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Everything posted by Oligo

  1. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ April 01 2003,10:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">One of the nasty features that tanks have isn't modeled in OFP. The turret on a tank automatically turns in the direction of where it has been hit. So you have your shot but expect to have a very pissed tank aiming at your position within seconds.<span id='postcolor'> Interesting, the finnish officers always blared about this, but I didn't believe it back then. Do you have a reference describing this feature, or is this just a pan-scandinavian armed forces rumour? How is the feature instrumented? How does the tank sense the direction from where it has been hit? I know that some modern russian tanks have small radars, which detect incoming AT missiles and fire Claymore-like charges at the direction of the incoming to disable the missile. I also know that this feature makes russian tanks quite dangerous for their own infantry.
  2. Oligo

    Iam joining the u.s. marines

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DarkLight @ Mar. 27 2003,21:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">No doubt about it, i've never seen ears that big compared to the rest of it's body...<span id='postcolor'> The ears are heat sinks. Lots off blood vessels in the ears, which leads to cooling of the blood, which leads to cooling of the animal.
  3. Oligo

    Iam joining the u.s. marines

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Mar. 27 2003,17:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I'd like to dispute number two. Smoking while in training is one of the better ways of building up a stamina. Â The nicotine binds to the oxygen molecules (actually it binds to the hemoglobine molecules that would bind O2, but never mind) forcing your system to work with less O2. It's the same principle that pro runners and skiiers use when they train at high altitudes.<span id='postcolor'> It's not the nicotine that binds to hemoglobin and blocks the absorption of oxygen, but the carbon monoxide in the smoke. Carry on...
  4. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Mar. 27 2003,08:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Possibly they are directed by incompetent politicians.<span id='postcolor'> Oh, yes, I always forget that aspect when I watch the game. I always were solely interested on the "how" aspect of warfare, instead of the "why". This current game, US vs. Iraq, is a very interesting study case of a superpower with money versus a small country with a conscription army.
  5. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    Most of the time Iraqis seem to fight with excellent strategy, but every once and a while they produce these brain-farts. Like not blowing the bridges over Eufrat and ocassionally sending an armored column to a suicide attack. Strange behaviour.
  6. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PFC Mongoose @ Mar. 27 2003,08:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But (and please correct me if I'm wrong; I have no military experience) don't units only tend to bring chem suits to the battlefield if they believe they may have to use them?<span id='postcolor'> Not exactly. We dragged them around every goddamn time in exercises. See, you have to train carrying them, the man said. Since chemprotection is part of your standard kit that the gracious army logistics has blessed you with, you have to have it with you always.
  7. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (foxer @ Mar. 26 2003,21:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This probably already been brought up.But whats your thought on about the 3,000 chemical suits they found in the hospital(iraqi soldiers were hiding in it) in iraq(forgot the cities name)?<span id='postcolor'> That was published so funnily. Like possessing chemical suits would implicate that you have chemical weapons. I can tell you that the finnish army (and all other armies probably as well) has a chemical suit for every soldier and we even practiced (GASP! using them. Somehow I doubt however, that Finland has chemical or biological weapons.
  8. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ Mar. 26 2003,13:47)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Pentagon looking seriously at report that seven U.S. soldiers in an ambushed convoy were killed by Iraqis on Sunday as they got out of their trucks with their hands up, surrendering, sources told CNN. Details to come. <span id='postcolor'><span id='postcolor'> I wonder whether there will be an academic discussion later on about this incident, like there was about the "highway of death"-incident back in the day. I remember our pro-US forum regulars arguing that the Iraqis displayed no "adequate signs of their intent to surrender" and thus got blasted to crap. Too bad we have no Iraqis in the forum who could argue that the US soldiers getting out the trucks did not display "adequate signs of their intent to surrender". Another thing comes to mind as well. In Saving Private Ryan, there is a moment where surrendering germans are gunned down accomppanied by one-liners as: "He was saying look, I washed my hands for supper." There always seemed to be a bunch of people who saw no wrong with that action, since the US soldiers were so pissed at the germans or something. Well, maybe the Iraqis are just so pissed to what they see as the invaders that they don't want to take any prisoners? Can you really blame them?
  9. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Albert Schweizer @ Mar. 25 2003,13:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Due to his size the soldier in the middle is 20% less likely to get a head-shot!!!! Right or wrong?? Â <span id='postcolor'> Wrong, since it depends on how small a grouping the shooter can make on a given distance. Specify the grouping size and I'll tell you whether it pays to be 20% shorter.
  10. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Mar. 25 2003,09:35)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Colation convoy going through Nassiriya.<span id='postcolor'> I guess the Iraqi generals have something to learn yet. They have fought, what, three days or so in Nassiriya, but the Iraqis have not blown the two bridges across Euphrates. The german commanders that fought in Operation Market Garden are surely turning in their graves.
  11. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    It is amazing how efficiently Iraqis have managed to defend their country so far. I'll probably have to somewhat revise my estimates of what would happen if Russia ever attacked Finland again.
  12. Oligo

    The Dogs of War

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Schoeler @ Mar. 24 2003,05:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Â A lot of nations are pissed about us developing this because it virtually renders their ICBM force useless.<span id='postcolor'> Except that a lot of nations have enough ICBMs to kill the world ten times over. No way you're going to stop them all.
  13. Oligo

    Mystery illness

    Actually there were some vaccinations way back around sixties. The vaccines were prepared from monkey blood. Now which is more likely: Some of the monkeys carried simian HIV virus thus contaminating the vaccines or some simian HIV carrying monkey raped an explorer or got raped by one?
  14. Oligo

    Mystery illness

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (foxer @ Mar. 19 2003,12:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyways,if you don't get my point.That's how aids got started.Someone in africa mostly likely ate some rare monkey meat,and got aids.He had sex with someone,then some european came down,had sex,then he went back up,then he had sex with an another european.Then it spread it.Well atleast that's how i think aids came about.<span id='postcolor'> Yes, damn those euros. First of all they are such wimps. They also go to Africa and have sex with monkeys. What's wrong with them? Furthermore they invent things like communism, nazism, stalinism, fascism, pacifism and so forth. The true hub of the axis of evil is surely europe, that land of pure evil. Prez. Bush should liberate the people of europe and educate them in the ways of God.
  15. Oligo

    Mystery illness

    And some answers: 1. Why do antiviral drugs cost so much? Antiviral drugs (not counting vaccines) are all relatively new inventions and thus they are covered by patents possessed by medical companies. The companies sell the drugs with high prices, because they want to cover the ridiculously high costs (thanks to paranoid legislation) associated with developing new drugs and getting them approved for use. Before you go calling the companies greedy bastards, you should realize that most of the money made by the companies with high-priced new drugs go towards the development of the miracle drugs of tomorrow. If new drugs were sold with the price of aspirin, no new drugs would get developed anymore in the future. 2. Antibiotics and hormones Somebody mixed these two. Antibiotics are a class of small molecules, which kill or prevent the growth of bacteria. Hormones are small molecules, which humans and other animals use for signalling purposes inside the body. Different parts of human body react differently to different hormones circulating in the body (for example even degenerated male mammary glands react to pregnancy hormones by growing tits). If antibiotics are fed to livestock, traces of the drug (antibiotics are long-lived, stable compounds) can contaminate meat and other products (like milk) derived from the animals if proper safety periods are not observed (taking time for the drug to break up). If people eat the products, they might get allergic reactions and other untowards effects. If hormones are fed to livestock, they rarely contaminate meat or milk, since proper safety periods are almost always observed (hormones are used during the infancy and youth of the animals). However, the hormones used in animal treatment and incidentally also in the human contraceptive pill are not the natural molecules, but synthetic derivatives, which are more stable than the natural versions. Thus piss of treated animals and females contains loads of the synthetic hormones, which then proceed on to contaminate the environment. 3. Is Al-Qaeda behind the new pneumonia? Let me put it this way: If some Al-Qaeda scientist indeed has managed to put together a whole new paramykso virus, I would really want to talk to him. The methods he has been using must be revolutionary and I'm sure he could get his work published in any respectable science journal. So hard would it be for ANYBODY currently to develop a whole new virus, especially in some secret terrorist lab. 4. Are medical facilities in Finland great? No they are not. Due to the "professionalism" of our government, formerly good finnish health care has degenerated to poor levels compared to average european standards. Go SDP.
  16. Oligo

    Mystery illness

    Some points: 1. There are many antiviral drugs available nowadays. However, each drug affects only a certain type of virus, unlike antibiotics which have a capacity to slay a wide variety of bacteria. Also, antiviral drugs cost like hell (20000 euros for a years supply of new HIV antivirals). There is no way we could treat poor people. 2. According to Wegener et. al. (2001) n U.S. alone, 11 million kilos of antibiotics were fed to livestock in year 2000 for growth promotion only (for some reason animals grow faster when you stuff them full of antibiotics). Antibiotics used to treat diseases are not included in this figure. 3. Genetically modified foods have not been shown to posses ANY health risks in ANY credible study. 4. Giving hormones to livestock should have no harmful effects, except that environment is contaminated by the hormones that the animals piss out of their bodies. Did you know that lowering male sperm counts might be partly due to females on contraceptive pills pissing the modified female hormones in the pills to the environment?
  17. Oligo

    Russian army knife

    Leathermans rule! Our company commander accidentally cut his wrist arteries with a Leatherman, while trying to cut frozen bread. There was much celebration in the troops when they medevaced him in a helo.
  18. Oligo

    The arrogant empire

    I liked that article a lot. The writer obviously has a lot of skill, since he manages to deliver his message without much provocation.
  19. Oligo

    Would you like some freedom fries with that?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gollum1 @ Mar. 12 2003,18:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why don´t you wear a Finnish flag, jackass!? <span id='postcolor'> Because people would think they are Neo-Nazis?
  20. Oligo

    The Iraq Thread

    This is just in from TheOnion.com: Bush Orders Iraq To Disarm Before Start Of War WASHINGTON, DC—Maintaining his hardline stance against Saddam Hussein, President Bush ordered Iraq to fully dismantle its military before the U.S. begins its invasion next week. "U.S. intelligence confirms that, even as we speak, Saddam is preparing tanks and guns and other weapons of deadly force for use in our upcoming war against him," Bush said Sunday during his weekly radio address. "This madman has every intention of firing back at our troops when we attack his country." Bush warned the Iraqi dictator to "lay down [his] weapons and enter battle unarmed, or suffer the consequences."
  21. Oligo

    Would you like some freedom fries with that?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Balschoiw @ Mar. 12 2003,10:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">What is the new name for Porsche´s then ?<span id='postcolor'> Porka Turbo (See GTA).
  22. Oligo

    This is pretty lame

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Red Oct @ Mar. 12 2003,07:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Gee thats funny, i was kinda under the impression that Europe wanted to establish colonies there by expanding their empires and mine the lush amounts of gold thats located in the western lands. I had no idea their agenda was to simply build what is now the U.S.<span id='postcolor'> Gee, where did the U.S. residents come from? Outer space? I thought they were fundamentalists, criminals and fortune-seekers emigrating from Europe. Thus their cultural heritage was european and therefore the ideas that they came up with were inspired by european culture. Just like nazism was inspired by european culture. I doubt that native american culture had much to do with the creation of U.S., since the european emigrants barred them in reservates. Maybe you might enlighten me where the U.S. culture emerged from if not from the european cultural heritage of the settlers?
  23. Oligo

    Milk is bad for you

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Mar. 12 2003,09:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As far as eating as much carbs as you want as long as you don't get fat, well, unfortunately there are too many cause/effect cases to recommend against this idea. If your body develops an addiction to carbs (very easy, especially as the years go by, kiddies), you will have a tough time staying away. Your body might also streamline its process of sugar storage and ramp up insulin production, which will only increase your cravings tremendously.<span id='postcolor'> Too much of anything will affect you in a negative way. Considering that carbohydrates (glucose namely) are THE main choke point of mammalian biochemical processes (almost everything you eat will be first converted to glucose and then processed to things that your body needs), I really must say that it is how much you eat, not what you eat. As long as you eat a balanced diet (all those vitamins, some fat and some glucose) and refrain from eating more that you consume, you're going to be okay. Remember, consumption of calories can be increased with exercise. Exercise = no obesity, just like driving a long distance without getting gas = empty gas tank. Glucose is the gasoline of human body. Insulin production will be down regulated as swiftly as up regulated by your body, if need be. Insulin is just the signalling molecule of the mechanism, which keeps an optimal supply of glucose circulating in your blood.
  24. Oligo

    New bomb,bigger then daisy cutter.

    Why not go for space-based kinetic energy bombs? An Ariane 5 booster for example could deliver an aerodynamic shape with small engines made of 6 tons of ceramics up to orbit. You then drop that mass down to Earth with all the speed you can muster (a frigging lot). What you get is a superheated mass slamming down to Earth with a ridiculous speed (at least 20000 kph). We could call it a "Kinetic Harpoon". Edit: 0.5 x 6000 kg x 5500 m/s ^2 = 1 x 10^11 Joules of kinetic energy released alone. Editedit: Compared to 6 x 10^13 Joules for Hiroshima bomb, Kinetic Harpoons would still have 100x smaller yields, but without the nasty radiation and fallout.
  25. Oligo

    Milk is bad for you

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (fraggit @ Mar. 12 2003,07:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Same here. BTW how many carbs a day is the average person supposed to take?<span id='postcolor'> You can eat as much carbohydrates as you want as long as you don't get fat. If you get fat, eat less carbohydrates and fat and exercise. By the way, you absolutely have to eat SOME carbohydrates every day for a balanced diet, since your body cannot produce certain biochemical building blocks from anyhing else but carbohydrates.