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Everything posted by Nexus6

  1. Rapid Response, will give it a go when back at PC. Cheers.
  2. Hi, Red. Copied the script edit you posted in. It moves well to the next camera on the loop2. Only problem is it only stays on the original huey6 for half a second or so. It must be something to do with the time for the first camera or the spped at which loop 2 is actined. Anyway, it is nearly there though. And again I do appreciate all the help you have given me with the cutscene I am creating. Thanks
  3. Thanks Red, will give it a try when I finish Work. Cheers Nexus6
  4. Hi All, using the excellent attach camera to a vehicle script it works very well now thanks to RED, basically I want the script to stop targeting one vehicle and begin targeting a second unit. I attach the script section from the camera attach script. The first unit is named huey6 the second I wish to target is huey7. If anyone knows how to stop the first unit being targetted and move to the second I would be very greatful. I have tried the vehiclecamstop command set to true but it does not work in eithet a waypoint of trigger All help appreciated. Nexus6 ;=== huey6 titlecut ["Helicopters form the mainstay of US Military support, Saving countless lives and providing fire support in the dense jungle","black in", 5] _unit = huey6 _offset = [40,40,2] _timelimit = 30 _initialtime=daytime _camoffsetX = (_offset) select 0 _camoffsetY = (_offset) select 1 _camoffsetZ = (_offset) select 2 _camrelative = true vehiclecamstop = true #loop _actualtime=daytime _runtime=(_actualtime-_initialtime) _newpos = getpos huey6 ? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) + _camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit" _cam camsetTarget huey6 _cam camsetrelpos [_camoffsetX, _camoffsetY, _camoffsetZ] #commit _cam camcommit 0 _cam camsetTarget huey6 _cam camcommit 0 ~0.005 ;=== huey7 _unit = huey7 _offset = [40,40,2] _timelimit = 30 _initialtime=daytime _camoffsetX = (_offset) select 0 _camoffsetY = (_offset) select 1 _camoffsetZ = (_offset) select 2 _camrelative = true vehiclecamstop = false #loop _actualtime=daytime _runtime=(_actualtime-_initialtime) _newpos = getpos huey7 ? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) + _camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit" _cam camsetTarget huey7 _cam camsetrelpos [_camoffsetX, _camoffsetY, _camoffsetZ] #commit _cam camcommit 0 _cam camsetTarget huey7 _cam camcommit 0 ~0.005 ? (NOT(vehiclecamstop) AND (alive _unit) AND (_runtime<_timelimit)): goto "loop"
  5. Will do, will be around 6.30pm GMT. In work at present. The camera script hasn't changed. It uses custom units SEB2 and a few others. Will send you the script, and the mission sqs. Thanks again for your time.
  6. You got that right, probably ctrl c.
  7. Just looked at one aspect of the script, It could well be a problem with the XYZ co-ordinates that I give for the intial camera views. Set Rel Pos: Since the helo takes off and is the fourth scene of my opening sequence then for the vehicle huey the co-ord change. I thought the camera script would track the object all the time in the loop, but the time aspect may make that redundant as it is more then 30 secs before the 4th scene is called by the script. Just one thing. Cheers
  8. Red, I was a bit early shouting the success. It doesnt actually work the camera is out to sea but way up high. I have changed the name of the object to huey6 but the rest is the same. I am assuming I dont have to create a new camera for this section and that the camera in the previous scenes will work! Here is the complete script setacctime 0.4 0 fadesound 0 titlecut ["Welcome to NAM", "black in", 15] _cam = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0] _cam cameraeffect ["internal","back"] ;=== Napalm Opening _cam camSetTarget [70488.81,86222.34,3269.88] _cam camSetPos [9698.44,6888.14,11.65] _cam camSetFOV 0.164 _cam camCommit 0 ~40 ;=== Troops _cam camSetTarget ap _cam camSetPos [11103.23,6742.57,1.99] _cam camSetFOV 0.050 _cam camCommit 0 ~10 ;=== Boat _cam camSetTarget pbr _cam camSetPos [8798.84,4904.63,2.27] _cam camSetFOV 0.057 _cam camCommit 0 ~12 ;=== Tanks _cam camSetTarget [6282.03,6123.18,0.00] _cam camSetPos [6342.76,6043.66,3.29] _cam camSetFOV 0.250 _cam camCommit 0 ~10 ;=== huey _unit = huey6 _cam camsettarget huey6 _offset = [1,2,3] _timelimit = 30 _initialtime=daytime _camoffsetX = (_offset) select 0 _camoffsetY = (_offset) select 1 _camoffsetZ = (_offset) select 2 _camrelative = true or false vehiclecamstop = false #loop _actualtime=daytime _runtime=(_actualtime-_initialtime) _newpos = getpos huey6 ? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) + _camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit" _cam camsettarget huey6 _cam camsetrelpos [6265.78,9130.82,2.00] #commit _cam camcommit 0 _cam camsettarget huey6 _cam camcommit 0 ~0.005 ? (NOT(vehiclecamstop) AND (alive _unit) AND (_runtime<_timelimit)): goto "loop" Let me know if you got it to work, Thanks again.
  9. Nexus6

    Ultimate c-130 released by hawk

    Adammo's C130, can anyone point me to this addon so I can have a comparison. I have capt moores C130.1a and the RAF badged c-130, are these one and the same?? Love the Addon, but I use AI pilots as much as possible in my Vietnam missions. So my Seal team would not appreciate air cover in the form of a kamikaze c130. Again, some much potential and as it is only the first beta there is plenty of room for a final version. Thanks again.
  10. Thanks very much, it working sweeter than a pale full of kittens. One thing, how did you learn about scripting within OFP. Was it on the forums or did you read the Manual so to speak and trial and error. It just amazes me how all the excellent help is passed on from one to another. Again, Thanks alot.
  11. Not having much luck with getting the camera script to work in my cutscene. I attach my script. It must be a problem with the intial xyz offset and where I should place the co-ordinates. My object to target is named A6: Any help appreciated _unit = A6 _target = A6 _offset = [xoffset,yoffset,zoffset] _timelimit = time limit _initialtime=daytime _camoffsetX = (_offset) select 0 _camoffsetY = (_offset) select 1 _camoffsetZ = (_offset) select 2 _camrelative = true or false vehiclecamstop = false #loop _initialtime in seconds _actualtime=daytime _runtime=(_actualtime-_initialtime)*3600 _newpos = getpos A6 ? NOT(_camrelative) : _cam camsetpos [(_newpos select 0) + _camoffsetX, (_newpos select 1) + _camoffsetY, (_newpos select 2) + _camoffsetZ]; goto "commit" _cam camsettarget A6 _cam camsetrelpos [7069.66,9323.03,2.00] #commit _cam camcommit 0 _cam camsettarget A6 _cam camcommit 0 ~0.005 ? (NOT(vehiclecamstop) AND (alive _unit) AND (_runtime<_timelimit)): goto "loop"
  12. Thanks Red, appreciate that. If still cant get it to work will post script. Thanks gain. Nexus6
  13. Nexus6

    Seb nam pack 2 (full) or 3

    Doh!!! Sorry Corsair, and I love WW II EC stuff. Pacific Demo was that Allies in Arms??? I know on the Sky Raider issue it is blue, but from a distance say a mile it could be a skyraider, sound anyway. PBRs are tricky, BIS Grey ones ok. More green ones (Not Camo)were used in NAM and they had these big arse boats that sprayed fire all over the river banks. I wonder if I could pay OPMAn 1 to make a skyraider, Id give him Å25 paypal for that.
  14. Nexus6


    Thanks Evis, Well Waffen it does say AAv7, so it is on topic but to be fair I did mention island so off topic. Problem with desert camo is it stands out in the Jungle.
  15. Nexus6


    Any Idea when the Island from the AAV7 screenshots Tales of War will be released?? Great addons and Mod. Is the AAv7 similar in chasis to the AMTRAC Support Vehicle sed in NAM.?? anyone know. Thanks
  16. Nexus6

    Seb nam pack 2 (full) or 3

    ALL, I have an idea, we all need to work together. Now I don't propose Nam Pack 3, but I do propose units to be included in a OFP Vietnam Pack, assuming most have the SEB Nam Pack 2. This can be updated when new units that can be used for Vietnam scenarios comes out. I will include here a list of Units I use for creating good SP missions. Now for units people are waiting for as a substitute for say the A1 skyraider I use a Hellcat from the WWII EC Pacific Pack. Air Units A4 Skyhawk- CWC Falklands Mod F4 phantom, a few variants OP Man1 has released one? Hellcat - A1 F111 - SKC Aircraft - Especially low drag bomb option. C130-1a until new C130 Hawk is working on comes out. F-105 Thud Cessna FAC and Army as O1 Birdog OV10 - Bronco DKM Mod A6 Intruder - released but textures basic CH53 - Just released though script errors when installed, still bugged as yet. S-64 Skylift - no news on this recently, but german site had details and pics. Mig 21, a couple of variants. Mig 17 has not emerged yet but is being worked on. Bell 47g B52 - Early textures Armour. Churchill Tank WWEC II - used by australian army in NAM. Jeeps - Various WWII work well. Med ones also. M3 and GMC Jimmy Truck IE44 were all used in NAM AAV7 is due out the old one had the muzzle flash bug. Cant remember the version used in NAM. M109 Palladin. Couple out. Artillery, few addons out there. Boats. USS tarawa - Early beta Fremantle - Double as US Navy Patrol Boat. PBR camo Zodiac Updated - Seal Insersions. Now there are more and I don't expect you boys and Girls to go searching but I am willing to upload these in one place just for NAM related missions and as some of the NAM OFP sites seem to be a bit stagenent at the moment, to keep things moving until there is an alternative. Let me know your thoughts. It would make it easier for mission builders with one place to find what you need for missions. With all the stuff out there I have built a fully working Da-Nang Airbase. But that would not be possible without the SEB Team and their talent. So, lets get this moving and I wil trawl everyday for new stuff to use in missions and upload as found. Out.
  17. I am writing some camera scripts and I want to be able to turn the sound off in the sequence but have the music in the cutscene enabled. Also I want to be able to stop the player having input and then at the end give the player control once again. Thanks very much, in anticipation.
  18. Thnaks again Raedor. One last question. Do any of your T55 tanks have cargo postions on the hulls, like some of the Shermans over at WWII EC. Thanks very much.
  19. Thanks very much Raedor, appreciate that.
  20. Nexus6

    Barrels in cargo?

    On a side note: Jacobaby, can you tell me the script I could use to get soldiers firing from a Helicopter. Doing Vietnam era and that would be very cool. Thanks again.
  21. Nexus6

    Music for nam missions

    Just finished getting the best bits of Apoc Now dialogue to use in my Charlie Dont Surf mission. If anyone wants it reply and I will zip up my ogg and send on. I have: Eagle Thrust spotting the village Bigduke 6, ordering Phy War Ops loud Introduce Valkaries. 50 Cal on the Bridge Recon Bird being hit Wounded out Wounded out2 Flare in the huey Big Duke ordering airstrike Airstrike to Recon confirmation Airstrike comms to ground forces And finally, Love the smell of Napalm. Cheers