I fly some flying models, also choppers. With this point of view I can say that the flight model of AA is OK (in 1.02). Sure, it is not perfect or 100 % like irl but this is OK, it is a game and thus reality has to be adapted. Sure, there are also bugs but until now BIS is doing a great job in fixing those.
I also can fly the choppers in AA pretty well but yet have to get used to.
I hope BIS will not listen to just a (loud) minority used to simplified flight models and make the choppers just easier (more OFP or BF2 like).
Fix (real existing) bugs and inconsistencys in flight models of different chopper types instead.
You never can please everybody! So, a perfect solution could be a "realism slider", so everybody can adjust the flight model (e.g. auto-mixing or auto-stabilizer).