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Everything posted by Odie3

  1. Odie3

    Steal the car - Altis

    Great FUN! Thanks! Would be nice to have a silenced weapon :)
  2. Odie3

    Development Blog & Reveals

    I read up on those links and I have to say if the Workshop is to download not only missions but for mod packs to a client from a re-directed site, then I am all for this - full steam ahead. Heck, I was once a UT Server admin (for a old UT MOD called Infiltration) and "http server re-direct with compressed files" was a such a time saver and ease of use for game clients.
  3. any chance of having a release soon? :)
  4. Odie3

    Squad.xml not working properly

    does anyone know if the uniforms will start showing your squad patch?
  5. any ETA on a new version?
  6. Ah, so that is the cause - I hate not having -world=empty on!
  7. Odie3

    Squad.xml not working properly

    looks like you are using the Dev version. It appears they are going to a full Steam Profile ID - so you cannot delete it the extra digits. So you have to update you XML or make a new one that is for Dev and use the one you have now for the older Alpha (assuming you jump between the two versions). As for the face, I see that too - I assume it just bugged.
  8. nice a Dev build (might want to put Dev in the filename itself)
  9. So I was going to update the Ifrits class for the Dev version in your pbo but I cannot get PboView to open it. I assume you have locked it, cause I can open wasteland. Just wondering really, I understand if you do not want peeps messing with your mission.
  10. I've been playing on LAN (no other players) just to try out the new v2 but when I go to the airbase and hit a vehicle my ArmA 3 crashes (using little bird HE rounds). Not sure if this is related or not. EDIT: NM, reported more than one time it appears. I wonder if this happens with the Dev Release?
  11. love your Evo mission, I love even more your first post of release information, issues, features, etc.
  12. Searched all over, is there a easy fix? I assume not.
  13. First I am running the Dev version of ArmA3 Alpha but I am getting I get the error "... dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.A3_Soft_F_Gakkin"
  14. Odie3

    Squad.xml not working properly

    FYI. It appears in the new Dev version you can use the playerID changes. It appears that they will be using Steams full profile ID. For example my ID when from '9446699' to '76561197969712427'. When I switched back to the normal Alpha the ID reverted back to '9446699'. ---------- Post added at 08:52 ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 ---------- It used to also work on the side of your arm as a patch too - I am not seeing that. While I do see it on the Helo, I am not seeing it on the door of that new transport (like in wasteland).
  15. may not relate to anything but I thought I'd report it. I was picking up a money bag and before it disappeared I walked away to go to the truck (was trying to run/grab/get back to safety). When I did that the server popped up 'no messages in X seconds' but we still were able to chat on Voice on the server. Could be anything causing that 'no messages' but I normally stick around waiting for the bag to disappear - this time I did not and I swear the server stopped as soon as I walked away.
  16. where are the static helo spawns?
  17. Hi, Does anyone know a way to only invert the mouse while flying? Or perhaps to hot key to toggle on/off the mouse to be inverted or not?
  18. Odie3

    Squad.xml not working properly

    What I found is that if you go back to your player and edit it the quad text is forced in upper case, thus causing the link not to work again.
  19. Odie3

    SP: Village Sweep

    that mean it's bugged? ---------- Post added at 10:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:22 AM ---------- Last night a squad mate told me this but it did not work for me. So I found the above, redid the missing fresh and got all my guys in the jeep and drove down the road a fair bit. Now it is finished....
  20. I did a "Check for Game Updates..." selected ArmA 2 and the blue light came on!
  21. I am using 4.1 Build 36 and as for the other person suggesting to uninstall the hardware I do not think that will help me, since TrackIR is working for ArmA - my problem is only with ArmA 2 Demo.
  22. Vista 64bit, I Enabled TrackIR in ArmA II Demo (shows enabled), have one Joystick that is listed before the TrackIR (it's enabled too). Using 4.1 of TrackIR. I startup ArmA and blue light comes on and TrackIR works. Close ArmA and run Arma II Demo, no blue light and no TrackIR in game.
  23. Odie3

    No ping in mp list

    Yep, from http://network-tools.com/ and from clan-mates. I assume it has to do with my Sonicwall SOHO firewall but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I have opened ports on this firewall before for: UT, BF42, BF2, HL/HL2 and did not have this "ping" issue.
  24. Odie3

    No ping in mp list

    Okay, I have having the same issue. Â I have a crap load of ports opened and I have Ping enabled (which words from a command line). Â Users can see the server in the browser, users can connect, and ArmA in game voice is working. Â But no matter what I try I have a ? mark for the ping. Â My hardware is Windows XP SP3 (FW disabled) and a Sonicwall SOHO. Anyone found a solution (other than swapping hardware)? FYI - inside my LAN I see a ping the the MP List. Â :/