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Optimus Rhyme

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Everything posted by Optimus Rhyme

  1. Optimus Rhyme

    Fuzzy Screen?

    Ive got a geforce2mx400,32mb. Ive run the game before all the time, so its no problem with the card. I run it in 32bit colour.
  2. Optimus Rhyme

    Fuzzy Screen?

    I just recently bought a new HD and then tried to install flashpoint onto it with no luck. The game installs, but once i try to play it, its totally fuzzy. As in i cant see a thing. Just like fuzzy lines going through the whole screen. Ive tried uninstalling, reinstalling, updating the game, changing drivers, nothing. It used to work on my system before this new drive. I also fried my monitor so im using a really old 14" monitor on a 800x600 display. Anyone know what my problem could be? I formatted to NTFS instead of FAT32, and ive heard that some games dont run on ntfs etc. All other games run fine.
  3. Optimus Rhyme

    Fuzzy Screen?

    Anyone else got any ideas about it? I havnt got another monitor at the moment, so i cant test this. Just want to get some other ideas, just incase.
  4. Optimus Rhyme

    Maybe some new info on IL(VBS)?

    Either way, it looks very impressive and im sure we're all dieing to play it.