package. Based on our tests, this will not solve the problem. We do not believe this is a problem restricted to your individual CD. We will post something to our Codemasters USA web page / Support/ Operation Flashpoint Technical FAQ [http://www.codemasters.com/support/faqs.php?gameid=68] as soon as there is something to communicate. Please let us assure you that we will "make this right" and thank you for your patience while we sort this out. Codemasters USA Technical Support. ************* I must say, that while I'm still stuck with a mal-functioning game for now (and how the heck did they let that slip through quality assurance?) - I'm pleased to see that they recognize the problem and are committing to putting it right.
  4. Pelvidar

    Newly bought gold version crashes after logo

    Well I installed the newest ASPI layers, and still no go. I got the No-CD Crack off the net, and now it runs fine. Which really bugs me. Essentially the technology on the CD which is supposed to stop pirates: 1) Doesn't work 2) Messes things up for legitimate users And this "fix" doesn't hel pme in the long run, because I still can't install updates... so I'm stuck in version 1.3 for now. Sheesh.
  5. Pelvidar

    Can't get game to work at all

    Well, I'm having the same problem as the rest of you. Â I've even installed the newest ASPI layers.. I got the crack from <link removed by Placebo>, and sure enough it runs fine now. Â Of course I can't upgrade, so this is really only a temporary fix. Thank God for illegal coders, cause these "pirate protection" things: 1) Don't work 2) Mess things up for legitimate users
  6. Pelvidar

    Newly bought gold version crashes after logo

    ALDEGA Posted on Mar. 05 2002,18:371. ALDEGA: "Put the disc in your cdwriter, let the autorun load, try launching the game." Tried that one during my initial attempts to make it work. No go. ALDEGA: "Since you have a cdwriter your ASPI drivers may have been overwritten. I suggest you read Avon's FAQ (search for 'aspi' )." Well, I did install my own ASPI drivers before I loaded on OFP (I did read Avon's FAQ before I posted here, but I'll look into that some more. I haven't tried "Force ASPI" yet, or turning DMA off on those drives. I'll try that and then get back to you guys! Thanks for all the input and quick help you have all offered. I really appreciate that!
  7. Pelvidar

    Newly bought gold version crashes after logo

    I have a CD Writer, but I'm running the game from my DVD-Rom drive, not my CD-Writer Drive. I'm not using any virtual CD-Rom tools. Why oh why would they put a cd check program on the machine if it renders the game unplayable for people who "bought" the game. Any other thoughts folks?
  8. Pelvidar

    Newly bought gold version crashes after logo

    Actually, I checked through your helpful site before I posted this question. The logo doesn't just dissapear, a error message comes up saying "Sorry, but this program has caused an error and will be shut down". Or something like that. Then it's over. This is such a pain... I played the game awhile ago and really enjoyed it, and have been waiting for the Gold Release version to buy the game, and now this... *sigh* As I mentioned, I formatted my hard drive and set up my system clean. I installed Return To Castle Wolfenstein, Baludr's Gate and Nascar 2002 without any problems... OFP is giving me trouble though Any other ideas?
  9. I too just bought the Gold Edition Version of OFP. I installed it for the first time, installed the Red Hammer expansion - tried to run it, saw the logo, and then it crashed. I run Windows XP (just clearly installed it the day before I put OFP on) PIII 733, 256 Ram, Radeon 64MB DDR VIVO. I'm guessing, like others have found, that a "No-CD" crack will work just fine... which indicates to me that it's something screwy with the software... not my equipment. But as I'd like my product to function as it was sold to me, I'm hesitant to use a crack. I've read through the different forums and have yet to find a solution that works (and I'm not alone... other people on other forums are having the same trouble).