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Everything posted by NL_Nemesis

  1. NL_Nemesis

    Decisive Killing Machines

    actually i saw it on mythbusters some time ago...(about the dude with the jato car) they make a show about myths and recreate them to see if they are true or not...they actually tried to get jato's from the us airforce but they didn't supply them so they took a 60 sumthing chevy with hydraulic suspension and lowered the front..built in a radio controlled steering mechanism...then they strapped 3 of the most powerfull hobby rocket engines on top of the car...you should have seen that car blast away i think it did something like 400 km an hour or so...the chopper they where in couldn't keep up!don't know if the myth was confirmed or busted though... it is on discoverychannel here in the netherlands ps nice planes!!!
  2. NL_Nemesis

    Us colonial marines

    @sfwanabe so i see snake is still doing his siggies haven't been to atwar for a while send him my greetz will ya?just the same name as here
  3. NL_Nemesis

    Decisive Killing Machines

    lol glad u like it it's good the way it is but maybe you have a more reliable host? (this=imageshack) it's up to you... I'll see if i can improve it a little bit since it was only a five minute job lol (will be tomorrow or sumthing) keep up the good work PS. replace the i with an e and your gratitude is perfect
  4. NL_Nemesis

    Ka-52 HokumB

    I do to this looks like an xelent chopper Keep up the good work and please post some progres picca's on you killing the dude(or dudette)
  5. NL_Nemesis

    Decisive Killing Machines

    hey Jaguar..look here a Jaguar an a 130 herc http://www.autonomoussolutions.com/images....ane.jpg PS made you a sig (u can use it if you want to )
  6. NL_Nemesis

    Ka-52 HokumB

    hmmm you better ask where he got it from then...
  7. NL_Nemesis


    well that is something you shouldn't say neph..since the "Cheyenne" wouldn't enter service in the next 100 years or so As to many other fictional things that will never enter service but they still got made (ps now i know why you never got B5 stuff out...why bother lol)
  8. NL_Nemesis

    Ka-52 HokumB

    that is not as difficult as you think..to change the weapon loadout you merely change the models under the pylons and enter it in the config as such... Just look at the custom loadout choppers (KA-80 / Mi 28) by Hawk I believe you can change the pylon-loadout on the fly... just wait and see @M.Gripe: no1 is accusing Vit but the similarity is enourmous and it just wouldn't be fare to get credit for some1 else's work..(so don't take it as an insult or attack at vit's integrity) just as it isn't fare to accuse someone wrongly so Vit can take the opportunity to 'clear' himself from any blaim by showing this is indeed his model or that he has permission to use the model if it is so.. It could as well be a coÄncidence or he took the POE one as an xample to start of from Just to be on the clear side I am not speculating anything just stating what I see...(and not interpeting it in any way)
  9. NL_Nemesis

    Ka-52 HokumB

    Hmm a little bit to close for comfort i would say ah well we'll just wait and see the response from vitty
  10. NL_Nemesis


    to be exact the comanche isn't in use...it's on the shelve for scrapping if not alreay done... believe there where some issues with funding and interrest should be an article about it somewhere..believe it was at @war Edit: found it: http://www.atwar.net/comment.php?comment.news.637 ps the model you see on the pictures would hold almost to none of the stealth capability because of its long rounded body... even the tailrotor in this shape would reflect so much that you would get shot in 5 sec(figure of speech)
  11. NL_Nemesis

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Come_on guys! quit being so selfish...some are acting like little kids who keep whining till they get what they want...well you just wait like everyone else...and stop pounding the ecp team about this...so they made an error in predicting the release date..SO WHAT? Like your life is depending on it...I can get frustrated about something too but this.... If you are that frustated about it why don't you just forget about it instead of giving bad critisism..we'll see you back when it's released and you say WOW thank you for getting it bugfree the first time 'round it was worth the wait afterall geesh what was i acting stupid... maybe the team should upload it with a password and anyone who misbehaved in this thread doesn't get the password? PS team stop making it so damn good before you know it we have to wait another year before OFP2 is on the shelves because they have to keep up with you guys
  12. NL_Nemesis

    Airwolf mod coming along nicely.

    Hey all sorry to bump this topic after such a long time but I want to bring something to your attention... The airwolfmod (original one) is still in dev state and has been updated now and then. Unfortunatly work has been very sluggish and it has been in dev state for over 2.5 years now but if you check the website you'll see some screens of the island iguana is creating and the objects and airwolf by Thomasz.. It still being in dev after such a history of flamewars (by both parties indeed) and whiners who could not think of anything but themselves,gets my vote of confidence.. I for one would see it as a shame that it would not be released after such hard and long work on it so i ask you all to pay a visit,register and post a friendly,encouraging message to the only two members.. and if someone is willing to help out please let them know so this piece of history will not go to waste.. thnx
  13. NL_Nemesis

    New choppers screenshoots from PedagneMOD

    lol no but he could make a start it was more a joke than a serious comment btw
  14. NL_Nemesis

    New choppers screenshoots from PedagneMOD

    how about dutch translation? people forget that we are an important country too we deserve to have our translation!!
  15. NL_Nemesis

    RKSL Studios

    nope srry dont have the readme anymore didn't have any use for it cause i am what they call a novelty collector and if i should have the readme of all addons i would have about 10 mb of textfiles why don't you ask dkm? i know jaguar is active here so maybe he can dig it up fr ya and glad to be of help
  16. NL_Nemesis

    RKSL Studios

    lol rgr that rsc file : http://rapidshare.de/files/987734/DKMM_RSC.pbo.html tunguska: http://rapidshare.de/files/987770/DKMM_TUNGUSKA.pbo.html hope that helps
  17. NL_Nemesis

    RKSL Studios

    i do but do you have a place where i can upload it?
  18. lol indeed there should be a minor update on the radar config... just minor lol if only i knew how to make textures and such for ofp and how to implement them i'm quite nufty with ps you know ;)
  19. NL_Nemesis

    Excessive feedback?

    well me thinks it would also depend on what kind of info would be relaid would it be something like "this piece of russian crap wont start grab acup of coffee" or something in the trend of "launchsystem mallfunction,diagnostics started" and then an update on the d.scan like firecontrol checked and the next igniter check .. missile clamp check andd so on and so on... if thats the case then i think it could be less than 17...
  20. glad to be of help just use google picturefinder and type hawk missile amn there u go ohh how i would love to see a patriot backblast in ofp saw it once in real life DAMN thats magic going right through your bones ps check out this link seems a configuration with amraam wissiles http://www.ifrance.com/ArmyRec...._02.jpg and this link for the complete operational structure for deploiment http://www.ilntech.com/hawk.htm
  21. to aid the unknowing the battery is mainly used for airbase defence for up to 4 km i believe and might i add that hawk stands for Homing All the Way Killer might you be interested in making a patriot system colonel klink? i think there would be a good market for it... ps it might be fun to add the missileloader to the configuration...
  22. maybe a bit offtopic but a second missile system wich was in the works a long time ago(don't know by who)...the patriot system Another good idea to have this picked up i should think the hawk is indeed a nice addition and a first good to see you picking it up colonel
  23. NL_Nemesis

    RKSL Studios

    G*dd*mn that's sweet?! looking good indeed real hi quality stuff you got there and lots of it too real nice models keep up the good work and i'll be keeping an eye on this Greetzzz
  24. NL_Nemesis

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    What did I tell 'yall ~t-t~ brought out a new y2k3 it is now up to version 7! and I think this is reason enough to believe that the new ecp will be incorporated Greetzzz
  25. NL_Nemesis

    ECP 1.075...The countdown begins.

    Indeed i made a small mistake of not talking about flashFX but about EECP but flashFX is indeed a good alternative to that.. the diff between y2k3/eecp/flashFX is: Y2K3= new era units and a lot of effects added EECP= about the same but a diff style FlashFX=1985 era units and a bunch of personal FX correct me if i'm wrong but is'nt flashfx based around a personal config and not around the ecp? About the Y2K3 not being updated..That was an aspect I didn't think about but I have this feeling that pappy/~T-T~ will fix it up with the new ecp anyhow I guess it is not that big of a task for him..just a matter of replacing the old ecp config lines with the new ones i think. About a replacement config coming with the ecp: it is a possibility because i have a replacement config made by red. He send it to me for some testing about 1/1.5 years ago but it never followed trough...that's primarily because of Y2K3 at that time i think...but with al these quallity replacements i don't think they will put in the time to reinvent the wheel....