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Everything posted by odjob

  1. odjob

    Crash to desktop

    Found it, thank you
  2. odjob

    Crash to desktop

    Hey guys, were do you find the rpt file? In ofp it was in the ofp root dir if im not mistaking, but in arma i cant find it. Im also having random ctd issues (mostly) when playing mp, sometimes i can play for hours but sometimes it crashes when starting up the game, totaly random. Tried with: "-nosplash -maxmem=1024 -world=Sara", either together or one at a time and with none. Arma German dl-version patched 1.02, 6th-English patch. Core2duo 6600 Asus P5B deluxe X1950pro 256mb 2gig Corsair Hiper 580w
  3. Can you do a editor mission with the artillery firing in indirect mode? (without any scripting?)
  4. odjob

    Populating Sahrani

    I wonder if DAC is working with ArmA...
  5. odjob

    Where to buy ??

    Yeah, he´s buying a kick*ss rig to play ArmA on with our money...
  6. odjob

    Where to buy ??

    Is anyone else having this problem? Or is it normal? Yup, me too.
  7. Well, how does it work? I´ve seen pictures of artillery in ArmA but havent read anything about it.
  8. odjob

    Where to buy ??

    So? Whats wrong with that?
  9. odjob

    Where to buy ??

    I get to the downloadpage ok, what browser do you have?
  10. odjob

    Where to buy ??

    I just tried to download from Morphicon, but after filling in the form including visa number i got a message that my payment was not accepted. It had a support-mail link witch i used but got a automatic reply mail from "postmaster@marie" that the delivery failed. I have now sent a new mail to another supportmail acount on that site but havent gotten a reply yet. Anyone else having trouble with this site?
  11. In "SLX Wounds Readme.txt" it says: but if you look in "SLX_Wounds.pbo" there is no "damage.sqs", so if you use that string ofp gives an error about not finding damage.sqs. /P
  12. First of, great mod! However... Im trying to use the SLX_Wounds stuff in Tonalredux and have followed the readme but geting an error about "damage.sqs" not found. In the SLX_Wounds.pbo there is no such file. There is however a "SLX_Wounds.sqs" in the pbo but using that in the init dont work either. /P