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Operator of dissidence

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About Operator of dissidence

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Operator of dissidence

    Can AI stand and/or patrol on roofs?

    Kyle_K_ski, try loadind OFP vanilla and add a unit over the apartment building. I loaded the map and placed some units over the buildings and they all stood on top. Might be a custom AI script or something.
  2. Operator of dissidence

    Can AI stand and/or patrol on roofs?

    Hi Macser, Â Â Great observation! I tried that too and it would be the simplest way of doing business. Very well, I agree. To my defense though; the impression I got is that the createUnit command was being use to spawn soldiers.
  3. Operator of dissidence

    Can AI stand and/or patrol on roofs?

    Hi Kyle_K_ski, Â Â I'm not sure if you got this far yet,but try setting the position of the unit using the object command. Reference the house by ID to get an accurate pos on the the building and set the z axis to 10 or fifteen; well to the hight of the roofs. I'm not sure about getting them to patrol on top, that'll take me a while to figure out if it's possible. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> {<unit type>} createUnit [[0,0,1000],unitGroup,{Soldier_1 = this}]; housePos = getPos (object 60);Soldier_1 setpos [(housePos select 0),(housePos select 1),10] Thanks 0perator
  4. Operator of dissidence


    Hi Texas*BDA*, Â Â If you're talking about a fixed direction; that should be easy enough. Just add m113 setDir <number between 0 and 360>; i.e. make it face east. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> m113 = "M113" createvehicle getpos armor;m113 setDir 90
  5. Operator of dissidence

    Very n00b question

    Neo-Babylonian,   You need a marker named respawn_west, respawn_east, respawn_guerrilla, or respawn_civilian for the kind of respawn you're using "BASE". another note, the respawn effects  defined in the description.ext don't work unless you are playing the mission in muliplayer mode instead of single player. That's what allie was also trying to say. Edit:   Testing it in the mission editor won't work, so export it as a multiplayer one. it's in the save dialog of the mission editor. another route would be to copy the mission folder from your users Missions folder to the MPMissions folder, which should be found at the same location as the Missions folder. If it's not there; create it and put your mission in there. Ok, now you can edit it in multiplayer mode. launch OFP:Res with the -host command switch to start a multiplayer session. if the server creation fails you'll know because it boots you back to main menu. if you get a list of islands choose the island your mission was created on and it should show up in the right hand list. double click on it to start editing the mission and you can even test it because the respawning will work now with the preview button.
  6. Operator of dissidence

    Very n00b question

    Allie, base respawn does require a marker labeled respawn_<side> for it to work; very good point. That probably was the problem. Great work.
  7. Operator of dissidence

    Very n00b question

    Ok Neo-Babylonian, What OS are you using? Vista usually puts people through loops because of the new security features. You should try deleteing the description.ext and see if you still get that error message, which would reveal that the error is being generated from an addon or if you're on Vista it's being stored in the virtual filesystem. However, it might also mean that as you put it, "The game is spazzed up." I put up a batch file that I used to quickly create a description.ext file, a sort of outline with all the options availiable in it. $'s indicate where customizable data can be set. use notepad or any generic derivative to edit the description.ext file it generates. the link is below and that's pretty much my last ditch effort. Sorry, I can not help you more. Oh, yeah the download is a rar so, if you can extract the bat file download winrar at rarlabs.com Edit: Updated the link. Much more easier to read this version. http://files.filefront.com/Descrip....fo.html
  8. Operator of dissidence

    Very n00b question

    Hi again Neo-Babylonian, Thank you, it's my pleasure to help you. Bellow is an example on how your description.ext should look. You only need the respawn lines, but I added the class too; so you could also see how to set those up. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> /********************************************* Many of OFP's configuration files use the C code syntax; which means after every definition you should add a semicolon. This is an example of how to initialize variables and declare a class in the description.ext **********************************************/ // When assigning a value to a variable end it with a semicolon. respawn = 3; respawndelay = 10; // bellow is a class declaration, which allows you to use your own music. class CfgMusic { // put the class names in this array. i.e {MyMusic,EndingMusic};   tracks[]={MyMusic}; // You name this class yourself. This is the representation of your music file in OFP.   class MyMusic   {     name = "<Music Title>"; // the first element is the relative path from your mission's folder to the music file.     sound[] = {\music\<Name of music file>.ogg, db+0, 1};   }; // end class declarations with a semicolon. };
  9. Operator of dissidence

    Very n00b question

    Hi Neo-Babylonian, That is a syntax error. It's saying that there is a property that should be initialized. Look before where there is a "}" for an extra "}" or a declaration without a ";" at the end of it. If you post the contents of the description.ext or send it to me I can find it for you as many other here could too.
  10. Operator of dissidence

    vista and mod folders

    Ruff, Â Â I can't believe I missed that. I know what your problem is; don't terminate the -mod line with a ";" That is used as a separater so the game can parse the mod folders out of the string when you specify more that one mod folder. Use... -mod=mod\@So instead of... -mod=mod\@So;
  11. Operator of dissidence

    vista and mod folders

    Hi, ruff Try changing that slash in your, "-mod=mod/@So;", to a backslash like in Baddo's example, "-mod=mod\modname; ".
  12. Operator of dissidence

    GOTY 1.96 Nvidia 6200 Reboot

    Thats good to hear, Padooka. I would go with the 2xQ because it offers better quality with least performance hit. If it looks blurry to you, anisotropic filtering will clean up the g36's sight too. That's funny how it's usually always the last thing you would ever think of checking. Â
  13. Operator of dissidence

    MP mission scripting question.

    Ok, Blazin   I made a new version of my old scripts to use the "say" command. Unfortunately it's not very easy to implement as the previous one. I converted all the music from the game to monaural and place them into two separate pbo files; one for each campaign - CWC/Res. I uploaded both in a single rar file so it’s big. With this version you have to derive your own vehicle and add the useractions/eventhandlers sections detailed in the readme. There’s a example addon called MusicDemo included so you can see it in action right away. The vehicle can be found under “West/OPR – vehicles†and the unit is called “Jeep Jammaâ€. I also couldn't get the mute feature in: it was a cluster #$%^ just to get them to stop playing after they were started. Mute woulda been possible if it was possible to change the volume from one source. If you would like to try it out the links are below. Operator's Music libraries Operator's OFP Music Player Thanks, 0perator Edit: After a good week of coding I finally got the kinks out. No more studdering, maybe on fast moving vehicles that go above 200. However, my testing on a LAN faired well with the cessna. Thanks again for the interesting challenge.
  14. Operator of dissidence

    MP mission scripting question.

    Hi Blazin, I rigged together a script pack that'll cover your requirements. It builds an interface in the action menu. I haven't tried it in multiplayer yet, but following the logic It should work. Anyway, there's an example mission and you can download it here. Here's a quick reference on how to add it <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [<a string array of the song's classnames you want it to play>,<the unit you want the menu on>] exec {MusicPlayer.sqs} i.e. [{Track1},{Track2},{Track3},{Track4},{Track5},{Track6}],this] exec {MusicPlayer.sqs} Later.
  15. Operator of dissidence

    GOTY 1.96 Nvidia 6200 Reboot

    Hi Padooka, I'm sorry none of my suggestions help. You suggest it most likely is software related. Hmm, works with Falcon 4.0: Allied Force. Here are some more suggestions: 1. Try different resolutions and color depths. 2. If you are still using a CRT or analog cable. try varing the refresh rate. 3. Run msconfig and disable all services, but the drivers. 4. Reset all the defaults under the nvidia control panel or advanced display settings (depends how new the drivers are, personally I like the old way of doing business). 5. This is like suicide, but run dxdiag and disable hardware acceleration for all devices from here. Don't forget to reset them after testing 6. I'm sure you're doing this already to conform with the systematics, but try running flashpoint with the -nomap command switch and don't load any mods. 7. Here's your last ditch again, try the patch found here. Now that's all I got. Good luck, 0perator