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About NikoTak

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. NikoTak

    Patch 1.05 Mirrors & Torrents

    I had difficulties to get the torrent file with the first post link, here's what seems to me to be an easier one: http://morphiconftp.de/downloa....torrent Downloading at 90kb/s...
  2. NikoTak

    OFPwatch for ArmA?

    Thank you Voyager That's what I was thinking... but wasn't sure. Great program by the way... I like the "all-in-one-window" interface !
  3. NikoTak

    OFPwatch for ArmA?

    Mmmmhh I didn't find any info here or in the readme about one of the button... What does exactly the Stop/Run button in top right corner, with the counter next to it ?
  4. NikoTak

    Big Lod problems!

    I didn't read the whole topic, and sorry if this was already said, but a good thing to do that can reduce that problem is a good defragmentation on the disk where the game is installed. ArmA files are quite big (+100mb for the main addons files) and thus are possibly heavily fragmented at installation. Some of my files were split in more than 200 parts ! And that of course slow down the read time. I've used the program "DisKeeper" but the windows xp built-in defrag program should be fine too.
  5. NikoTak

    Armed Assault

    Quick graphical comparison: Armed Assault: Ofp with modifed ECP, dxdll, llaumax and high resolution ground textures: If only they could use anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering and higher textures details to make their screenshots...
  6. NikoTak

    Geforce & Ofp: is it a happy marriage?

    I went from an FX5800 to a 6800GT and noticed almost no differences in term of framerate. I could of course use an higher resolution and antialiasing + anisotropic filtering. Then I upgraded my processor and my memory and woooosh!: that's way better.
  7. NikoTak

    Norton firewall

    You will be exposed to a real "BD BackOrifice 2000 UDP Activity" attack if you proceed that way. It is probably safer to add the IPs in the trusted IPs list.
  8. NikoTak

    Norton firewall

    Personally, it happens on every dedicated server I tried to play on. I didn't tried those on gamespy as I don't have it installed. That's why I think it's a norton problem... well I hope so!
  9. NikoTak

    Norton firewall

    Since yesterday, several players using Norton's firewalls are having troubles when playing Operation Flashpoint Resistance on our server (LOL Coop Majors), and that including myself. As soon as mission starts (it doesn't happen in lobby) Norton is detecting an intrusion attempt. Here's some more details: Norton blocks the IP for 30 minutes, wich makes the server completely invisible for the user. The only way to play again on the server is to restart the computer to get rid of the 30 minutes block and to put the server's IP in the "allowed and trusted IPs" list in Norton's options. Someone told me it could be a "false positive" due to a new virus definition, and I'd say it could be possible, as it does the same on every dedicated servers I'm trying to play on. What can we do? Any advices? Is there a way to report this to Symantec if it's the case of a "false positive" problem? Thanks for reading me and for any help you may provide.
  10. This question has maybe already been asked but, hey! 62 pages to read, you'll release it before I finish . So: will you provide an editable version of the config.bin (config.cpp) for those who'd like to modify it? (replacing troops, guns models and stuff....) Thanks for the answer.
  11. I was just joking. Like almost everyone here: I don't want to see a bugged ECP to be released. For the smiley, you can find plenty here: http://yelims.free.fr/YELIMS.htm Just click the smiley you want and copy the code given in the bottom of the page.
  12. Release the pain.......
  13. NikoTak


    If it's only at 10% of development and already looking that good, it will surely be a great island when finished. Keep up the good work surph ;)
  14. NikoTak

    Best nVidia drivers...

    Well, I know what you mean. Personally, I run Norton Internet Security 2005: I had no problem related to the drivers (virus, attempt to connect to the net, or such things,...) The drivers come from this site, wich I trust: http://www.guru3d.com The original forum post: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthr....umber=1 If it's an hacker that made it, I need to find out who it is and say him a big "thank you!". Seriously, just don't install them then... I don't want you to mess your installation.
  15. NikoTak

    Best nVidia drivers...

    Hi again. So, did anyone else tried these drivers? If so, did you see a difference aswell? I know, I know, I'm too curious...