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About OFranke

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Occupation
    Soldier (German Airforce)
  1. Before months i tryed to upgrade from 1.05 - didnt work, didnt matter. Now for I44 i tryed it again: So i uninstall ArmA2, install 1.00 from DVD an download the ARMA 2 Update 1.00 to 1.07 and it wont work...and i download again and it wont work again... This is my log: Any ideas?
  2. Oh wow! What a great help! But i can bullshit myself... Ion gots 0 (in Words Zero) Posts in the Forums' date=' i think he wont answer me... And if you mean "i0n0s" i have contactet him. Some better Ideas than "questioning another one..."? Thanks.
  3. Guys i got a big problem, and i hope you kann help me! This Spoiler contains the used *.SQF By placing units via *.SQF these units are bulletproof!:butbut: Placing units works fine, they even do there Inits (like set units position or adding different weapons) and they interact with the scenario, they fight like normal gameplay but cant be killed. This Picture shows 3 units after 2 exploding Hangrenades in front of them: Got anyone an idea to solve this problem? Thank you for reading (and helping;))!
  4. OFranke

    RealTimeEditor 5

    Alles oben stehen gelassene ist bei mir ebenso aufgetretten. All things i leave in the qoute above happens even with my installation Beim Start erscheint diese Meldung On Startup this Error appears: http://img117.imageshack.us/i/startx.png und beim schließen and on closing http://img117.imageshack.us/i/rtevschlieen.png Wenn ich im Spiel dann einen Export versuche kommt "über Funk" eine "RTE CAPTURE IST NICHT AKTIV" - Meldung in grau... Obwohl im RTE Fenster "Aktiv" steht... In Game if i try an export it apears a text in the Radio-Chat: "RTE CAPTURE IST NICHT AKTIV" but the RTE Window says "Aktiv" Wo kann ich die offenbar funtionierende Version 4 Runterladen? Where can i download the "it seems its working" Version4 of RTE? Wäre schön wenn das irgendwie gefixt werden könnte It would be cool to fix this...
  5. OFranke

    Official Addons for OFP

    ..\OperationFlashpoint\Addons> 6G30.pbo ABox.pbo Apac.pbo Bizon.pbo BMP2.PBO brmd.pbo ch47.pbo Flags.pbo G36a.pbo humr.pbo hunter.pbo kozl.pbo LaserGuided.pbo m2a2.pbo Mm-1.pbo oh58.pbo Steyr.pbo su25.pbo trab.pbo VoiceRH.pbo vulcan.pbo XMS.pbo ----- ..\OperationFlashpoint\Res\AddOns> 6G30.pbo ABox.pbo Apac.pbo Bizon.pbo BMP2.pbo Brmd.pbo ch47.pbo Flags.pbo G36a.pbo humr.pbo Hunter.pbo KOLO.PBO kozl.pbo LaserGuided.pbo M2A2.pbo MINI.PBO Mm-1.pbo Noe.pbo O.pbo oh58.pbo O_WP.PBO Steyr.pbo su25.pbo trab.pbo vulcan.pbo XMS.pbo
  6. OFranke


    That would even be nice for "Emergency power suplys" or power suplys in Camps or for a Naquada-Power-Suply... So i'm questioning too: Is it posible?
  7. OFranke

    Tutorial problem question

    I have solved my problem... I have to copy the textures to a folder called "data" or change the "Texture name prefix" to a folder there the textures will be in...
  8. OFranke

    Tutorial problem question

    Hmm...? I have made a video from that what i think you would that i do... XviD, load it here: http://www.files.to/get/486727/fcfgd7hp9h Is there any Video that explains o2? ?
  9. OFranke

    Tutorial problem question

    Thats exactly my problem too!!! I'm sure to do all like in the tutorial but by loading a texture "null" dosnt change to textures name, nothing new appears in the "texture library" and logicaly by pressing "b" i get the "no texture loaded" - window... Can anyone tell me what my problem can be?
  10. OFranke

    OFP Addon request thread

    Hello I'm searching for a Addon called "CAAir", cant find any infos, even about what it can be, hope you can help me! Thank you for helping me...
  11. XP pro runs great with with 4GB - there will be only 3GB - 3,5GB be visible but the rest is even in use for Hardware-adressing or memory for Hardwarefunctions... It dont bother me to have 0,5GB or 1 GB "lost in space" if there be in use like they should... Sounds like i have to spend more for a "middle-end" Videocard... Christmas is coming - if i dont get enough money or gifts to sell out next christmas i will have a AA-Weapon waiting for Santa... (I really can do this - I'm soldier in the german airforce, operational area: Airdefense)
  12. Hardware is cheap in this times... You all convinced me too buy a new PC - fuck of the OFP2 specifications i will play ArmA! I thought of a system like this (cant invest more then 450€): Mainboard: GIGABYTE GA-P31-S3G Intel P31 Sockel 775 45,90€ Grafik: Sparkle 512MB 9800GT Passiv PCIe 114,99 € Gehäuse: 3R Systems R420 schwarz 25,99€ Prozessor: Intel Core 2 Duo E4700 Boxed 112,90€ Netzteil: Jersey Black Edition 550W 39,99€ RAM: 4GB OCZ Titanium Kit DDR2-800 57,90€ DONT TELL ME TOO USA A AMD - AND DONT TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT ATI (On the strength of past experience wasteyard is the right place for both!)
  13. Yes. Hmm... Would it work in minimum with a 5200 or a 5500 ? Other related infos about my System: - CPU: P4 1,8Ghz (Willamette) - FSB: 100Mhz - RAM: 512MB Thank you for answering!
  14. I have now bought ArmA Gold, it was clear to me that it probably does not work - at least not very good - but now I have a message appears suspicious to me: http://img397.imageshack.us/my.php?image=armagrafikfehlerbh0.png For understanding, the Gold Edition contains the original ArmA AND Queens Gambit, or do I need the original too? I would buy me a new PC but only if i can be sure Flashpoint 2 will run on it - must I also wait for my new PC to play ArmA?
  15. OFranke

    Indian Wars? Good Idea?

    I have some meaning of a "Spaghetti Western Mod" in my mind, but no idea what happend to him...