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Obscure CIA_Agent

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About Obscure CIA_Agent

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Making AI fire on random targets

    hey COW, i could have guessed before i even tried it but your stupid little CODE DOESNT WORK OH NO HES CYBER-YELLING OH NO GO RUN AND HIDE you fucking geeks
  2. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Making AI fire on random targets

    oh and THANKS COW for all your effort, it must have taken so much out of you to type that one little sentence... ya fuckin loser
  3. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Making AI fire on random targets

    you guys need to grow the F*** up lol, go get lives and stop worry about some kid (me) sitting in his basement trying to make a map for some stupid game. GOD YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING LOSERS HAHAHAHAHAH GET A LIFE MORONS THIS IS THE LAST TIME I USE THIS WORTHLESS FORUM i mean really, get a fucking life
  4. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Making AI fire on random targets

    Nobody knows? I know I would have to name the unit I want the soldier to fire at, then put something in the soldiers init line, or a script or something. But what?
  5. ---------======I'm making this mission in version 1.46======--------- I would like to know how to make AI soldiers fire at a row of sandbags, or a barrel or something like that. Also I would like to know how to make an M2A2 fire on sandbags or tents or anything thats not "alive". I searched around and found this code: soldier1 fire "m16" That makes the dude fire one shot into the air which is pretty worthless if you ask me, but it's a beginning I guess. I need to know... Thanks, CIA
  6. Obscure CIA_Agent


    hey ofpforum heres an idea keep your stupid opinions to yourself THX
  7. Obscure CIA_Agent


    My bad, I didn't me to hurt your eyes. Just need to fix this mission.
  8. Obscure CIA_Agent


    Where is the master list for OFP commands...
  9. Obscure CIA_Agent


    OK. Guys, what the heck is going on here. Has ANYONE ever made a list of OFP commands? How do you guys find out these lines of code? WHERE IS THE LIST? ASDLFKJ
  10. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Ending the mission!

    Oh yea and I DO have resistance 1.96. I just like 1.46 better.
  11. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Ending the mission!

    Does anyone know the old school code? It's gotta be somewhat the same. PLEASE HELP ME!
  12. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Ending the mission!

    I do not understand. I am making this mission in version 1.46. I copy and paste that exact code and it does NOT work. ({alive _x} count units westgrp) < 1 Unknown Operator or invalid number in expression. Does not work with or without "this" in front of it. What in the good Lord's name is going on here. maybe i shoulda joined the fbi...
  13. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Ending the mission!

    OK. Nothing anyone has told me works. I either get a "Unknown Operator" or "invalid number in expression" or some other wack error. It shouldn't be this hard. I want to beable to disable AI and still have the mission end when everyone dies. Let me explain this in different words... I have a mission with 5 WEST soldiers named "westsoldier1, westsoldier2, westsoldier3, westsoldier4, and westsoldier5" --- Now if you start the mission with AI present. (So its you as the leader and 4 AI soldiers) The trigger "not (alive westsoldier1) and not (alive westsoldier2) and not (alive westsoldier3) and not (alive westsoldier4) and not (alive westsoldier5)" works fine. And END#2 will work when they all die... BUT if you DISABLE AI before you start the mission (So its you alone, or like you and one other guy) The END#2 trigger wont work. The game thinks the DISABLED AI are there or something. None of your lines of code work. Please would someone give me the right code? This is the last trigger I need to get working, then my mission is complete. Thanks, CIA
  14. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Ending the mission!

    Could you like give me the write code or something? Thanks, CIA
  15. Obscure CIA_Agent

    Ending the mission!

    That doesn't work but thanks anyways...