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Everything posted by NEO -PZ-

  1. The bus is like all other cars... There is no special stuff for it in the Editor, you just do it the regular way... Waypoints, delays, and in the On Activation field: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nameofanoldman action ["EJECT",nameofthebus]; nameoftheotherguy action ["EJECT",nameofthebus]<span id='postcolor'> Add all of those who are supposed to leave the bus at that WP. Switch nameofanoldman, nameoftheotherguy and nameofthebus to the names you have in your mission. People can board with GET IN WP. Put one of those WP's close to where the bus will stop. And put the bus' LOAD WP close to that WP. Then synchronize them. Voila. Neo
  2. NEO -PZ-

    Vehicle respawn script

    Hey KaRRiLLioN, I've added the vehicles implemented into OFP in 1.75 to your vrs.sqs, which should make the list complete. I haven't tried if it though, but everything should be correct. KaRRiLLioN's vrs.sqs for OFP v1.75 It's all yours, KaRRiLLioN. Neo
  3. NEO -PZ-

    Coop - team vs team

    Anti-Terrorism Still in beta! I believe no one else has made a mission like this for Flashpoint before. The idea is terrorists versus anti-terrorists, though it is not a team death match, it's more of a cooperative team vs team mission. Let me presentate beta version of: Terrorists' main objective is to negotiate till they get some kind of way to the safezone - if they get there they have succeeded. But I think that won't happen too often, cause: Anti-terrorists' main objective is to prevent the hostages from getting killed by terrorists. In second hand to capture the terrorists. In third hand to annihiliate terrorists if neccessary. When something certain happens, a team receive more points, e.g. if all hostages are killed by the terrorists, they have successfully neutralized anti-terrorists' main objective (to rescue hostages) and therefore all terrorists receive an amount of points each. Remember that this is a beta version. I'd love some feedback, comments, suggestions. Direct Link - Anti-Terrorism Beta. Made by Jaeger Neo. Our website for more missions. Server is down when picture above is not shown. It's sometimes down during nights (Greenwhich Mean Time). I'll let you know in this topic when new versions are out. Best regards, Neo
  4. NEO -PZ-

    Coop - team vs team

    Version 1.1 19th of July . Terrorists and anti-terrorists respawn far, far, far away from the factory so that they won't be able to pass information to their team mates about the enemy's location, as they could as seagulls. . A couple of Nato soldiers in the terrain around the factory to prevent the terrorists from escaping before negotiating/fighting. . Zipped file only 366 kB nowadays . Direct download link Neo
  5. NEO -PZ-

    So whats your favorite part of nogova?

    And my favorite part(s) of Nogova would be: The new forests The new terrain, rocky mountains, etc. The bridges!!! Those SWEET castle ruins at Gb28 The urban areas And all the rest I love BIS.
  6. NEO -PZ-

    So whats your favorite part of nogova?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jester983 @ July 18 2002,20:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Has anyone tried to land a chopper on victors office? It can be done but pretty hard too.<span id='postcolor'> A Chinook or a Kiowa?
  7. NEO -PZ-


    This seems to be a bug introduced in 1.75... Often during MP, other's vehicle's weapon's tracers seem to be a bit wrong, e.g. the Shilka's big tracers; If you look at one giving fire it can look like the tracers are going down into the ground (that's why KeyCat posted that his clients on the server couldn't see tracers from Shilkas). And rockets from helicopters etc. often go sideways. Guns/rifles not concerned. Neo
  8. NEO -PZ-

    Coop - team vs team

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ July 16 2002,18:29)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Want me to mirror it bud?<span id='postcolor'> Thanks for the offer ! but it's ok, a little hard work never killed a pc Or did it...?
  9. NEO -PZ-

    Do the helos' stall?...

    Have you noticed how heavy the nose of the Hokum is? If you pull it down too much, sometimes you never get it up again Straight down.
  10. NEO -PZ-

    Coop - team vs team

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">hey can u find a better webhost?? Ii'm never able to download the mission at any given time (well when i try)<span id='postcolor'> I am hosting it myself, and I shut down the pc during the night sometimes... Center Europe Time. I guess you live in the US? Oh, and sometimes the dns2go server is down... But I will leave the pc on during some nights now, so you can download it at anytime. Neo
  11. NEO -PZ-

    Coop - team vs team

    V e r s i o n  1 . Intro removed due to this 'bug'. . Ammo truck added to factory, to give terrorists more equipment. . Playable AI's disabled - still playable for humans. . More 'clean' radio messages. . Everything overlooked. Direct Download Link Enjoy!! Neo
  12. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit1 moveInCargo chinook1; unit2 moveInCargo chinook2; unit3 moveInCargo chinook1<span id='postcolor'> And so on. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit1 action ["EJECT",chinook1]; unit2 action ["EJECT",chinook1]; unit3 action ["EJECT",chinook1]<span id='postcolor'> And so on. Neo
  13. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Airwolf @ July 13 2002,19:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">if i do this playmove "FXCivilFoldOnesArms" then the person should fold their arms?<span id='postcolor'> You better put it in a trigger's On Activation field. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname switchMove "FXCivilFoldOnesArms"<span id='postcolor'>
  14. NEO -PZ-

    Redhammer voices

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (CrAzY-CrAsH @ July 13 2002,10:28)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ya i have them unpboed just need to know if i did add them,,if people with out redhammer would they crash cause of the voice addon in that comes with the redhammer campaign ,,or is that for somethin else?<span id='postcolor'> No. You add the files and therefore they receive them. No crashing. You know about the description.ext things?
  15. NEO -PZ-

    Coop - team vs team

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Espectro @ July 13 2002,02:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Anyway, the mission sounds like a cool idea, although.. shouldnt the teorists get minus points if they kill all the hostages before they reach the safezone? Cuse by killing all the hostages, the terroists wont have anything to negotiate with, which is their main objective, right? So by killing all the hostages, the torrorists is actually destroying both teams chances of completing their main objectives?<span id='postcolor'> The terrorists' main objective is to get to safety (safe zone). They ruin it for themselves by killing all hostages, but still they have made the anti-terrorists fail in completing their main objective, therefore I decided to let them have some points for that. But I think you're partly right... Maybe they should get any points whatsoever, not even minus points. I'll have to look that over. . By the way, the mission ends when terrorists reach the safe zone with terrorists as winners. I've also noticed that the trigger when all anti-terrorists are dead doesn't work. Going to fix that too, later today. . Suggestions always welcome Neo
  16. Group the trigger to your unit. Hit the Group button and then drag a line between them. Voila
  17. NEO -PZ-

    Coop - team vs team

    Hello Kep Kelagin, 10th of July I removed the Gunslinger's thing, so you don't need anything but Resistance to play this map. If 1 hostage is killed, anti-terrorists get 2 points each extra, because when 1 hostage is killed they get a shoot to kill order. If all hostages are killed, terrorists get 5 points each, because they have prevented the anti-terrorists from completing their main objective, to save the hostages. But when the hostages are all killed, anti-terrorists have nothing to lose and can just go in and clean sweep totally so it's a bit bad for terrorists anyway. Still terrorists' main objective is to make it to the Safe Zone. The negotiating, at least so far, is made "person to person", manually, with the regular chat. Depending on your decisions and moves, you get or the enemy gets points. So it should be like in real life, negotiating. Give us a Cessna or we kill 2 hostages... Neo
  18. NEO -PZ-

    Can't see waypoints

    Can be your settings. Options -> Difficulty -> Enable Enhanced HUD, and other stuff that you think you want to have enabled. Otherwise maybe you're placing the WP too close and you reach it as soon as you start the mission and therefore you never see it. Neo
  19. NEO -PZ-

    Adding weapons/ammo

    To make it simple... </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addMagazineCargo ["G36mag",10]; this addWeaponCargo ["G36",4]; this addMagazineCargo ["Flare",4]<span id='postcolor'> Neo
  20. NEO -PZ-

    Cant call outro's

    Replace end #3 in the trigger to Outro (win).
  21. NEO -PZ-

    Changing sides

    Group the civilian to a resistance soldier.
  22. NEO -PZ-

    Coop - team vs team

    Beta 12th of July . Terrorists have more freedom. If they leave the factory's area, they will be shot by police. Except if they kill him first Also if anti-terrorists delivers for example a Cessna to the terrorists, who otherwise would have executed hostages, police won't shoot and terrorists can fly away in their Cessna. . Please report bugs to me and also I'd be glad if you posted suggestions etc. . http://www.6th.dns2go.com/Anti-Terrorism.zip Thanks, Neo
  23. To edit the default SP missions you need to dePBO them first. Search for a tool at www.ofp.info. Then place the dePBO'ed files into OFP/users/yourusername/missionname/ and then launch OFP and you should be able to edit the mission. Welcome to the OFP community
  24. NEO -PZ-

    Init field?

    It should be where you described it used to be. Make sure you're in Advanced mode. In the upper right corner in the Mission Editor, click on the text until it says Advanced.
  25. NEO -PZ-

    Making a unit start upside down

    Hehe I think it is not possible... Not even with a script. But I can be wrong.