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Everything posted by Owuor

  1. If you are still interested in testing if prior triggers have been activated in order to set off another trigger you could try the following: Trigger 1: On activation: A=true Trigger 2: On activation: B=true Trigger 3 (the one you want to happen after 1 and 2 are activated): Condition: A AND B I think that is how it works but I'm away from my OFP computer so I can't check right now. If I'm wrong someone please correct me.
  2. I'm working on a mission now that requires one unit to be engaged in humorous conversation. Much to my dismay I've been unable to find an animation that shows a person laughing or being amused in any way. I don't know how much work goes into an individual animation, but I just would like to plant the thought in the mind of the developers that a laughter animation (or multiple animations - laughing, laughing uncontrollably, knee-slapping laughter) would be a wonderful thing and add the potential for alot of new texture in missions. If working this into a future patch is a possibility, I would be be very pleased. If anyone else would like to add their support to this suggestion, I would be grateful.
  3. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">misslock Posted on Nov. 20 2002,18:37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what cammond would i have to use to make a HEAT fire ps: my car is called car1 <span id='postcolor'> I wish i could tell you misslock...still hoping someone will come up with a solution to this one.
  4. I'm wondering if it is possible to add weapons to the little civilian plane.  I just thought it would be interesting to have  rockets on on. Whether by trigger or script...is this possible? (I am a newbie to scripting so keep this in mind if you answer).  Thanks. ORIGINAL QUESTION ANSWERED...please see below for part 2 of question which is : How can i add rockets/mavericks/any firing weapon to a Trabant/car without using an addon.
  5. You're right about the setmimic command, but an animation is so much better I think. These angry/sad gestures really only affect the face, not the posture, body language, and movement of the individual. They would enhance a good laugh animation however!
  6. Hoping to do this without addons...I should have mentioned that, sorry.
  7. Sorry for resurrecting an old post of mine...but I just started scripting/editing again and am wondering about the second (unanswered) question I posed... Is it possible to arm cars with missiles or rockets that could fire. I don't care about the practicality of it or whether i'll blow myself up. I just want to add Maverick's etc. to a car and be able to fire them while driving. Thanks. In honor of the new 007 flick coming out someone please figure this out!
  8. Owuor

    Fuzzy sights...

    Thank you much! That did the trick.
  9. Owuor

    Fuzzy sights...

    I just installed Red Hammer but haven't played the game in the few weeks prior. I've noticed a fuzzy halo around my AK sights that makes it difficult to aim at distant targets in the evening. Â Please view the attached file and tell me if this is normal or if it is a problem. Thanks.sights picture
  10. Owuor

    Fuzzy sights...

    I have a Radeon 7200, driver version I am running at 1024x768x16 using D3D. Any help with this would be much appreciated.
  11. I know the question has been asked before about how to arm civialians and make them attack western forces. I have been successfull in doing this...but...I want to make civilian pilots in Cessna planes perform airstrikes on western units. I am doing addmagazine, addweapon etc to arm their planes, grouping them with an eastern unit to make them bad, and setting destroy waypoints, trying "dotarget" and "dofire" commands...with NO effect. How can i make civilian planes open up on western (or any) units?
  12. That doesn't seem to work when I test it. Nor does grouping civilians with eastern forces. I have also tested gettting in an empty cessna (armed with Mavericks) with a civilian under my command and having him pilot. When I tell him to attack various targets, he says Negative. Anyone else have ideas??? There must be SOME way to make this work... My kingdom for a civilian who will fire his missiles!!!
  13. I get a crash to desktop when trying to enter a cessna plane. Here is the log from the .rpt file... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ===================================================================== == C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\OperationFlashpoint.exe ===================================================================== Exe version: Thu Feb 07 23:00:31 2002 file: Plot of Intrigue! world: Eden campaign: battle: mission: ErrorMessage: Cannot load mipmap data\cessna_palubka_l.paa <span id='postcolor'> How can I fix this?
  14. Owuor

    Cannot load mipmap...crash

    No, no mods or addons other than patches up to ver 1.42 from Codemasters. Plot of Intrigue! is the name of my custom mission I'm working on.
  15. Well, I can arm the Cessna that way...I can fly it myself and use the weapons if the pilot leaves the plane. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addmagazine "MaverickLauncher";this addweapon "MaverickLauncher"<span id='postcolor'> Putting the above in the init field adds 8 Mavericks to a Cessna. My problem is how to get a cessna that is armed in this manner (and piloted by a civilian) to fire upon Western forces... Anyone tried this?
  16. OK, I'm making my first foray into using variables. I have two scripts that run when certain conditions have been met. What I want to do is to run a trigger once both of these scripts have been run. I was thinking I could do it with variables. I am not having any luck though. Initially I want the variable testvar to equal 0 At the end of each script can i do something like testvar = testvar + 1 and have my trigger activate on the condition testvar = 2 or do variables only work on true-false? Any help would be appreciated. I found the Editing Tutorial on the OFP disk more than a little skimpy with how it dealt with variables.
  17. Owuor

    Variable confusion

    Thank you both! I sucessfully tried it both ways, with the == and using two variables with true/false as well. Much appreciated!
  18. Here is a copy of my description.ext file: class CfgRadio { sounds[] = { radiosample, radiosample2 }; class radiosample { name = ""; sound[] = {"radiosample.ogg", db-40, 1.0}; title = $STRM_radiosample; }; class radiosample2 { name = ""; sound[] = {"radiosample2.ogg", db-40, 1.0}; title = $STRM_radiosample; }; }; class CfgMusic { tracks[]={song1,song2}; class song1 { name = "song1"; sound[] = {\music\song1.ogg, db+30}; }; class song2 { name = "song2"; sound[] = {\music\song2.ogg, db+30}; }; }; -------------------------- My problem is that song1 plays just fine but song2 does not play. Can anyone identify the problem in my code (bearing in mind that I'm new to this) Thanks all!
  19. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CfgRadio {   sounds[] =   { radiosample, radiosample2 };   class radiosample   {      name = "";      sound[] = {"radiosample.ogg", db-40, 1.0};      title = $STRM_radiosample;   };   class radiosample2   {      name = "";      sound[] = {"radiosample2.ogg", db-40, 1.0};      title = $STRM_radiosample;   }; }; class CfgMusic {   tracks[]={song1,song2};   class song1   {   name = "song1";   sound[] = {\music\song1.ogg, db+30, 1.0};   };   class song2   {   name = "song2";   sound[] = {\music\song2.ogg, db+30, 1.0};   }; }; <span id='postcolor'> Well, it finally works.  The above code is what finally worked although I still don't know why...I won't trying to find out until the NEXT time I make a mission!  Now if only I could get the sunglasses option to work for my player. Peace.
  20. Thank you all for the input. I have verified that the ogg is OK by renaming it song1, and it will play through the actual mission. That done, I've tried rewriting my description.ext file where I now believe the problem MUST be. I'm ready to give up on fixing mine. All examples that I read in web tutorials only show syntax for one piece of music, not multiple. Can anyone point me to a working mission with 2 (ot more) user music files so I can lift their description.ext file. Thanks!!!
  21. One more vote here, if this is feasible. Good idea.
  22. I checked and song2 is ogg'd correctly as I can play it fully in a separate player. I did make the syntax for song 1 and song 2 identical, but I don't know that that is the right way to do it. I can't find an example mission out there where someone has 2 working songs. If I could I could just Frankenstein theirs into mine.
  23. You are right Conan, I did have a typo. I started from scratch and this is what I have so far: bcam = "seagull" camcreate [4714.98,11040.5,0] bcam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] ab=GetPos sport bcam camsetpos ab Another thing that was screwing me up before was I kept trying to do this: bcam camsetpos [ab], not realizing I was confusing it into thinking I had an array when I didn't. I'm going to keep adding to it line by line until I get the effect I want. This scripting is frustrating as hell, but addictive!
  24. I'm trying to make my first script and am having no luck. Let me describe the issue. I have a trigger which has activation none and is a switch. It's condition is not (alive sport) ..... it's on activation is [prototype,sport] exec "throttle.sqs" sport and prototype are the name of vehicles and the script of some camera action is supposed to start when sport gets destroyed... here is the script... bcam = "seagull" camcreate [0,0,0] bcam cameraeffect ["internal", "back"] bcam camsetpos [setPos prototype] bcam camsettarget sport bcam camsetrelpos [5,10,2] bcam camcommit 0 titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",2] bcam camsetrelpos [10,15,4] bcam camcommit 4 @CamCommited bcam ~2 Sometimes, nothing happens with the trigger other than the Text i have set up in the effects...other times I get the error "Script throttle.sqs not found" Btw, I am in preview mode in the mission editor if that makes any difference. THanks! Sidenote: How do i find the coordinates in x,y,z format of a given position on the map?
  25. Awesome! Thanks for the code Conan. Now, if only I could put Maveriks on my Trabant...ala something from Q-Branch. Is this possible?