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Everything posted by NATO1140

  1. NATO1140

    Where do I purchase Arma 2?

    Steam is garbage, I would rather buy a copy from amazon co.uk. I can't believe they went with steam? You can't even mods games on steam or it won't even run the game, plus the extra lag on your cpu from having to run steam just to play arma? Whatever if I have to pay some extra money for shipping the best war game ever made, so be it. I'm getting a GTX-285 2gb oced from Newegg, just for this game. Should run nicely with my Phenom 2.3 x4 and 4gb of 6400
  2. NATO1140

    North America Release / Publisher

    Steam is garbage, I would rather buy a copy from amazon co.uk. I can't believe they went with steam? You can't even mods games on steam or it won't even run the game, plus the extra lag on your cpu from having to run steam just to play arma? Whatever if I have to pay some extra money for shipping the best war game ever made, so be it. I'm getting a GTX-285 2gb oced from Newegg, just for this game. Should run nicely with my Phenom 2.3 x4 and 4gb of 6400
  3. NATO1140


    So do I, but I'm getting married next week so its gonna have to wait for a while... Heh I have a similar rig, after I get back from USAF BMT I will buy a new rig. Thats a cool little program so at least I know what to expect out of my system before I buy it, I will post update with results later. phenom x4 2.3ghz evga 9600 gt 4gm ram xp pro