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Everything posted by OddballWDI

  1. Has anyone figured out how to pick up an evidence file? dePBO'ed the campain and took a look at mission BitterChill. They named the evidence file "BIS_Cobalt", and there is a script file called actionCollectEvidence.sqf which looks like it has something to do with it. But I can't find any triggers, or anything that references the actionCollectEvidence.sqf file. Does anyone know how this is done? I'd like the player to collect an evidence file in a mission I'm making, but I can't figure out how this was done.
  2. I love ARMA2. It's awesome. The game itself seems very well made. But the campaign is seriously crap! ARMA1 had the same problem. I'm a programmer that makes medical software. I test my own stuff after I create it but it still HAS to go through a QC (testing) department because I know exactly how the software was written. When another person tests it they sometimes find problems and sometimes they don't. In such an open ended type of mission as these missions seem to be, it looks like the guy who made the mission is who tested it and nobody else. If anyone else had tested these they would have found many problems with them. I had to use the endmission cheat just to get past Manhattan. Now on bitter chill I spent about an hour trying to get down to the city in the south, only to come to the conclusion there was some bullshit trigger that kills you if you get too far away. What kind of cheap crap is that? Making the mission have 2 endings is fine but one of them damn well should be that the player makes it to that southern city!!! I know some players had redone the ARMA1 campaign. Is anyone going to try to clean up the ARMA2 campaign and make it playable? BIS you guys have gotta do a better job on the missions. I fully understand software deadlines but for the love of god this is 2 games in a row with full on crap campaigns. If you can't do it correctly hire some of the good guys in the mission making community.
  3. I'm trying to turn the grass off in Superpower, and make a few other changes. The grass is annoying as hell when you're playing against mostly AI, and it slows slower computers down even more. I've noticed some missions like Evolution go by your computers settings (if you host the game). But Superpower always has it on. How do you turn the grass off? ---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:12 PM ---------- And yea, I added an extra L on to the end of "control". Sue me.
  4. This worked perfectly! Thanks! It's exactly what I needed.
  5. Put the "_xhandle = [this] execvm "createCarrier.sqf"" into a game logic and the carrier will appear where ever you place that game logic.
  6. I need some help on this mission. I've searched the whole damn town and there is no President. There is about 4 or 5 civillians who are all dead. I didn't kill them so they were dead before I got there. I've killed every bad guy in the whole damn town and many of the ones from the area around it. There are still a few bad guys over near the air strip. I've looked in every building that can be entered and there isn't anyone in them. Where the hell is he? Or is this just another buggy mission? Does anyone freakin test these damn offical missions? I expect better quality from these.
  7. OddballWDI

    Queens Gambit - "The President" mission

    The town on the far north east of the map is the only town there is. I've searched the whole thing. He isn't there. So if he leaves where does he go? Shouldn't the mission end if he left and you didn't get there in time? Really crappy mission.
  8. Has anyone killed a tank with the Javelin? When I use it I get the target over a tank, I fire it, it goes up and then comes down on the tank, but usually the first shot doesn't even get the tanks attention. I'll reload and shoot again, then the tank kills me before I can load again. That isn't very realistic since the Javelin can kill any tank in one shot. I'm not even sure my 2nd shot is doing any damage but it does seem to get its attention. Am I using it wrong or is it bugged?
  9. How do you make the briefing show the lose briefing? I can make it show End 1 through 6 but not Lose. I would use End 2 for the lose condition but I don't want it to play the Outro Win. Thanks!
  10. I'm writing a script for a mission where I need to assign a group to a truck. I want the leader to be assigned as the driver. The problem is sometimes the leader dies in combat before the group is told to get in the truck so then I have a bunch of AI guys sitting in a truck and they don't have a driver. I think the "leader" command is what I need from the BIKI, but I don't understand it's usage because the example isn't very good. What is the best way to find out the leader of a group so I can issue him commands through a script? THANKS!
  11. I added something like this to a mission I'm writing. I'm not sure if this is the best way to do it, but it does work. 1 - I set a variable equal to zero in a units init field. This will be your counter of how many dead civilians there are. So set a variable like "COUNTER=0" in an init field. 2 - Make a trigger for each civ you have with a condition of "not Alive man1" and an activation field of "COUNTER=COUNTER+1". Do this for each unit and just change the "not Alive man#". Same activation field. I had 5 units I needed this for. You have 30, so I don't know exactly how practical this is, and I don't know if having a lot of triggers always checking if a unit is alive is going to be eating up to much CPU time. 3 - Make a final trigger with a condition of "COUNTER>5" and then whatever activation you want, or the end/lose thing. There may be a better way to do it, but this works for me. I did basicly the same thing with a mission where you have to rescue some prisioners, and I allow only 2 of them to die (same reason, AI sometimes kills a prisioner).
  12. OddballWDI

    I've noticed one thing about 1.05 Patch

    I noticed this too about the M4A1 with the 203 launcher. One of my missions I always used that weapon because it was a full auto which I prefered for some situations. Sander is there a way to change this back so the M4A1 (w 203) will fire in full auto? Which file needs to be changed?
  13. I have a weird problem with multiple artil guns. First, if I set up just one artil gun (D30 for example) and run the script below it works fine. The gun will raise up, load, fire, reload, fire, reload fire, ect until it's out of ammo. The problem starts when I setup more than one artil gun. I want to have about 4 of these guns, simulating an artillery strike on a town. Your mission is to drestroy the guns. If I have more than one artil gun, usually at first all 4 guns raise up, load and fire. Then randomly one or two of the guns will lower the gun. What it does from then is random. The gun may raise right back up, reload and fire, and it might stay down, reload and fire. It doesn't look to realistic when it's targeting a target that is beyond visual range and it's firing just 100 meters downrange because it lowered the gun. Â Here is the script. I've tried it both with and without reveal, doesn't seem to make a difference. I added the ~10 to make it wait hoping maybe it would help but it doesn't. Anyone have any ideas? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _artilname = _this select 0 _target = _this select 1 #LOOP _artilname reveal _target _artilname doTarget _target _artilname fire "D30" ~10 goto "LOOP"
  14. OddballWDI

    Forcing Artillery guns to fire

    I moved the targets back even further (they are just game logics) and now the guns always are up when they fire. So it's doing what I want. They do lower in between shots (sometimes) but that's ok. It looks kind of real except that it doesn't always lower it, but thats fine.
  15. OddballWDI

    Does the Javelin work?

    Has anyone killed a tank with the Javelin? When I use it I get the target over a tank, I fire it, it goes up and then comes down on the tank, but usually the first shot doesn't even get the tanks attention. I'll reload and shoot again, then the tank kills me before I can load again. That isn't very realistic since the Javelin can kill any tank in one shot. I'm not even sure my 2nd shot is doing any damage but it does seem to get its attention. Am I using it wrong or is it bugged?
  16. This is probably a stupid noob question, and one I used to know the answer to back in the Op Flashpoint days but I don't remember. I want the player to be able to choose different weapons at the time of the briefing in case they don't like the weapons I've given them. I'm not talking about the addMagazine, addWeapons commands. I've checked the Biki and it doesn't say how to do it, or the search function doesn't find it. Also can't find it on this meassage board. I'm pretty sure in Op Flash you had to edit a text file. I unPBO'd the campain but I don't rememer being able to choose new weapons in any of the ArmA campain missions, but due to the low quality of the campain missions that isn't suprising. Anyone know how to do this?
  17. OddballWDI

    The Entire Campaign *May be Spoilers*

    I have the 505 version and its buggy as hell too (the missions are, the game itself seems pretty good). I have the same problems as most people on here with most of the same missions. Whoever wrote the missions simply didn't test them. Also some of the missions are just plain lame. Drive a truck to the airport to pick up a squad and drive them back, then your missions done? You don't even have to fire a shot? Are you serious? What the hell kind of a mission is that? If you had to rate the campains from Op Flashpoint and ArmA on a scale of 1 to 10 this is how I'd rate them: Operation Flashpoint original 9 Operation Flashpoint Resistence 10 ArmA 4 Once you take into consideration the bugs with the ArmA campain then the score would just have to drop to a zero since its unplayable without using the cheatcode to end missions. If they release an expansion campain for ArmA I won't be the first one to buy it that's for sure. I'll be waiting to see what the feedback is from players. It better be a hell of a lot better. I still love this game as I know once some of the AI bugs get fixed, the community will make great missions. But not having a decent campain really sucks.
  18. OddballWDI

    Mission 3 problem

    This is one of the few missions that did seem to work correctly for me. However on a scale of 1 to 10 of how fun it was, 10 being the highest, I'd give it a -3. Who plays a great war simulation FPS like this game that want's to drive around picking up troops and dropping them off? What the hell were they thinking with this mission???
  19. I had some problems on this mission too. I was able to eventully do it with only a few AI troops dead. You need to hide on a hill near the 2nd waypoint to kill the tanks. But I agree with Steve L. The missions are seriously pathetic. The game itself I think is great and has tons of potential. But the campain, which should really show what the game can do, failed. In Op Flashpoint the campain missions were the golden standard for what player made missions should be. In ArmA, the campain is the standard for what missions shouldn't be.