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About Op4_2000

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  1. I have a very long mission, long as in it could take days to complete, so i added an autosave script. It's like #save savegame ~300 goto "save" exit and it works fine, the problem is if you play for a while and save then exit the game completely and load the saved game it still works ok, but if you try to save later either by cheating or the autosave activates it locks up the game. Any ideas on what would cause this to happen. There are around 25 other scripts but nothing major. Theres like marker poistion scripts and body deleting scripts. Could any of these cause a problem because ive tried getting rid of them and i cant figure this out.
  2. as for the first question i was thinking something like "removeallweapons each unit group player" but i cant figure out the exact script text.
  3. Simple problems, one is that i have a script that allows the spawning of new team members when old ones die and another that removes all weapons from the original team. Is there any way to remove the weapons from the spawned members? Second, is there anyway to delete weapons and ammo from the map with a script, similar to the way you would dead bodies or not. Any help on this would be great.
  4. Op4_2000

    .small script problems

    alright thanks, any ideas on the second question.
  5. I made a mission that has your 12 man group against about 250 enemy soliders so if you lose a few in a skirmish you go back to base and spwan new ones. Heres the thing, you use the radio command to activate the script which adds 4 actions make medic, solider, sniper, and cancel order. These work fine the first time. They are something like script 1- player addaction ["<selected type>", "type.sqs"] " " " exit scritp 2 player removeaction 0 "" 1 "" 2 "" 3 ~25 (spawn the selected solider) ~5 exit it works fine the first time you use it but if you repeat the command the actions don't go away and each time after that the increase. So if you lose half your team you got like 20 actions before your normal menu. Is there any other way to make commands go away that might work, or am i just out of luck. My second thing is a way to just remove the bodies of certain groups on the island. I don't want all of the bodies disappearing, just enemy ones and only soliders that you can no longer see. I've tried several bodie removal scripts but I can't adapt them to only do certain people because as I said I have 63 groups and most have all 12 units so entering it in each ones init line is out of the question. Is there one I could reverse and enter in the ones I want to stay and all the rest get deleted? Any help would be great.
  6. I was playing with the BAS Chinook or whatever and HWK's C130 and wondered why BAS couldn't allow any vehicle to be loaded. And if at all possible just doing it myself. I tried just switching scripts in one mission but that got got annoying. Mind you this is only for persoal use because I never post anything I think of or do. But any ideas would be helpful.