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Everything posted by OntosMk1

  1. OntosMk1

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    I cant get it to work... It seems everytime I place the PBo file i get some sort of error and the game crashes. Would someone please tell me where all the files go? I'm more likely placing things wrong.
  2. OntosMk1

    Ch-53e superstallion

    Awesome model Scorpio!!! Some flaws that I've noticed that you might or mght not want to correct. First, Your model currently depicts a CH-53D and and not the Echo. Delta model has TWO Engines and the Echo has THREE. SEcond, 53's are equiped with up to 3 .50 cal M2HB machines guns during combat deployment which are mounted in the crewchief stations along with a single MG mounted on the loading ramp. 302_Dragon...Semper Fi When you posted the pic of the Echo with the "22" on the nose i just about had a heart attack. I have TWO older Brothers that were stationed at koniowi* pardon spelling please. Both flew with Hmm 262 "flyinh Tigers" during the late 80s and early 90s. oldest bro flew 53Ds and the other flew Frogs (ch-46s). Cant wait to show him the pic of "his" "$hitter"
  3. OntosMk1

    2s19 released

    Right that got it...TY
  4. OntosMk1

    2s19 released

    Hey Johnny, How do you change the suffix from com to zip? Im running XP pro and am not to sure on how this is done.
  5. I was wondering if anyone was making any period Russian attack planes? The Su-25 was a VERY new plane and wasnt completly in circulation in the 80s. Also, it would be nice to have something compete with the Tornado's that have been made. I would suggest the Mig-27. Its fast and designed for ground attack. Here is a link: http://www.military.cz/russia/air/mig/Mig_27/mig_27.htm
  6. OntosMk1

    Mh47e chinook released

    Ok, so we've got the Mh-47....w00t awesome addon.... Now is the time to release the ULTIMATE SOAR Helo. The MH-53J Pave Low 3. Terrain following radar, active and passive ECM gear, .50 cals or miniguns. One bad arse helo. FYI did you know that the CH/mh-53 series is the largest rotorwinged a/c in the united states armed forces? Did you also know that the Stallion is capable of doing loops and rolls ? Yes yes, i have seen a Ch-53D do a barrel roll and a Loop. AWesome sight considering how big the Helo is Keep up the awesome work BAS.
  7. OntosMk1

    Bas mh-47e released

    Looks like the wonderful people at Ballistic have released their MH-47E. It looks awesome! Cant wait to see their MH-53 Pave Low. here is the link: http://www.concept-5.com/ballistic/downloads.asp
  8. OntosMk1


    OMFG....you can drive a jeep into the cargo bay!!!! its to bad that you cant take off and keep it in the bay. It kinda just passes through the floor of the A/C and hovers in mid-air heheheh...... The Idea of being able to drop off "light" vehicles or troops is AWESOME....Keep up the good work gents. Hope the cockpit and everything else is coming along smoothly. Can't wait for the finished product. Semper Fi!!
  9. Ok, anyone out there plan on making some Russian attack aircraft? The Su-25 is nice but its more like the A-10.... We need something like the Mig-27 or maybe even the Su-24. Just a request really...We need something to give the 109ADATS a run for its money....And so far even the Tunguska ist struggling with the AMX Tornado...
  10. OntosMk1

    Russian strike aircraft....

    Neither the Mig-27 or the Su-24 are Mach 3 capable aircraft. I would compare the Mig-27 to the Tornado or maybe an F/A-18 and the Su-24 is almost a direct copy of the F-111B. Right now the Russian strike craft (Su-24) that are in game are incredibly vulnerable to Stingers/Sa-7s. The Tornado and Skyhawk mods that have been put out move too fast for the SAMs (ZSU-24/AS6/SA-7) to track. Anyways....I just think it would be cool to have a Mig-27 or some Russian attack plane in game
  11. I know that there is a Mig-29 floating out there somewher but the Fulcrum wasnt released until the late 80s. Could someone possibly model say a Mig-27 or and Su-24. We need some Russian fast movers to combat those new Sam systems that where just released. ANyways its just a suggestion. Have fun
  12. Munger Battlesounds 1.1 IS AWESOME!!!! Thank you soooo very much for using the M-16/AK sounds....I can finally play resistance without cringing everytime an assault rifle fires. Thank you thank you thank you......Tank sounds are great ...Helo sounds are Awesome....BUT i ask one thing hehehehe....could you put the sound tht satchel used for the 20mm gun on the Cobra's? Other than that one SMALL detail I LOVE IT!!! I thank you...My paintabll team thanks you, cuz they dont have to hear me whine about it anymore, and most important my Girlfriend thanks you.......
  13. Mailor and Antichrist....Are yall out of your MIND!?!?! The Ak and M-16 sounds from Satchels pack were ON the MONEY. Have you ever heard the difference between the two weapons? Those sounds where as close to being real without being there. Munger, I look forawrd in trying out your soundpack bro. Please post a URL or link as to where i can get it. Keep up the awesome work man.
  14. Satchel I hope your still around man. Cuz OPF:R Needs you baaaaad. Most of you that read the forums or have read my posts have all heard me rant and rave over Satchel's soundpack and those of you that love the realism of his sound pack will agree with me in PRAYING that he delivers another sound addon to OPF:R. Hell, just import the old ones over. Gawd i wish i had the tools to do it myself. I live very close to Ft.Knox, Ky and have access to pretty much all the firearms and weaponry of the OPF arsenal. There is a place called Knobs Creek here in Kentucky which has an a "machine gun shoot" Twice a year. People bring all sorts of weapons ranging from .22 caliber rifles up to 105mm Howitzers and firing them off at cars and such. http://www.knobcreekshoot.com/ right there ya go..in short; Satchel, let us know your working on a soundpack for Resistance or something. PLEEAASSSEEE
  15. OntosMk1

    Satchel, deliver us from this evil!

    I've tried said "battlesounds" and although it i s a worthy effort. It pales in comparison to Satchel's range sounds. NONE of the assault rifles sound even remotly realistic. The tanks sound all the same despite engine type or make. So in short thanks but no thanks. Satchel's sounds impressed me to the point were nothing else will do other than Satchel or some enterprising young man importing the old VERY realistic sounds to OFP:R. I know i suck and im hard headed. But when sounds like those of Satchel's make your jaw drop in awe you tend to "spoil" yourself.
  16. OntosMk1

    Sound addon for ofp resistance

    First of all, those of you going out of your way to improve on the games sounds my hat is off to you. Your taking your blood and sweat and putting into the game to give players a better experience. Now for my "rant". Satchel had those sounds down PAT. Everyone of the sounds he recorded sound EXACTLY like the real thing from the Crack of the M-16 to the distinctive "Bark" of the AK. I dont know about yall but it made OPF MUCH more enjoyable. I went back and replayed the entire game. Some of the sound packs released for OPF:R are,how shall i say, too arcadie. Assault Rifles do not have a low thud sound to them. They all give a sharp CRACK and yes the AK-47 sounds like it BARKs. (nothing else in the world sounds like an AK) The Black Hawks and non-turbine MBTs/IFVs sounded perfect. Diesel Engines which the T-72/T-55/M-60 used do not sound like Turbine engines they dont "whistle" they have deep base sound to them. The main cannon report form the MBTs was DEAD ON. Even down to the "whisp and Crack" sound of a SAbot round flying by. The Quad 23mm of the ZSU-23-4 were also on the money. Quad 23mm sound a bit like Ripping metal,some what like a vulcan but slower. So please, i beg one of you. Import Satchel's sounds straight over to Resistance,don't add to them don't take something out just bring them straight over. sorry for the stupidity
  17. OntosMk1

    Resistance sounds....

    Ok, as far as the sounds go in Opf:R they sound NOTHING like the real things. I've looked and looked for Satchel's sounds for Resistance but they dont't exist yet. An AK-47/74 sounds NOTHING like an M-16. Satchel had it down pat. The blackhawks sounds like poop and the T-72 and T-55s which both have Diesel engines sound like pewp. You'd think that BIS could tell a guy to go out to a gun range or something with a DAT recorder and get some good sounds. I enjoy the expansion greatly but the fact that I cant use the GREAT sounds that rekindled OPFL in the first place are gone. To be honest the only reason i bought OPFL:R was so i could use the Little Bird addons(Ah/Mh/Oh-6).....I know petty but i have to put in my two cents
  18. OntosMk1

    Get your littlebird choppers here:

    I haven't Tried your Mods yet simply cuz OPFR hasnt been released in the U.S. yet. But, Im affraid im gonna have to chime in here, from previous posts. I have Fired BOth the Gau-2b and the M134 both are VERY capable of firing and sustaining 6000rpm. But honestly all i want to know is one thing. DID YOU GET THE SOUND RIGHT. The AH/MH/OH-6 all have a very distinct sound. No other Helo sounds like it. For those of you that have actually heard an MD-500/530 you'll know what im talking about.
  19. I wouldnt mind seeing the Minigun modeled in OPF...I think it would make the Black Hawk loadouts a bit more realistic and honestly who wouldnt want to man a 6 barreled gun that spits a 4ft flame out the front while shooting 6000 or 5000 rounds per minute
  20. I'm not in the Military but I have Fired both the m134 and the m61a1 20mm vulcan canon. The Minigun was very easy to control both on the 5000 rounds per minute setting and the 6000 rounds per minute setting. The only serious problem i ran into was shooting at night without a flash suppresser. The 5ft tongue of flame tends to ruin any sort of "night vision" you have. I was always taught to close one eye while firing during night shoots but of course i didnt. As far as ammo i think the Ah-6 carried a 50,000 round hopper in the cargo area in back. Bad things is that at 100 rounds a second 50,000 rounds isnt all that much It all goes buy pretty quik. I've got some stills of the guns so ill try and scan them and throw them up for ya:) For those of you who doubt me...go to a place called Knobs Creek Kentucky in Bullet county. Twice a year they have a "machine gun shoot". People come from all over to see and fire some of the ordanence brought to the range. I've fired everything from a .22 cal maskeet rifle to a 40mm Bofors canon. MUCH fun
  21. Greetings everyone, Â I've noticed several people trying to models Uh-1's and the like but honestly i would love to see the OH-6/AH-6 little bird modeled. If you've seen "BLack Hawk Down" The Ah-6's where used as light Gunships and light personel carriers. They can carry up to 4 TOWs, 14 FFARs, and 2 Gau-2b miniguns. The personel version can carry four SpecOps on outboard benchs along with a pilot and co-pilot. Its a very simple design and i would love to see someone try and make one.