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About Nick225

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Nick225

    realism server

    is there an arma coop server for only for players wanting realisitc gameplay? id join on a clan but i dont have the time for that, so i was wondering if there was just a good server for that, if not, i might have to set one up
  2. whenever i try to join a mulitplayer game it goes into the game lobby and then i click on connect and it goes to the receiving mission file box, but it for the file size, it says 0KB/0KB. it stays like that until i disconnect. ive disabled my firewall and stuff like that, still no luck. any suggestions?
  3. Nick225

    remove action command

    nevermind, i figured it out. oh, is there a way i can the make a whole side do something with 1 command rather than writing it out 20 times? like something that i can do instead of this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit1 setcombatmode "blue" unit2 setcombatmode "blue" unit3 setcombatmode "blue" unit4 setcombatmode "blue"
  4. why wont it work for me! i have _you removeaction 0 in my script. whats wroing
  5. i got it working, there just one more problem. here's my script. its for a flashbang: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; ***************************************************** ; ** Operation Flashpoint Script File ; ***************************************************** ?(_bang < 3) : goto "throw" ?(_bang > 3) : goto "none" #throw ;this makes the player do a grenade throw animation me playmove "combatthrowgrenadeend" ~3 ;this is for the flash titlecut [" ", "white in",3] ;the following 2 set victim to not shoot and not go prone victim setcombatmode "blue" victim setunitpos "up" ~6 ;after 6 sec, the victim will shoot again victim SETCOMBATMODE "red" _bang=_bang+1 exit #none hint "All out" exit I out this code in the players init field like this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">player addaction ["flashbang", "flashbang.sqs"] the problem: i want the player to only have 4 flashbangs. but i cant get it to work. id also like to have it affect anyone within a certain area. can i do thaT? right now, im planning on just making it affect all bad guys at the same time.
  6. Thanks! is there a way i can create a flare or a real bright flash?
  7. i want to make a trigger repeat but only four times. i set it up like this. i put a=1 in my init field i created the trigger TRIGGER: activated by player, repeatedly CONDITION: this and a<4 ON ACTIVATION: a=a ON DEACTIVATION: a=a+1 i thought that would make it activate the trigger 4 times, but it doesn't. any help? I hope you can understand what im talking about
  8. Nick225

    civilian addons

    sorry, to clarify i meant civilian people.
  9. Nick225

    civilian addons

    are there any good civilian addons?
  10. Is there a way to create an object at the player's crosshairs or a set distance from him?
  11. Nick225

    Firing from behind objects

    in my mission when the guys get shot they just go prone and dont shoot over barriers. i was told that putting this in the init field would work; this setunitpos "up" but it didnt work for me.... oh well, maybe it only works if you have Resistance. which i dont.
  12. Nick225

    amphibious assualt

    my email: n775533115599@gmail.com thanks what commands do you think I'll need to use?
  13. Nick225

    amphibious assualt

    thanks! a completely unrelated question(didnt feel like making new topic) Since OFPEC is down, is there anywhere where I can get a HALO script?
  14. i'm trying to make an amphibious assualt level, and I have 3 boats with soldiers in them. The boats are supposed to land and the soldiers then charge up the beach and take a town. PROBLEMS: 1)I had to use an empty Russian boat for the americans because the american boat doesn't move. 2)right now, i have a group of soldiers in each boat. at the beach i have a "get out" waypoint. all the soldiers get out, but then they have to regroup on their commander, and wait for orders, during this time they are all being killed. i want it so that their are no groups and everyone moves up the beach by himself. 3)i have a sandbag wall that the russians are supposed to take cover behind. but when the shooting starts they just go prone. is there a way to make a soldier keep standing and not lie down? thanks
  15. im not sure, but i think this will work 1) create script that says: unitname switchmove "FXStandSurDown" Exit save script as arrest.sqs 2) in the units init field type in: unitname addAction ["Arrest","arrest.sqs"] Arrest = what will appear in the action menu if that doesn't work try playmove instead of switchmove im not sure about the dying part