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About Nolegs

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Nolegs

    Population and Expansions?

    Don't give up looking for PvP yet. With the improvements to the game play and the especially the soldier movement in and out of buildings, PvP has a much much better chance of becoming popular. AdultGamersElite hopes to have some PvP set up and running in the next week. I personally didn't like PvP with ArmA or A2 due to the extremely clunky feel of player movement but I'm very excited about the prospect now with the updates.
  2. What he said he said... Jest has been great for us. Very fast response time to any issues we've had.
  3. Nolegs

    Cheapest Servers?

    I have a 26man private server from leagueservers for 15.00/month but I found out this morning that in order to create custom commandlines to use mods, you have to have a public server. Keep that in mind if you are looking to leagueservers for a private server. Their public prices are still much cheaper than anywhere else. Haven't had much play experience on the server so I cannot comment on performance.
  4. He could go i5 or i3. But basically costing the same isn't what you are looking for when building a budget system. I chose the parts I did because I was going for bang for buck in a budget machine without building it with upgrading down road in mind. A 1156 board will cost more, as will good DDR3 ram and the processor you mention is about 30 more. All those little chunks in extra cost will take away from other key components(ie, video card) I'd prefer to save that money so I could dump it into the video card.
  5. I'd also build my own. If you've never done it you can find guides online or a friend that has. It really isn't that complicated when you follow the instructions. Most connections are labelled well or made to only fit a certain way...don't force anything and you'll be fine. I built my first in '04 and I'll never consider buying a pc from a manufacturer, not after seeing the hardware list for a 2200 dollar dell totaling 1200 on newegg... Anyways there are two ways to look at a budget build. Either you want the nastiest beast you can build for <1000 or you want to build a budget machine that has upgrading in mind to slowly get to an even nastier machine down the road. I'd vote for option 1. Build the nastiest machine now and put 10.00 a week away from now and then build a upgradeable beast a couple years down the road. You can really squeak out a ton of extra bang for buck out of the C2D's. I'd probably go with the E8400 as mentioned above. They can hit 4.0 Ghz fairly regularly. ArmA2 loves a FAST processor. 167.00 Then nock off the base hardware dvd rw, for 23.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827106289 Case w/free shipping 49.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119161 Power Supply 119.99 (99.99 after 20.00 mir) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817171037&cm_re=power_supply-_-17-171-037-_-Product Motherboard 59.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128372 Ram 52.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231144 Went with 2GB because this is a budget build. With the rest of this system I think it'll still fly. now you drop some cash Video Card 405.00 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150443 That leaves about 150.00 for a hard drive. Something I recently tried that made a huge difference to me in my ArmA2 performance was picking up a solid state drive. I use a 40 gig for my operating system and ArmA2 and an old hdd for other programs and storage. Made a big difference in my system performance as well. They are pricey per gb but it does make a big difference in my ArmA performance. It won't increase fps but it sure smooths the visuals. SSD for A2 109.00 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227505 HDD for OS and everything else 47.99 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136098 That might be a bit over because I think I forgot an OS. Though if you have a WinXP key, I'd just reuse that and save yourself the 100 bucks. SAme goes for any hardware you might have, such as case, dvd or hard drive. If you can reuse some stuff like that you'll save a couple hundred dollars. You can drop the SSD and drop another 100. you'll want to be sure to overclock this chip to get the extra power. Just some ideas of what I'd probably order if I were doing this tomorrow. good luck.
  6. Squad name - Adult Gamers Elite AGE| Timezone/location -US(East coast to West coast) Squad gamemode preference - Coop (Fun/Teamwork) Contact email - register at www.AdultGamersElite.com Website address - www.AdultGamersElite.com
  7. Me too. Can't wait to go back to the cities. Getting CAA1 working on our server now.
  8. It's a game. Play it how you want to play it. The way I look at it is because of the fact that we are sitting in a chair with headphones and a monitor we lose alot of the spacial awareness that we would have if we were in the actual situation. Tactical view gives a bit of that awareness back. People will say that in real life you can't view your world from over your own shoulder and then I'd say but in real life I could just raise my head a little bit above the grass instead of effectively standing up for the enemy to shoot. If tactical view wasn't there then you have no option to allow you to see above that grass without completely exposing yourself.
  9. Battlefield 2. It's single player was just multiplayer vs bots. I don't recall what 1942 had for single player but I don't think it was much. Really in the end, no matter how much content is provided with the release, it's going to get old at some point so the platform having some strong legs to live on is pretty important. I'd choose a great platform over loads of content if the platform was customizable.
  10. Same issue here. It'll show up after a few refreshs but something is up.
  11. It still amazes me how people want to to bash others because they want to play a game a different way from how they say it should be played. If you don't like the gameplay on the servers you are playing on, then it is YOUR fault. YOU are not looking enough to find the servers that offer the type of gameplay you desire.
  12. Before going to Win7 I had ArmA running perfectly fine on Vista Home Premium 64bit ...I did not get to try ArmA2 on Vista 64 though. I have heard it works fine.
  13. Nolegs

    The best video games.

    In no particular order Contra(up up down down.....20years later it's still fresh in my mind, and probably yours) Original Ghost Recon Battlefield 1942 Command and Conquer(original)
  14. I'm running Win7 RC 7100 with 8gig ram and the game is running fine for me.
  15. Nolegs

    3rd person view

    For a game that is praised for being extremely customizable, I don't understand why people here want this removed from the game. If you are concerned that someone is "cheating" by using their 3rd person view then find a server that has it disabled and play there. It's really that simple. There are alot of other issues for the devs to devote their time to than trying to please the ultra hardcore players that feel the game should only be played one way.