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About Oxide-ORCS-

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  1. Oxide-ORCS-

    Local Server in AddOn

    Well, the simpliest way to check if it dedi or not: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ?isNull player: code that should be runned only on dedicated serv. This principle is based on that on dedi we doesn' have a human player, so... you understand that I want to say
  2. Oxide-ORCS-

    Red Hammer Studios

    Well, I think it's generally dangerous to ride any MBT ;) This problem was actual in 50-60s when USSR didn have enough APCs and IFVs to transport infantry. Now it's pretty senseless.
  3. Oxide-ORCS-

    Csla 2

    I think it would be in DKMs 23mm gunpods way. I.e. rotate-face-engage.
  4. Oxide-ORCS-

    Red Hammer Studios

    AKM, you r not completely right. T-90 has chassee of T-72 and combat module similar to T-80.