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About Odessaman

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Odessaman

    Game is too Unrealistic

    Enemy able to see you but you can't see them? This is too unrealistic and it makes the game Bull%$#^&!!!!
  2. Odessaman

    Silent Sniper

    Thanks for the help.
  3. Odessaman

    Silent Sniper

    Can't seem to get pass this mission. I've tried blowing up the stupid tanks. I've tried sneeking in. Any advice on how to complete this mission. Its become very fustrating. Thanks. Odessaman
  4. Odessaman

    Favorite mistakes, bloopers and general mishaps

    I was playing the Silent Sniper Mission when I got underneath a Tank. As I was setting a Bomb I got plastered by somone. Any advice on this Mission?? Can't seem to get past it. Oh, and where the heck is the Convoy their talking about??
  5. Odessaman

    Setting Time for Bombs

    Must be a bug. I set the Bomb and never see any indication on Increaseing the time??
  6. Odessaman

    Setting Time for Bombs

    Anyone know how to increase the time for setting bombs?? Can't seem to find it anywhere in the manual? Thanks. Odessaman
  7. Odessaman

    Ground Attach II

    I've just about given up on this mission. Its not fair. I constantly get shot out of nowhere. I even tried to hover and wait and sure enough I get banged. What can I do??
  8. Odessaman

    Ground Attach II

    I've just about given up on this mission. Its not fair. I constantly get shot out of nowhere. I even tried to hover and wait and sure enough I get banged. What can I do??
  9. Odessaman

    Ground Attach II

    Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try.
  10. Odessaman

    Ground Attach II

    Thanks for the advice. I'll give it a try.
  11. Odessaman

    Ground Attach II

    Any suggestions on accomplishing this mission?? I've tried everything. Flying low, Flying High, Flying around and I always end up getting shot down. Is this a bug in the game? Any suggestions would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks in advance. Odessaman
  12. Odessaman

    Ground Attach II

    Any suggestions on accomplishing this mission?? I've tried everything. Flying low, Flying High, Flying around and I always end up getting shot down. Is this a bug in the game? Any suggestions would be greatly apprecitated. Thanks in advance. Odessaman