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Posts posted by OF-maximus

  1. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 19 2002,03:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">its damn annoyin to have the same sounds spammed by sumone expesically if its 20secs long, i hope it can be disabled by the server, but i hope no one messes with the faces i luv my target face much better than those borin camo faces<span id='postcolor'>

    Yes this is my opinion too. This is the reason, that we need an complete instruction - if not, a lot of server would be unplayable, because of to big jingles.

    In this moment you can´t disable this feature, we have to life with that.

    For me its funny, but not needed for ofp.

    But you can make some 1KB Files - there empty, but you can use the filename to post some messages, like "im at the enemy flag". This would be an nice feature, because you dont need to type the most frequendet messages.....

  2. Dont know if this were answered before, but can anyone give an complete instruction how to use the user sounds?

    I know that you can use .ogg files and play them with the ingame-menu (backslash - 0 - 9....). Any instruction from BI for this function?

    Because of the missunderstood of this function, somebody told me that we can only use .wav Files. Now i found out that you can use the very smaller .ogg file-format....

  3. I miss an official Statement, thats all! BI can have all the time, they need to make the patch, but i wanna know, when it will be released!

  4. Can we please have some official statement about that! Its about time mad.gif

    Is it so difficult to post a date or a period of time, eq. two weeks?

    Im very sad about this, BI have to react faster if they found out that cheats are released!!!!!

  5. Because of the new "trainers" and the bugs in Multiplay (o Pingers) it would be nice to know, when a patch will be released. Any official Date for that available?

  6. I have also this Problem. Its not only an OFP Problem. This Problem occours in OFP:CWC, OFP:R, SOF2, 3DMark2001SE.

    I have tried almost everything:

    - disable/unplug Joystick

    - new driver

    - Change the Swap File

    - Change the RAM (2*256MB)

    - Defrag Hardrive

    - without Mainboard Driver (AGP, USB)

    - AGP Size switch to 4, 64, 128, 256 MB in the Bios

    - Onboard Sound deaktivated

    - Changing to "Standard PC" and change the IRQ Adressing

    - Another Grafikccelarator

    - Without Networkcard

    - Without any Card esp. Geforce!

    My System:

    ASUS P4S333 - P4 1,5

    Gefore4ti 4200

    2x 256MB DDR cl2 266

    c-media onboard sound


    No USB Devices

    Router for DSL (external)

    System: WindowsXP UptoDate

    It seems as the PC peeks for something, is it an problem of XP? I have seen a lot of PCs running XP and there are no problems...

    Please help me, it nerves a lot. Post your Ideas, even when you think, it wouldnt work.... confused.gif
