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About Oberon3d

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  1. Oberon3d

    Ferret. new screenshot at http://ofp.gamezone.cz

    It's an MK2 Blackdog, It's looking really good. I think it's really cool the open window. If you want, you could open the top and sit the comander ( gunner) The geometry is already there. You could also give the guy outside a binocular view and pose. Just sugestions...do what you think is good. You are doing a great job. but Could you keep a bit more in touch?... Cheers
  2. Oberon3d

    Ferret ingame

    BTW...what is the best final total size ( amount) for textures?... I have about 6 textures 4 of them are 1024 square as I have used them to work but I don't think that will be the best final size, so..... And that's for one cammo patern only....And there are 4 of them...
  3. Oberon3d

    Ferret ingame

    Well...the model is now in SWIFT88 hands. He is exporting it for me so...the hot potato is in his hands now...Bwahaha Well....should be out soon I guess.
  4. Oberon3d

    Ferret ingame

    Ok .....I'm sorry I'm not checking the forum as often as I used to.. I need someone to export the Ferret. you know trough O2 naming things and so. I have 2 more things to do with the gunner turret and that's it. If anyone who has exported some models wants the 3ds and the textures let me know and I'll send them to you in 2 days time.
  5. Oberon3d

    Ferret ingame

    Ok that´s it I´m back from holidays and I have gave me a release date. 2 weeks from today and the Ferret will be released. In Beta or Finished but released. ...probably finished Sorry for being so lazy
  6. Oberon3d

    Ferret ingame

    Sorry for being out of this forum and not updating the ferret.. I have fixed the turret, I have finished the interior model and i´m just with the textures... It will be released....i´m just a bit busy with other stuff... ...maybe for OPF2?....I´m only joking... I´ll find some screens of the interior and post them
  7. Oberon3d

    Westland wessex

    I think that what it makes Flashpoint the best Helo sim ever is not the physics of the choppers, it's the feeling of flying it in an almost real island. You have the feeling of being there, not playing a game...
  8. Oberon3d

    Westland wessex

    Don't know how to animate the door...I just do models...
  9. Oberon3d

    Westland wessex

    All I can show now is the mocap shadow textured model. before I add colours to it. It needs some cleaning in the edges though... around 3500 polys...
  10. Oberon3d

    Westland wessex

    Hi... Sorry for not replying...I have been very busy....but...I haven´t stoped... The Ferret interior is coming good...The Wessex is Ready to be textured....I have made the mapping and I have a texture page with the wireframe so I can paint straight away... I have some texture space in that page for future extra details like the steps in the wheels, some aerials and whatever else
  11. Oberon3d

    Eech gameplay style

    What I think this means is: You start your game and load a Dinamic Campaing that you saved... The war is in a certain status, the front is somewhere and you could fancy being a infantry man today... You select infantry man... Then choose all possible misions that infantry platoons are asigned to...then you get into one of their members and do the mission. Maybe you just fancy be a pilot with no war related missions and you could select pilot and then transport missions... I don´t know.... I have hardly played the campaigns because Flashpoint is too open to play something small as a campaign in old style. Campaign right now means a Queu of Missions...this should change A Dinamic Campaign is what flashpoint is asking for. It also needs living people....When you load an island to make your mission in the editor you shouldn´t need to put people... You could place predefined bases...with number and kind of units.... I just can´t wait untill release...no matter what you do with it
  12. Oberon3d

    Tiredness ?

    I think that tiredness is perfect right now in the game. If you are breathing badly you can´t aim properly... If I´m playing a game and I have to run 10km I might get bored enough to also need to rest..... Leave it as it is.....
  13. Oberon3d

    Ferret ingame

    Hi. I'm here I keep working on it...but very slowly... I have to make some extra hours at work and is going slow.... The interior is getting quite well... It's alive...Haddock has kicked me to make me finish it. He will get sure I do ;P Sorry for make you wait.....
  14. Oberon3d

    (operation final justice mod

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CanadianTerror @ April 03 2003,21:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Why not? So you mean you'd support it if it was... "Project: Iraqi Slavery" ? <span id='postcolor'> I don´t buy it mate...the name of the game is OIL...
  15. Oberon3d

    (operation final justice mod

    I dont support this MOD