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About Nonpoint

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    Private First Class
  1. You might try the memory flush trick, in the game hit shift and minus (-) and then type flush. You wont see anything in game until after you hit enter, then it will freeze for a second. I'm pretty sure thats the command but someone correct me if not
  2. I had that problem when I was playing around with using AA / AF on my card combined with the in-game settings. I would change the settings and restart the game, and a couple times I got the same video error. I had to keep my card settings on 'application controlled'. What you are seeing is (I believe) a conflict between arma's graphics settings and your video card settings
  3. Nonpoint

    Permanent head bug

    Nevermind, think I found my problem, looks like my joystick drivers went haywire, and the stick was sending signals to the game. Â After I removed and reinstalled the drivers the game was fine
  4. Nonpoint

    Permanent head bug

    This just started for me, but I have a permanent head bug. Any game I join my view and movements are skewed to the left. 007 doesnt fix it. The game has been running fine for months. I deleted my profile, even uninstalled the game, deleted the game folder, defragged the drive, and reinstalled, but its still stuck. Any ideas?
  5. I, like so many others, have been trying every fix possible to stop the game freezing or crashing. While I haven't found the ultimate solution, I have found a fix to make the game not crash AS OFTEN. Before it would crash at least once every 30-40 minutes, but now I can play several hours or longer before it crashes. I simply lowered my texture resolution to low, and I stopped ALT/TAB'ing out of the game. I did several tests this weekend, and every time I ALT/TAB it would eventually freeze within 20-30 minutes after. But if I never ALT/TAB, I could play forever... note it eventually does crash but it went almost 8 hours instead of 30 minutes. So its not the final fix but at least I can play again. System specs XP Pro, 2 Gb Ram. Try it maybe it will help if you are having freezes/crashes
  6. Nonpoint

    Any ideas for higher FPS?

    Also have you tried the Coolbits fix to set 'Render Frames Ahead = 0'? Or use Nhancer...
  7. Nonpoint

    Any ideas for higher FPS?

    Did you try turning off your page file? Also, play around with the monitor scaling - I got a huge FPS jump when I switched mine to Nvidia scaling
  8. Nonpoint

    Any ideas for higher FPS?

    In your nvidia settings make sure you have just about everything either turned off or on "application controlled". Make sure transparancy anti-aliasing is off too
  9. Nonpoint

    ARMA Lockups

    If you now have 2 gigs of ram try disabling your page file
  10. Nonpoint

    The -maxmem command

    dutch-buddha, make sure you do not have textures set to Default in game. And for everyone that posted here that has at least 2 gigs of memory, DISABLE YOUR PAGE FILE. Problem fixed! Just make sure you dont have a ton of other programs running. Forget maxmem=whatever, turn off your page file!
  11. Nonpoint

    Multiplayer ViewDistance Default

    Can you explain how to do this? Or point me in the right direction? I haven't gotten into scripting much yet...
  12. The DTX errors are texture related (I think). Make sure you do not have textures set to "Default" in game
  13. Arma crashed on me all the time until I disabled my page file. You have 2 gigs of RAM so give it a try, just make sure you dont have a dozen other programs running as well (anti-virus or whatever)
  14. Nonpoint

    Multiplayer ViewDistance Default

    I've been looking for this answer for a while... take Evolution coop for example, inside the recruit building you have an option to change your view distance AND your air craft view distance... and if I bump the air view distance all the way up I can see across the whole freekin island, looks incredible and adds a whole new advantage to air bombing. The problem is it resets each time I join the game and I can only change it inside Evo games. So is there somewhere where this can be set permanently? I've looked everywhere. It cannot be a server-side only config if I can manually change it in game, right? I know there is a bug that will supposedly be fixed but how did KJ (the Evolution creator) find a way to fix it but nobody else knows how? (Yes I did post this question in the Evo thread)
  15. Nonpoint

    Specific error while crashing to desktop

    I had this same error when I had my in-game texture settings to default. Once I changed it to normal it stopped