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About OblivionX

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Computer Games,Old War Movies, Music(The Who,Hendrix,The kinks and more the like),Beer of all sorts,Pretty girls and ArmA.
  1. OblivionX

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Nice with a expansion and all...but what this community needs are modding tools. The vanilla OFP never appealed to me and my friends. Sure we played it when it first was released, but pretty fast we lost the interest in it. Shelfed it. Suddenly mods started to pop up and the diversity was amazing. One minute you could fight in the World War Two:s european countryside(Inv44), the next being chased by VC through the hot and damp jungles of Vietnam (Sebnam2,VTE) and the next fight in the US Special Forces in the streets of an African city in the middle of a civil war(Tonal Redux) and all this within the same game and only a couple of mouse clicks away! Im one of the founders of a local LAN "club", that holds a voluntary LAN party every Saturday(24hours) and Sunday(18hours). From only being 6 members we expanded to a total of 70 members and the most newcomers joined just to play OFP, because of its diversity. Total chaos for awhile with computer and such but we managed to pull it off. We tried to switch the servers to Arma but after awhile we got a outrage in the club to switch back to OFP. "Sure it looks nice and all but it gets to boring, we want diversity" was the answer we got about why. So we switched back to OFP and VTE 0.3 for the moment.(Personally I liked playing ArmA on LAN, but I got into the minority group.I can also understand what they mean.) Im no expert at this(or anything else for the matter ) but : Mod Tools=Diversity=Appeals to more players=People buys the game, sales goes up= BI rules Not sure if it works that way, but...well it worked like that here in our LAN club with Ofp . Well this was only some thoughts out the top of my head, take it for just that. (I also realise that the game is quite "young" and maybe need some more time to mature before mod tools. Just dont wait to long. Like I said Im no expert, so I leave it to them to judge.) OblivionX
  2. OblivionX

    Atari & the truth..

    Man this look dangerous, maybe better if they left it out : "AT4 PRONE POSITION (FOR USE IN COMBAT ONLY): The prone position is the most dangerous position in regards to potential backblast injury, due to its proximity to the ground. It also offers the most protection from enemy observation. Ideally, the ground should slope downward from the rear of the launcher, which reduces the effects of the backblast. * Lie on your stomach with your body at a 90-degree angle to the direction of fire, and with your body and legs to the left of the direction of fire. Ensure that neither the body nor the legs are in the backblast area. * Unlike other firing positions, this one prevents you from placing the launcher on your right shoulder. Instead, you must hold the launcher in place against your upper right arm. For stability, apply extra pressure on the firing mechanism with your right hand. The prone position is the least stable of all firing positions for the M136 AT4. You must practice it often to become confident using it. DANGER: FIRE THE AT4 FROM THE PRONE POSITION IN COMBAT ONLY. DO NOT FIRE THE AT4 FROM THE PRONE POSITION DURING TRAINING DUE TO THE RISK OF INJURY TO THE OPERATOR. DANGER: FAILURE TO MAINTAIN A 90-DEGREE ANGLE FROM THE DIRECTION OF FIRE COULD CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH TO THE FIRER." EDIT: Bah... missed that FWF.Osteo already posted it. Sorry bout that.
  3. OblivionX


    Swedish platoon medic here. Ten years ago we carried the Ak 5 . Some years earlier the Swedish medics carried pistols(Glock 17 I think it was, but not really sure as I never wore it). Im not sure what the Swedish medics use these days. We had the weapon only to protect ourself and the injured. As long as we carried the red cross on our shoulder we were not allowed to initiate combat.
  4. OblivionX

    Autorotation landing

    it have always been very rapid to do this, but your sence of speed is limited for the fact that its a video game Yeah you must feel the speed in your whole body in real life, just like a rollercoaster ride. Well Im gonna go and check this out in ArmA. I never knew it could be done, either in ArmA or in real life. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. OblivionX

    Autorotation landing

    I dont know about you guys, but I would scream so loud that the people on the ground thought it was a Stuka attack. Autorotation on YouTube 2
  6. OblivionX

    AI = joke

    1. Fair enough. I hope you get a system that runs the game/demo so you can test it for yourself. 2. When you post a topic with the name of "AI = joke" and base it on a 2 minute long youtube video with probably a old version of ArmA you gonna get reactions. Though, I can admit that my previous post in this topic maybe was a little too harsh. Sorry if you took offence in any way. 3. I think(and hope) that ArmA AI will improve in urban warfare by every patch we get. I dont by any means think that the AI is perfect, but it plays pretty good overall as is now. Sure, I pull my hair out when my AI team mates sometimes runs away straight into sights of the enemy. Have a nice day. OblivionX
  7. OblivionX

    AI = joke

    I dont want to be rude but I just dont see the point of this post at all. If everyone that had a doubt over buying this game for what ever reason would post posts like this the forums would be clutter with hundreds of OT like this. You got a Demo to download. You can read reviews. You can scan this forum for posts about the ai and post in them. This post is like "I dont like the ai so I dont gonna buy the game"... oh really..who cares. I didnt like the new BF game and didnt buy it... but I didnt post on their forums just cause of that. I think the ai is pretty good in ArmA and the youtube video in your post doesnt resemble the experience I got in my game. Sure there are always room for improvements but I have great fun making small missions in the editor and see how the outcome will be. Have nice day. OblivionX
  8. OblivionX


    How do one aim with the grenade? The reticle looks like this : O I What does the circle stands for and the line? I usually just goes with my gut feeling and hurl the grenade away. Then I see the "dust cloud" were it lands. Then it bounces away in a random direction and explodes. Throwing grenades into doorways/windows usually = "You are dead" screen, as the grenade bounces on the door/window frame back at me. Commando84: I have tossed live grenades when I did my military training at a practice range. But I never stayed out of cover to actually see how it bounced. Would have blown my face away or at least I would have some gravel to pick out of my face.
  9. OblivionX

    Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for ArmA

    He he... this thread become confusing when it was merged with that other thread. Is it about Dslyecxi awesome guide or a argue about CTF,DM and rl tactics? I have read the guide 3 times now and my sp game experience is improving while I use the some of the tactics in the guide(i.e I dont die all the time ). I think I was more of a gunhoo before and now I take a bit more slow and "slice the pie" every chance i get. 3:45am here and
  10. OblivionX

    Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for ArmA

    Wow...just wow. Great work Dslyecxi. Took me a hour to read and look on all the videos. I wish I was in a clan who used such rules. But Im just too scared to make a fool out of my self and I dont use team speak as my english is pretty bad. I was a Platoon Medic in the military here in Sweden. I wish sometimes that ArmA would simulate the chain within the logistics and medical part of the army too. But I guess thats to much to ask for and maybe not so much fun for some. After all this is a "action" game. The wounded would slowly bleed out and the Medic could only do so much. Still bleeding (but slower after the medics threatment) the wounded must be transported to a field hospital to recover to full health. Well now im just talking rubbish here. Thanks fo the great guide.
  11. OblivionX

    "Motion" Makes Some People Sick?

    Maybe a little OT but a couple of years ago I went fishing with a friend in a small boat on a lake. The "sea" was a little rough,not like storm or anything, but pretty big waves. I felt sick and sweating like crazy. Almost puked in the boat. But after a couple of hours I felt fine again. I think we was out fishing for about 12 hours. And when I stepped out of the boat at dry land again it felt like the ground under my feets was moving around. Maybe 30 minutes after we got ashore I started feeling sick again. It was like the sickness "went the other way". First it was the rough water that made me sick, but this time it was the steady ground that made me sick. I felt sick all night, it felt like the bed was a boat on rough sea. Havent gone fishing since. Fish fingers from the store is the closest. OblivionX
  12. OblivionX

    Ebud's SF's

    Thank you Ebud for these nice units. My first addon for ArmA.
  13. OblivionX

    Arma , the ultimate driving simulator

    A couple of days ago I took this tour in a 4X4(the military one with no roof). I can recommend it. I made 4 stops along the way to take a closer look at the view.I had the cd player on with some trucker country songs in the background. The coast line part was really nice. Maybe a little to small road and a little bumpy, but with the sea on the left and the mountains to the right it was pretty nice.The whole trip must have taken at least a hour, maybe more. Oh by the way my gf declared me insane. lol
  14. OblivionX

    Harrier and Laser Designator

    Hi all... Im kind of new to the forums and the game so bare with me. I set up a SF recon on a hill with a flying GBU plane in group. About 200 meter away on a open field I placed a T-72. I then made a civillian for me to play. He was standing next to the SF. First time I tested the mission I heard the SF order the plane to attack the laser target. The plane circled around and dropped a bomb straight on the target. Kaboom! Cool! I thought for myself. I then tested the mission 9 times more. Not one time did the plane dropped a bomb on the tank. 5 to 6 times the plane got into a nasty roll and crashed into the ground. The rest of the time the plane just circled around the tank. Almost like it not quite could come into the spot to drop the bombs. I then played the SF myself. I press left mouse button to start the laser designator, then I right click the laser spot on the ground to identify that it is the laser target. I then put the laser on the tank and order the pilot to target the lasertarget. I then order the pilot to engage the target. Then nothing more happens , I stand there for 10 minutes and the plane just circle around. I even tested to order the pilot to "Fire" when he was over the tank... but nothing. Well thats my story with the LD. I love ARMA otherwise and had a lot fun making diffrent "situations" in the editor.