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Everything posted by Nic

  1. I have a boat with a prop...and i was hoping to have it spin the way props spin on a heli. At the moment I just have it set as a "radar" so it spins...but just not the way id really like it to. I ve heard of using eventhandler "engine" somehow, to trigger it to start when the engine starts...but im not sure exactly how it works. Could someone explain this to me? Or give an example code? Â That would be sweet...and thanks in advance!
  2. Nic

    Boat to have spinning prop

    hehe - whoa sweet - i totally forgot about this thread haha Thanks for the help you guys!! Ive since updated it to use animation to spin..but the way I was doing it wasnt that great. Ill try this way out as soon as i get a chance! Â Thanks again
  3. Ok So i have a script that starts the jet locked...and unlocks it when you open the canopy. It works fine in the mission editor - but when you try in multiplayer it doesnt unlock when the canopy opens. Here is how i call on the script in the config: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">         class eventhandlers         {             init=[_this select 0] exec "\LWZ_sonicjet\events.sqs", init=[_this select 0] exec "\LWZ_sonicjet\unlock.sqs";         }; Here is what the "events.sqs" looks like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_sonic = _this select 0 _sonic lock true #loopy1 ?(not alive _sonic):goto "exit" _pos = getpos _sonic; _x = _pos select 0; _y = _pos select 1; _z = _pos select 2; ?(_sonic animationphase "canopyanimation">0.5):goto "unlock" ?(speed _sonic>=50):goto "check" ?(_sonic animationphase "canopyanimation"<0.5 and _z<2):goto "lock" ~.2 goto "loopy1" #check ?(_sonic animationphase "canopyanimation">0):goto "close" goto "loopy1" #unlock _sonic lock false ?(speed _sonic>=50):goto "check" goto "loopy1" #lock _sonic lock true ?(speed _sonic>=50):goto "check" goto "loopy1" #close _sonic animate ["canopyanimation",0] goto "loopy1" #exit exit Ok and here is what the "unlock.sqs" looks like: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_sonic = _this select 0 #loopy ?(speed _sonic>=60):goto "unlock" ~.2 goto "loopy" #unlock _sonic lock false goto "loopy" Ok so basically the "events.sqs" locks the jet up to start with...cuz it starts with the canopy shut. Then it checks to see if the canopy is opening...if so it unlocks....checks to see if its goin faster than 50 - if so is shuts the canopy......and checks to see if the canopy is shut/plane on the ground - if so it locks it again.   And the "unlock.sqs" checks to see if the jet is goin faster than 60 (assumed flight)..if so it unlocks - that way you can still eject. But like i said everything works fine in the mission editor...but as soon as i connect with someone else and try in MP the jet just stays locked - any ideas guys? You time is much appriciated!
  4. Nic

    Canopy lock script

    Do you know of which eventhandler i could use for MP maps then?....so that it works globaly?
  5. Nic

    4 plane questions

    K, ive got a few questions about plane classes... ------ 1. Can you have more than one spotlight on one? - (I cant seem to...) ------ 2. Can the tracers come out of more than one position...or only from the middle, also can you remove tracers? - (mine seems to be only coming from the middle even though ive defined differently.) ------ 3. How do you define the LGB in the config...ive not been able to access any examples..* ------ 4. I know that it is limited on custom rocket .p3d models - but thats only for ones that are immediately visible right? Such as...can you have one type showing up on the wing and one type to be shot from pods? (When i try to define more than one rocket model the pod ones shoot from the middle of the plane and the wing ones dont dissapear when shot.) ------ 5. Lights, such as the green,red and white safety ones...how do you make them draw in above the vehicles poly's? (Mine always seem to dissapear behind the vehicle.) ------ Ive searched this and other forums very much...but havent found answers yet...in the mean time ill search many more pbos...but time is an issue here so any help is much appreciated! *Edit - Ive figured out #3 now..havent tested if the laser lock works but im just happy to have bombs now!...any input still welcome though*
  6. Nic

    4 plane questions

    hey thanks for the comments bratz - those tracer defines will probably be usefull in regards to Q#3 - ive defined the points ("rocketa") that the custom unguided missiles should shoot out of - but it seems that when i use the customs ones they just shoot out of the middle of the jet, and then the custom guided ones on the wing dont dissapear after being shot - if i only use the custom wings rockets and use stock ofp pod rockets everything works fine... also on Q#1 - ive defined the four necessary points to have two headlights - but only one shows up....are you supposed to be able to have more than one on a jet...or is it a limitation...or is there something else you have to do for jets?
  7. Nic

    Landcontact prob

    I had a silimlar prob with my vehicles bouncing just the other day...i found out that you need to make sure that the wheels in the geo lod arent too detailed, too much detail can be too much for the engine to handle. Just an idea...good luck
  8. Nic

    What vehicles have you owned?

    This was my first car 86 Olds Toronado It was a fine car...smooth ride...but this is what happened to it...Junked I then bought this vehicle 81 Pontiac Trans Am And also this one for the winter time 89 Toyota 4X4 And I will kill whoever did this to it ...Vandals My real goal is to have a Countach or an LM004 by the time im 30...I know I know...but hey ive got ten years to save up...IT WILL HAPPEN DAMMIT!!! Â
  9. Nic

    News sites, live feeds etc

    http://www.nvidia.com/view.asp?IO=earthviewer Earthviewer - "3-D Globe/Satellite Viewer" - Program Im sure a lot of you may already know about this program (Earthviewer). I had a chance to try it for a while (you get a 30 day trial) and thought it was pretty sweet. Its a program that lets you look a satellite photos all put together to make a "3-d globe". It seems to be a little limited however on what you can see (some areas are blacked out)..and im not sure how up to date the photos are but its very cool anyways. The link takes you to where you can download it. I also thought this may be good for you FallenPaladin...since you wanted photos from all around the world.
  10. Just use a recording program...just set it to record everything it hears...simply hit record when the music starts.
  11. Nic

    The Dogs of War

    Whats the deal with all these heli crashes...is the weather really bad or are the helis really crappy or something...
  12. Nic

    Searching for an old thread

    I actually do remember that thread....the reason I think I still do is because of just how much detail he actually went into on it. Yeah...that was real messed up...but also somehow funny. I doubt you could get away with a posting something like that nowadays....then again.....I doubt this one will last that long either...hehe
  13. Nic

    Robots rule!

    Im sure all of you have seen Sony's super smart robot dog (AIBO) by now and all of the crappy rip off robot dogs that followed...but this new robot my brother showed me is just so amazing. Its just so lifelike. It has the ability to actually see its enviroment with a camera which allows it to recognize objects such as your face and remember them (as much as its memory will allow). It also has voice recognition and can interact with and learn you language. Not to mention its not just moving around on wheels or anything...its actually using bipedal movent to get around. Plus...when it gets low on battery power...it just walks over and recharges itself. Too bad it costs so much to own however...Ive heard its about as much as a luxary sedan. Anyways..here is a link showing what the Sony SDR-X4 can do..such as being able to negotiat balance on a scaled surf board, and how it can get back up after being pushed over. Its kinda funny when it gets pushed over - they ask it if its ok and it waves and says "yes, thank you for your concern". I think id teach mine to yell at anyone who repeatedly pushed it over. Â (by the way...this is the only site ive seen with footage of it...and its not the best but its still just so cool) http://www.tokyodv.com/news/SonySDR-4XRobot.html and here is short one showing it walking a little http://www.tokyodv.com/news/RoboDex2002SDR-3XSonybot.html Well...any of you out there concerned with technology taking over humans...here is the beggining.
  14. Nic

    Ask a mod

    Is there a size limit on your personal photo(since it will only effect people who go out of their way to see it)? Not that its that big of a deal...I just figured I'd completely customize my stuff since this is really the only public forum I use.
  15. Nic

    Robots rule!

    Hey Denior... I was just wondering... Did the AIBO have any trouble with running into any other obstacles (besides the post-its, hehe), because from what ive learned it doesnt have perhipheral vision (unlike sony's newest creation)...so it should see everything flat. Also...its come down in price quite a bit...was wondering if its something worth owning...
  16. Nic

    Robots rule!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I am curious, where do you draw your limit? Robots? Computers? Electricity? The wheel? Is there any technological era that you would like us to go back to or are you advocating that we should be animals living in the forrest?<span id='postcolor'> Denoir...that was exactly what I was thinking. hehe Without any technology...we would just be a bunch of naked animals. Using a leaf to cover yourself could even be considered technolgy....unless it just happened to fall there...in which case I guess that would be natural.
  17. Nic

    Music/radio help.

    FoNeKiLL....this might work : Where you have "db+10" Â .... Try putting something like "db-40" A volume of +10 might be too loud and you can hear it from farther distances. I'm pretty sure that ive seen -40 work. Let me know. Otherwise...if its not working at all as a "sound"....then all I can think of is making sure the file is saved as "mono" instead of "stereo". Oh...and I figured I could ask a question here since we are on the subject of sounds and music. Has anyone found a way to stop a sound/music file in the middle of playing. So that way you could have say a radio, with actions that have you pick from a few different songs, and instead of the songs overlaying each other when you click on them...it would stop the previous song and start the new one you selected.
  18. Nic

    Robots rule!

    So would you say (whichever time period it may be) that someone should be left to die, instead of helping them with technology (whatever it may be)?
  19. Nic

    Robots rule!

    ICEFIRE... Just using thier innovation...and not technology huh? Â I was under the impression that technology was innovation. That tool you talk of from the past, that was technolgy. Apparantly the best of that time. I'm sure there were people of that time acting like you saying that working on the brain was work of the devil and you should just let things play out without the use of "technology". Things ARE different now you are right....its called evolving.
  20. Ok...before I ask...i'll explain...I know this sort of thing has been asked plenty of times and answered all the same...and I know of all the tut's out there...but that isnt the problem. I've done my research...but I cant find any fault in what ive done...to me it looks exactly how it should. Ok im gonna say it - the picture for the overview...(OH god I know) I havent had to mess with it until now...we'll just say I jumped the tall hurdles before the little ones....and im tired now so I just trip over the short one... -ANYWAYS Here is what I have : <p align="center"><img src="test.jpg" width="170" height="64"></p> Whats the deal here folks...Is that not right?...can the jpg only be saved at certain qualities?....a problem with running 1.46? - I dont get any errors it simply just doesnt show it. Sorry for the lame question. Ok...let the making fun and redirects begin...hehe (but seriously any help much appreciated!! )
  21. OK... This is the last time i'll bring this out again. This is just really starting to bug me now....not because having an overview picture is really all that necessary...but because I really want to know whats wrong with what i'm doing. Again...here is my overview html and my test overview picture: MY OVERVIEW I know that someone out there has to know what to do here. No one has said that it all looks correct yet, Â so there has to be something...I've tried what Animal_Mother told me to and that didnt have any effect. Please, if someone could do me a favor and download my overview (above), and tell me if it worked or not, and if not....what I should be doing differently. This just isnt making any sense to me. If I dont get any response I promise to leave this one alone. I'll just have to skip the overview pic and have less than perfect missions. Â
  22. Nic

    65 presumed dead in nightclub fire

    I was hearing that a guitarist from Great White was missing after the accident...You guys heard anything more about that...if hes turned up yet?
  23. Nic

    Robots rule!

    No technology at the parties....was there no music...no tv...did you not drive there in a car, that also had a cd player...and these baseball cards...were they hand crafted? Anyways...listen..im not tying to piss you off here and get in some scuff. We just have different views and thats all there is to it... And by the way....no I don't spend all of my time on the computer. Due to current money issues my main hobby right now is work sadly. I think most of my friends are pissed at me since I dont have much time to do anything because of it. It sucks. But, I might note here...that we joined this forum around the same time...yet you outpost me by like ten times.... Â
  24. Nic

    Robots rule!

    I'm just curious, Icefire.....If the world was the way you wanted it, without the advancements we have come to, what would you suggest everyone do to not go insane. We obviously couldnt invent much to pass time...that would eventually lead to what we know now...like evil computers and devilish toaster ovens... Â
  25. Nic

    Robots rule!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And a robot itself represents what all technology is about. Â It's the face of all things that we should be working against. <span id='postcolor'> I can understand if you had said "an a-bomb represents what technology is all about - and we should be working against it"....cause that can be considered a very bad thing....but robots?? And also.....life without technology....how boring!!