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Everything posted by NKVD

  1. NKVD

    Budget computer

    I would recommend to get barebones. You can save a lot of money by using your old stuff in new computer. I got my comp, A8N-SLI Deluxe, AMD 4000, 7800GT, 550W PS, 2GB ram for $1000. Plugged my old drives, mouse, keyboard, and now I have brand new comp...kinda of.
  2. NKVD

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl

    they should pull the plug on that game already
  3. NKVD

    Walking around on ships?

    After playing BF2 I can't imagine not being able to walk on ships
  4. NKVD

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I want good vehicle physics like choppers and aircraft in Battlefield 2.
  5. NKVD

    No Anti-Alias?

    Taken from http://www.bistudio.com/inside/tech.html Therefore, it will most definitely support Antialiasing...I would not worry about it. What is bothering me now if my new rig, AMD 4000, 2gb ram, 7800gt, will handle ArmedAssault at 1600x1200 with at least 2x AA...
  6. NKVD

    ArmA Progress Updates

    BIG QUESTION: will Armed Assault support x2 processors' functionality ? Im torn between x2 3800 and x1 4000...
  7. NKVD

    Do You want PunkBuster in Armed Assault?

    hell yes, I want...need a reason ? just play several maps online and see for yourself.....
  8. NKVD

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    I love to be a gunner in blackhawk...many kills and pts
  9. NKVD

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    our OFP clan is on summer vacation so I play bf little by little for now
  10. NKVD

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    the only things I enjoy in BF2 are choppers and planes, and also playing for awards...Id never play BF2 just for the fun OFP is so much better...already got bored with bf2..dunno if will continue playing it.....
  11. NKVD

    Liberation1941-45 Update

    Link to patch with english winrar http://www.flashpoint2.ru/lib_101eng.exe
  12. NKVD

    Liberation1941-45 Update

    awesome, spasibo!
  13. NKVD

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    It's a historic radio message from Soviet headquarters that announced the news of German invasion of Soviet Union in June 22, 1941.
  14. NKVD

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    Congrats to BIS that they made game that still beats 2005 BF2.. demo just proved my hatred toward battlefield series...
  15. NKVD

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    I get "Invalid Crew" message when I start any mission..plz help..kthx
  16. NKVD

    Armed Assault Anticheats!!!

    there are many cheats in ofp..if you haven't seen them - you haven't played OFP online last and this year or if you play on some private coop server that noone gives a stuff about....
  17. NKVD

    Sell ARAS online

    online delivery...then make a backup on DVD if possible....I don't really care about artwork and nice box...
  18. I think the reason why so many games are made for you to play as american is because developers and publisher need to sell their game. Most of money comes from USA, where top dollar is being made by selling a game. For instance, the game you buy in USA would cost $40, while the same product in Russia would cost $10 or even $2(if you buy from pirates.....in respect to OFP, all people that I know have licensed copies of this game ) Certainly, if BIS would make a game where your primary goal is to kill americans - it won't sell well in USA ==> less profit. And Id doubt there would be high profit in Russia either, since many people, as I know, buy most of games from pirates (unless the cost of licensed copy is reasonable)... Although, I believe, events in history also play some role when deciding on a plot for the game. This is strictly my opinion and has nothing to do with BIS or any of its publishers...
  19. NKVD

    what would you play ?

    Im gonna play everything..CTF, TDM, DM, A&D, CTI, COOP!!
  20. NKVD

    US or USSR or Resistance weapons

    always favored russian weapons and russian camo - more reliable!
  21. NKVD

    1970 vs 2010

    look if you prefer 70s go play numerous shooters which already've been made in last 6 months...all of them turned out to be a total crap...jeezus..do we need any more of that ?
  22. actually, that's one of the reasons Im gonna buy several copies of OFP2
  23. NKVD

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    Armed Assault - good name, and at last - I don't care about the name but the actual gameplay..
  24. NKVD

    is it worth it

    It's definitely worth for me because of new multiplayer features! btw, where can I preorder ?
  25. NKVD

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    I can only guess that Codemasters wanted OFP-2 more arcadish so some 10 yr old kiddies could play and BIS said No, they weren't gonna make it just another dumb arcade crap... anyway, my fear is Codemasters would find some noob developer to make crap game under the best brand name in teh world - ofp2