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Everything posted by Novusordo

  1. Ok so I'm making a very large misison and I eventually got this error messege pop up on me when placing units. I clicked ok and removed a group that wasen't essential to make way for a more important group placment and I could play it then but now I can't even if I delete loads of groups I still can't preview mission anymore. Are the group entries remaining in the mission.sqm and need removing manually? if so how?
  2. how do i get murrays air strike script to work on spots further away than paraiso??? the bomber comes from the north west direction and i want it to hit near corazol but the damm thing crashes everytime. hitting targets in paraiso and closer is fine, though. his readme says to tweak two values but i tried with no luck. how do i get the script to work in corazol distance?
  3. Novusordo

    Sound Mod Help

  4. Novusordo

    Sound Mod Help

    I wanna hear your improvments!
  5. Novusordo

    Sound Mods

    hahaha winters it seems to me you know full well what to do and you are just attention seeking now! http://smokeclifton.com/Forum/index.php?topic=108.0
  6. ok so i have my jets with their pilots outside ready to man them on radio alpha and I set the move waypoint at the other end of the runway then another one a good 5KM infront of the runway then another going diagnal about 1KM from the target i want bombing and set this waypint to "LIMITED" so they fly low over the target. Next I set two waypoints for each jet bomber with this in the ON ACT field... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">jet1 fire "BombLauncher"; and <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">jet2 fire "BombLauncher";, respectively. Then finally i then set move waypoints right 5km infront of the bomb release waypoints then a final move waypoint miles and miles away out to sea. I initiatly painted these waypoints right on the spots i want the bombs to hit but it soon became apparent that the bombs fall in a diagnol fashion and so it's required to set the waypoints a fair distance away from the spot u want bombing. Anway, they are ridiculously innacurate and frustratingly random no matter how many tweaks and changes i make. one time they will fly across the target perfectly and bomb the spots perfectly for a few times in a row then the next second they might just fly over the target nicely but the bombs will fall short/long then other times they will miss flying over the target by miles. it's rididulous. please reveal the secret of making accurate/reliable air strikes.
  7. Novusordo

    FDF sound pack v1.0

    thanks m8 that would be great to have more sounds. i actually purchased 2 explosion sounds last night for $2 each hahaa. i must be mental but anway....
  8. Novusordo

    FDF sound pack v1.0

    no not at all.
  9. Novusordo

    FDF sound pack v1.0

  10. yeah it's possible to save and reloading mission or game for that matter does not fix it. ok i will try pasting to a new mission, sounds promising EDIT: Yup that has fixed it. Excellent - thank you.
  11. So I want to introduce mr murrays arty script into my mission but i already have a heavily used description.ext file and want to add the stuff from mr murrays description.ext to mine. I tried doing it but I keep crashing when loading the map in the editior. If I rememebr rightly, I get something like "put something where script ends" or something along those lines. i tried everything - please help. My description.ext ... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgMusic { tracks[]={tt2, req, track03}; class track01 { name = "tt2"; sound[] = {\music\tt2.ogg, db+100, 1.0}; }; class track02 { name = "req"; sound[] = {\music\req.ogg, db+100, 1.0}; }; class track03 { name = "class"; sound[] = {\music\class.ogg, db+100, 1.0}; }; }; class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { rad1, rad2, rad3, rad4 }; class voicesample { name = "rad1"; sound[] = {"rad1.ogg", db+100, 1.0}; titles[] = { 0, $STRM_Voice }; }; class voicesample2 { name = "rad2"; sound[] = {"rad2.ogg", db+100, 1.0}; titles[] = { 0, $STRM_Voice2 }; }; class voicesample3 { name = "rad3"; sound[] = {"rad3.ogg", db+100, 1.0}; titles[] = { 0, $STRM_Voice2 }; }; class voicesample4 { name = "rad4"; sound[] = {"rad4.ogg", db+100, 1.0}; titles[] = { 0, $STRM_Voice2 }; My murrays description.ext (i want this integrated into mine) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {Funk,Ari}; class Rauschen {name="Rauschen";sound[]={\sounds\rauschen.ogg,db+20,1.0};titles[] = {}; }; class Ari {name="Ari";sound[]={\sounds\ari.ogg,db+30,1.0};titles[] = {}; }; };
  12. I've made a U.S/SLA border defense line and I have awesome ambient skirmish sound effects going off in it's direction now I want to top it off with random explosions along the defense line at random times. How would one do this?
  13. Novusordo

    Help with CfgAiSkill

    cool. is there anyway to get this working in multiplayer?
  14. Anyone know any MP-compatible scripts that make the enemy AI less accurate becuase it's impossible to do any sort of flanking.
  15. the end of my missions involves two squads of soldiers being dropped off by blackhawks to clean up a base and the surrounding area after it gets airstriked and i have a trigger set to activate on "east NOT present" and when it's activated it switches the two squads from their seek and destroy waypoints to the get in waypoint back at the chopper. i've used every method i can think of, from the unscripted plain way of get in/transport unload sync'd with get out, to using basic scripting and triggers such as a trigger over the transport unload waypoint with "{commandGetOut _x} foreach units Alpha;". sometimes they get out and move to the seek & destroy wp at the base and all looks fine untill they some or all of them decide to get back in the chopper. the chopper acts weird aswell, taking off early, landing multiple times, ect. really frustrating. please help.
  16. im geting getout waypoint and a getout trigger over the invisible helipad.
  17. Make sure you run the flyInHeight command on the plane/chopper and not the pilot. Didn't the plane fly higher at all, or was it just the bombing that went wrong? ah now that is impossible since I must use an EMPTY Harrier in becuase otherwise the pilot moves immediately. Damm, looks like we gonna have to rely on scripts, then. Actually I don't think i tried "never fire" but i'm not using michaels airstrike script albeit heavily modified by myself to be more realsitic.
  18. yes i've tried this. amazing script but too unrealistic for my liking. it's the only thing working though since mr murrays script only works on certain areas of the iseland.
  19. how would i make a harrier spawn in flight when i radio alpha??
  20. damm thats just a little out of my reach ATM. the reason i ask this question is cos my mision requires an airstrike and when it takes off on the runway it veers off course so i want the harrier to spawn mid-air instead of taking off via runway.
  21. yea i tried sergeant and ful skill/ect but no difference. lol i will try colonol or whatever the highest is once i get back home.
  22. awesome - and where would i copy & paste all that to??
  23. thanks but it dident work, the inflightheight thingy. i tried setting to careless, safe, ect before with no difference. this is painful