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Everything posted by NZ_Keeper

  1. NZ_Keeper


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Guest @ Jan. 17 2002,02:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think it's already been said that this is impossible to implement - shooting from a vehicle.<span id='postcolor'> Gotta be some way to do it, for example we can shoot vehicle weapons out, why not make the turned out position use player weapons instead... just like another turret but no weapon assigned to it by vehicle... But anyway running out of ammo aint a prob but in a close range gun battle think of the number of times you would have rather 0.5 of a sec to run out that side arm and shootback than stay unarmed for 1-2 secs...
  2. NZ_Keeper

    .50 cal sniping

    Mike - 'Oh no here comes a Hind, hit the dirt' Bob - 'Hehe' Mike - 'You crazy fucka get down now!' Bob - 'Watching this mike' *BOOM* Mike - 'Shit Bob you just put a bullet right through the chopper kiling the pilot and ripping the engine out on the way' Bob - 'Hehe' But of coarse the US doesn't have enough firepower now do they Well if they gonna add it might as well add the 0.5m muzzle flash when it fires
  3. How did you do this one, you know when you have to make it back to the EVAC but run out of time.... I can't make the darn map work for me, this is the 3rd time I've played the campaign first time on Veteran and I'm having tons of troubles, I used to race up the the village and take the UAZ but that no longer seams an option as there is too many troops, I tried heading north to loop around to the east and come back down, but I think i reached the mission boundry cos I was shot to death for no reason.... anyway help would be cool thanks
  4. NZ_Keeper

    russians out-gunned ?

    Bloody heck the russian missle launcher sucks ass, takes 3 shots to take out a T-80, where as the LAW can do it in two (or was it the T-72)
  5. NZ_Keeper

    LST 54

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (superfly_bonzai @ Jan. 18 2002,19:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">with that addon i was talkin bout earlier u can refuel and heal as well as rearming<span id='postcolor'> I think I've used it, a pity you can't use the weapons yet or land on it
  6. NZ_Keeper

    Does FADE come on when you use a cheat code?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sith @ Jan. 18 2002,14:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">FADE will result in alot of gameplay related mess-ups (accuracy, AI, entering vehicles, etc). You'll know it when you have it <span id='postcolor'> Sounds just like my laggy multiplayer
  7. NZ_Keeper

    Smoke launchers

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Major Fubar @ Jan. 18 2002,16:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Are you sure smoke doesn't affect AI? I thought it had the same efect as hiding in a bush, and I've found both to be effective against AI. Curious.... <span id='postcolor'> We'll thats funny cos the AI in my game's is like & god and can pin point you through 40 fucking meters of bush if they already have seen you
  8. NZ_Keeper

    Does FADE come on when you use a cheat code?

    Would FADE caude my opflash to reset my PC or make the colours go weird for all the textures? what does it do...
  9. NZ_Keeper

    LST 54

    I think the real problem is weight, the bigger the vehicle the mose the LST can't hack it being on it, you can submerge the LST but landing certain choopers on it, I also noticed you can rearm at it but it would be cool to also refuel at it... If you shoot the shit out of with rockets you make it move... I got the front end almost skywards cos of acceleration as it wizzed off into the distance due to missile fire anyway hope this has helped someone, maybey no one noticed also there are no docks big engough for it to pull alongside (that i've found)