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Everything posted by Pantera

  1. Pantera

    Are these board moderated

    I would say that these forums are open to everyones comments. If they are offensive they are sometimes removed. If they offend the reader, the reader can then stop reading that particular thread. I think 99% people here are responsible posters/readers/lurkers. To call people childish for their posts is silly as they probably are children. I have a new feature added to my computer this year. When I get in a thread that looks to be going bad, I scroll using this wheel on my mouse and I get past it.
  2. Pantera

    Need help on the 2nd Scud mission (Red Dawn)

    This was a hard mission. I also took to the air in a Hind from the secret base after someone suggested its whereabouts. I find that Guba and his guards stop at a coastal town to smoke a pipe or something, and await for their pick up. They wait a while so you get plenty of time to dodge the shilkas.