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About Necrobot

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  1. Necrobot

    Avgani Iraq 1.2

    Hey, thank you, so much. I've played endless insurgent/ambush scenarios on your map. I love it, I love it. Atmospheric, and excellent. I agree, place-able objects is a much better alternative than designated checkpoints. Don't get me wrong, I thought it was great, but it messed with the AI-pathing, and made missions too repetitive-feeling. Alas, this has all been said, and done, but I would like to thank you, yet, again, for your dedication to the ArmA modding community, and for bringing us this amazing terrain. I know it has made my day extra good. Now we're only waiting for those Generic Opfor, and my family jewels will simply bust, due to joy.
  2. Necrobot

    Generic Opfor

    I am sad, because I am not sure if these will ever be released.
  3. Necrobot

    Generic Opfor

    Totally amazing! I wish I could help!
  4. Necrobot

    MODUL Animations Pack v2

    Excuse me, but do AI use these? Or do I have to implement them into my missions myself? That would be really cool, if if you replaced some of the animations completely with these, and possibly add these new ones, so all the AI are reacting realistic.
  5. Necrobot


    Yeah, I kind of want the replacement file as well. I remember reading this thread looking for it at one point, and time. Some people just like replacements, so they can enjoy your superb addon on their old favorite missions. I don't see any problems there, but that's my 2 cents.
  6. Necrobot


    No doubt. But as I requested before, a replacement config, even it override all the standard humvees, I think it would be nice to see. Cheers all! Great work on the 4th release, by the way. They are amazing to blow up, and the new turret looks sick!!
  7. Necrobot


    In the bowels of Armaholic is another IED script by someone called Jeevz that is meant to be configurable for size of blast/damage, to be either fatal to ground troops, able to disable but not destroy a HMMWV or to destroy a hummer or larger vehicle. I've not tried it out but this might be better as whilst it is sans model it is potentially more versatile. IED Script v1.2 by Jeevz Thank you, I really appreciate you showing me that. Although, I can't quite seem to get it working. I know possibly adding the .sqs to the actual mission script may free up this problem I am having, but I am too amateur to figure it out. I figured if I just added this IED script to the SCM_IED, and repacked it, I could just run this out of the init line, similiar to the previous one, by adding ex' "\scm_ied\ied.sqs"; but even that failed, as I keep getting errors, even when not running the new script, or even the old one. At one point in time, it did manage to detonate, but it did so as soon as I previewed as a civilian. Also, I noticed there are different .sqs files inside of the SCM_IED, labeled 'vbied' & 'ied'; when the only one listed in the readme, or description is '9ied.sqs'? Maybe that is a way to change the detonation type for this particular addon. Sorry, if my English is sloppy. Thanks, again.
  8. Necrobot


    I think I can give you some advice; if this is not too obvious to you, already. But, sometimes if you edit a mission with certain addons running, you will still be required for this addons (as you mentioned - ghost addons). I've had this happen to me, and it's simply because the same reason you would never put a non-official addon into your main 'Addon' directory; you should only have the distinct addons you wish to include in the mission activated, thus freeing up any strange requirements you make run into, like your issue. You may have to scrap your missions, and start again, or otherwise, I don't know. Holla.
  9. Necrobot

    Generic Opfor

    These models are absolutely amazing. Please continue your work. They will have a loving home on my hdd, and in my future fantasy battles, and patrols. Thank you, and I hope you get that help you need.
  10. Necrobot


    I've fallowed this addon since page it was posted in the discussion section, although I was unable to post any suggestions, since I just recently decided to finally open an account here; this shall be my first post. So, please be gentle on my humble suggestions. As far as the anti-IED system you have mounted on the front of these bad boys; at one point in time I read one of your posts saying that one possibility to implementing this as a working feature would to include a associated IED addon to go along. My suggestion is rather you could possibly look up other IED addons. Such an example would be 'SCM_IED' where it comes with a cheesy IED model, but you can add the initialization line to almost any object (such as a 'barrel' - and besides a vehicle), and it will explode in a realistic manor. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this,west] exec "\scm_ied\9ied.sqs": Excuse my lack of proper terminology, but I think if you could add a script (or add an init' line) that has a larger trigger radius, say 50 meters, or so longer than the actual IED, it can send a message, or make a noise in a realistic manor, to detect the IED, and avoid disaster. And, to even make it more incredible, you could add a probability, or have different scripts, so some can be detectable, and some not. Because, from what I've seen, those things don't work too well in the field, anyway, statistics show that. If you have any questions regarding my post, feel free to ask me, as I will be monitoring this thread, as I always do. Thank you so much for your hard work. It is amazing to see this in-game, and patrolling Iraq-terrain streets. PS: If anyone can make a replacement file for this, I would forever be grateful, so I can play some hefty singleplayer. It would be a cool to see these in some BI-standard missions, and would be a good combo with the desert blufor vehicle replacement. I can even see making it just replace all types of humvees with variations of this. Not like I've seen a TOW hmwwv do much of anything, but become cannon fodder, anyway. Cheers!