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Everything posted by Nagual

  1. Nagual

    Wrp to visitor

    Yep, thanks alot Kegetys for that tip (and tute), it worked a charm ;)
  2. Nagual


    Sweet, thanks BIS, it looks great.
  3. Nagual

    Seb nam pack 2 (full) or 3

    RED, this is just an idea, but try converting your sebnam_wp.pbo to use .wss sounds instead of .wav Just a thought, it may be worth looking into into.
  4. Ive been working on some templates for a while, but never posted them, as they are always changing. Combined with the need to write long explanations about how to use them, ive never gotten around it. So instead, for the time being, here is a basic template for objectives. Im posting it to encourage more mission making, especially with the need for more addon based missions. It's cut from a bigger complex template, but i think something simple is best place to start. This is not really a tute, just a guide. It's easy to use, and can let you quickly set up a working sp / coop mission, with endings and basic briefing. This explantion is geared towards less experience editors, though anyone might find it useful. +objectives template (templates marked with + sit at top of mission folder, easier to find) Objectives are a core part of the mission. They tell the player where to go, and what to do when he gets there. You can make specific objectives for interesting scenarios, or wide open ones to give player freedom as to how to complete it. Setting up basic objectives and a briefing can make a basic editor mission into something releasable. It can also be done quickly if need be. Open up the +objectives.intro file on the desert island (it needs the bas rangers addon). Turn on markers (F6). The basics of this template are the objective triggers, the markers, the end triggers, and the mission.sqs There are 6 objective parts setup, you can delete them from 6 downwards to the number you need (also just replicate them and change the objective numbers for more). To set up an objective: The only thing you have to do to the trigger is set a condition. Ex. : Make the A + B Axis set to 100 meters, with the activation "East" "Not Present" for a basic clearing east soldiers from an area. The triggers are set up as 0 x 0 as they are mainly for command based conditions in the  condition field. Ex.  !alive enemyofficer Would make objective go off when unit named "enemyofficer" is dead. or Ex !alive vehicle tank1 && !canfire vehicle tank2 would make Obj go off if tank named "tank1" is destroyed and tank2 can no longer fire (turret damamged or crew dead). The offical comref, this forum and OFPEC are the places to look for lots of different possible objective conditions. Just work out what you want the objective to be, then work out how to check that has happened. The markers are for the briefing links, and genral map info. The icon marker can show text, the colour one is more an area marker. Both change colour to blue when objective is complete, you can alter the color in the mission.sqs, or delete them. Just double-click on them and alter their size, color and shape to your liking. So say for example you set up a quick mission, 3 objectives (always starting from 0) West player, SP. 0. Kill the uaz driver 1. Drive the UAZ to Montignac 2. Kill the enemy squad in Montignac. So the "r0", and "r0m" markers are setup on the road, showing player a good ambush spot. The uaz is named car1 in the editor. Obj 0 Trigger would be: size : 0x0 condition: !alive driver car1 Then, when you shoot him, objective is complete. Obj 1 Trigger: Get to town in car size : 150x150 (placed over town) Activation: Anybody - Present condition: player in thislist && car1 in thislist When player arrives at the town in the stolen car, objective is complete. Obj 2 Trigger: kill east enemy squad. Enemy squad leader has enemysquad = group this in his INIT field in editor. size : 0x0 condtion: {alive _x} count units enemysquad == 0 Obj 2 is done when all enemy squad are dead. Thats 3 easy objectives, and a nice little mission. To round it off, the mission.sqs has been checking off the objectives, and switching some variables. So go to the ending triggers, to End - Win, the one on the left. In the condition field, put obj0 == 1 && obj1 == 1 && obj2 == 1 Under "Effects" Tab of the trigger, add a camera: Effect : Around Slow Postion : Anything you want And add a Title: Type : Text Effect : Plain Text: Mission Complete Then go to the second End - Win trigger, (the end#1 one). In the Min,Mid,Max box, change 0, to 15 for each of them That sets-up a little camera at the end of the mission, place the end trigger where you want the camera to appear. In the End - KIA trigger, on the left condition: !alive player Again you can set up a camera or music and text, and delay the End - Kia end trigger by 15 seconds or so to let camera play. Also, you can add a fail or incomplete option. Just add !canmove car1 && obj1 == 0 to the fail or incomplete triggers, and set them up like the other endings. That would mean the UAZ (car1) has been shot up, destroyed or crashed before the player got to town, as objective 1 (obj1 var) is set to 0 until tot objective is complete, then turning to 1. The Obj vars can be setto any number, to make for quick refrencing of objective status. Eg, if the UAZ is damaged, Obj0 is failed, and set to obj0=2 Another trigger can detect if obj0==2, of so a KLR is sent in to drive the player to town. So there you have working ingame objectives. The other two things to edit are the mission.sqs, and briefing. Both things could be done in 10 -15 minutes for a small mission. Mission.sqs This is a basic script that checks off the objectives, changes marker colours, and checks off failed objectives if you die. It can also be used to add and commands after an objective is complete, compressing all the basic mission scripting into one file. There is blank section called m1 as an example, it executed just like the objectives. The main thing to change for any mission is the line leader ops sidechat "Objective Complete" ops is the player group name (can be any name you set). Change the Objective Complete to what you want the player / squad leader / anyone to say when the objective is done. Or delete the line. You can off course play sound files instead of text, with "say" or "sideradio" commands. Briefing Open the briefing with notepad or a text editior. Scroll through it, notice there is Notes, Main, Objectives and debriefings sections. It is best to get familiar with the file in that form, as its easier to edit exactly as you want, and keep changing it. Notes: Start with this line Text and <a href="marker:markername">links</a>. The marker name is name of a marker on your map, the links is text that will link and move to the marker in the briefing. Add anything you want to notes, use <br> like enter. <br> <br> spaces  paragraphs nicely ingame. Main The main section, first thing you see when map loads. Again, put anything. Keep in mind a few sentances fills up alot of space ingame, so dont over do it. Again, you can put in map link here, like above. There are Text <br> <br> spaces as a guide. Objectives. <a name = "OBJ_0"></a>Objective <a href="marker:r0">0</a>. Are the line to edit. Example: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> <h4><p><a name = "OBJ_0"></a>Kill <a href="marker:r0">UAZ driver </a>. </h4> </p> <hr> <h4><p><a name = "OBJ_1"></a>Drive UAZ to <a href="marker:r1">Montignac</a>. </h4> </p> <hr> <h4><p><a name = "OBJ_2"></a>Neutralize the entire <a href="marker:r2">enemy squad at Montignac</a>. </h4> </p> <hr> Last part, Debrief. The debriefs are stet up with the end triggers. Edit the word to your liking, example: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> <hr> <br> <h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End1">Mission Complete</a></p></h2> <br> <h4> <p> You stole the UAZ and killed the squad, well done soldier! </h4> </h4> </p> <br> Save it, go into editor and hold down right SHIFT key as you press Preview, to see your briefing. If you post a few sentances on this forum you can write a briefing that will look complete. So there it is, i hope that make sense and some people find it useful. That stuff can easily connect to other template parts, like camera scripts, dialogs and images. It is really easy to setup a working mission this way, especially something to check out new addons, or to make a fun skirmish accessable to other players.
  5. Nagual

    What makes a good map?

    Most of these were done before Cupid Moon's WRP tool came out. Whilst I understand the criticism, placing roads piece by piece is THE most tedious, time consuming and annoying part of making an island. It's a little unfair to criticise people for this. You got that right, i very much respect the work of people who made islands before the road tool, some of them have amazing roadways considering the incredibly tedious work invovled.
  6. Nagual

    What makes a good map?

    Nice pic Evis, and not far from Uluru is the olgas :
  7. Nagual

    What makes a good map?

    They do in australia. Though oz has terrain so weird you couldn't imagine it without being there, even photos don't come close to describing it.
  8. Nagual


    Nobody interested? Ah well, at least i didnt bother writing full template explaination.
  9. Nagual

    The ultimate c-130 from hawk

    Whose SEAL Team 8 would that be waffendenis?
  10. Nagual

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    And bigger sized ones : Guer-Mh47 1 Guer-MH47 2 And lol @ the nuke Â
  11. Nagual

    Iraqi islands

    That looks great Leone, it's nice to see new water.
  12. Nagual

    Addons at ease

    Again, i have to say, i disagree with that point, or at least think it should be flexible. What are we meant to do, for example, if a helicopter has a rotorwash script that makes soldiers cough and blink? If we dont use a unit with goggles, and the player is soldier, they could not even stand close the chopper and look at it (due to the blinking). It is just plain practical to use our own units in such a case, most people already have them, and if we did not we would get lots of emails asking "Why didn't you use the delta/ rangers in xx mission?", or have to maintain 2 versions of the same mission (4 actually, due to coop/sp). Or, for example a delta ranger specific mission, are we meant to insert them with BIS blackhawks, when there are nice littlebirds available? From my perspective, that defeats the greater scope of what BAS make, and doesn't provide BAS fans with what they enjoy.
  13. Nagual

    Addons at ease!

    Again, i have to say, i disagree with that point, or at least think it should be flexible. What are we meant to do, for example, if a helicopter has a rotorwash script that makes soldiers cough and blink? If we dont use a unit with goggles, and the player is soldier, they could not even stand close the chopper and look at it (due to the blinking). It is just plain practical to use our own units in such a case, most people already have them, and if we did not we would get lots of emails asking "Why didn't you use the delta/ rangers in xx mission?", or have to maintain 2 versions of the same mission (4 actually, due to coop/sp). Or, for example a delta ranger specific mission, are we meant to insert them with BIS blackhawks, when there are nice littlebirds available? From my perspective, that defeats the greater scope of what BAS make, and doesn't provide BAS fans with what they enjoy.
  14. Nagual


    Why not just wait for the release of the bas mist? (unless you feel the need to copy other peoples work in progress, or cant handle others having something you dont)
  15. Nagual

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Very nice Vixer, thats looks somehow familiar
  16. Nagual

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    And one of from coop, (Tigershark lining up to take out a target): Sniper
  17. Nagual

    The matrix: reloaded

    I'll reply properly later, but just to avoid confusion, i mean actual dreaming. Not regular dreams, lol, yes we can verify that by sleeping. Millions of people can testify to becoming aware in a dream, as aware (if not more so) as in waking time, and with memory of the waking mind, able to mainpulate the dream environment, not a nightly occurence for most people. Some people actually pay many thousands of dollars at established institutes to reach that state. That is the observation of millions..so it must be...
  18. Nagual

    The matrix: reloaded

    See, speculating that there might be life elsewhere in the universe is one thing and believing all the X-files episodes are true is another thing. Making speculations based on the data available is a part of science. Taking some totally arbitrary "truth" and then believing in it without any proof whatsoever is religion insofar that it utilizes the same responses of the human brain as institutionalized religion. But whateva, rock'n roll foreva, mon! If you honestly cannot see the religious undertones of Morpheus' faith, it really won't fuck up my day. Err...believing all the x files are true is called stupidity, not religion. And i agree, going with something with no grounds in fact and believing in it is crazy, much like most religions and most common core aspects of daily life. Though it's not like science has all the answers, it does not have the scope to cover everything, and has more than enough of its own massive flaws and huge assumptions. How does science explain becoming concious in dreams? Thats something that is possible, it is absolutley a fact, how does science bring that into focus, out of religion? Despite the fact that dreaming is possible, the scientific speculations dont prove so, even if they did, they are just speculations, much like the visions of a priest about the god he doesnt actually know (as in, have any experience of). Then the scientific findings will turn to fact, not based on truth, and be believed, notice a pattern maybe? Who's "truth" is real, the science truth that dreaming doesn't exist, or the dreamers truth? I can see undertones in the matrix stuff (duh), whether i interpret that as "religion" is really a matter of my predilections and worldview. Just the same for you and anyone, you are percieving it through your own filters, that is in no way the truth, just a reflection of your own mind. I get the feeling anything i say will be met with "thats religion", ahh the wonders of science never cease. "But whateva, rock'n roll foreva, mon!" ...okaaaay then Â
  19. Nagual

    The matrix: reloaded

    People who choose to believe in the prophecies of Nostradamus are in some level engaging in a religious process. What is the myth of Nostradamus, but a bud of a religion? What is the myth of UFOs, but a bud of a religion? All those have a dogmatic text, a prophet or prophets, deliverance, etc... Try to think out of the box. LOL, so what is a textbook, religion? And what box btw? So people thinking there could be life elsewhere in the universe are religious, because they..think? No, things can be what they are, people can think and believe in whatever they want, without it being "the bud of religion". I am not a religious person at all, i prefer freedom, hehe, but is that religion too? I dont buy that at all. I stick to my sphere thanks.
  20. Nagual

    The matrix: reloaded

    Well, your book rules out a significant portion of the world's religions, including Buddhism. Buddhism has no deity to speak of, and neither does it mention the existence or nonexistence thereof. It does have established dogma and articles of faith, which, despite what's in your book, are the aspects that make a religion a religion. Belief in a supreme being is merely belief- religion is structured and organized faith. But when you actualy look at it, the One prophecy qualifies as a religion, even by your own narrow guidelines. The One prophecy in a nutshell: At one point a man was born within the Matrix that could control and change any aspect of the Matrix that he saw fit (sounds like a God to me). When he died, the Oracle (read: prophet) said that he would return, and fulfill the prophecy that the One would destroy the Matrix and free mankind (saviour alert). Am I missing something? This is New Testament 101 we're talking about here. The trilogy just throws out the usual Christlike imagery in exchange for a cyberpunk setting, changes a few details, adds some existential philosophy, a smattering of Eastern religious tie-ins, and bam- you've got yourself the entire Matrix concept. I'm not familiar with the "New Testament", so dont see the connection. The good ol christians ripped most of their symbology from older things. The easiest example is celtic and druid culture, so much christian dogma comes from those old ways. Even the rising from the dead stuff is way older than obvious christian example, also in the first movie. Dying, raising from the dead and starting life under a new name / purpose is a very common shamanic ritual / symbolic death, that is recorded all around the world, well before biblical time. Believing a prophecy is not a religion. That would mean peeps that beileve nostradamus stuff are in a religion. People sometimes have to believe in something. Technque and guidance systems are not dogma, like learning to use a lighthouse to steer a ship is not dogma when learning to navigate. And i have to say, [sarcasm] people running off to have sex during an underground rave is totally unheard of and out of place[/sarcasm].
  21. Nagual

    Beta: wrp-buddy v0.3b released

    I've been using this tool today, I tried out all the features, and have to say, it works wonders, very handy. It doesn't quite resize the roadway lods of some objects properly, but that is only problem ive noticed. The random area stuff and resizing are are very helpful. Thanks for sharing this tool AEF team, much appreciated
  22. Nagual

    The matrix: reloaded

    Heh, i was telling my wife that would happen at end of movie well before i saw it. It just the natural progression of the movies philosopy, that the same skills can be applied in the real world, as you are still sorta bending the same rules, and the real world aint that real, being energy fields primarily. (Taken from the idea that skills learned during "dreaming-awake" can be utilized while "awake") hmm, I liked the two Matrix idea better. It's basically the same concept, just different metaphors.
  23. Nagual

    The matrix: reloaded

    Heh, i was telling my wife that would happen at end of movie well before i saw it. It just the natural progression of the movies philosopy, that the same skills can be applied in the real world, as you are still sorta bending the same rules, and the real world aint that real, being energy fields primarily. (Taken from the idea that skills learned during "dreaming-awake" can be utilized while "awake")
  24. Nagual

    Is artificial intelligence possible ?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IsthatyouJohnWayne @ 22 May 2003,07:42)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">But for self-recognition to truly take place, cognition is first necessary. This suggests elements of reasoning, perception, awareness and judgement.<span id='postcolor'> Take out reasoning and judgement and you're getting warmer. Reasoning especially is not cognition, simply a tool to help make sense of things. There are much better filters to percieve through than that, though reason is useful when it comes to order and stability. It can be / is  be part of an overall cognitive system, but not the cognitive system itself. Eg, insects, who demostrate "Group intelligence", are living beings with a cognitive system too, but i get the feeling that reasoning is not high on their perceptual adgenda. Also, if anyone seriously wants to ponder about intelligence, consider that intelligence, awareness ect, has an actual connection to that good ol thing called "life". There is no perception, awareness, intelligence, without life itself, whatever that may be. Regarding testing, what about human testing. There is test called EQ, testing emotional intelligence, believed by some serious researchers to be much more accurate than IQ tests. Funnily enough, most modern adult males score at the level of children in single figure age groups.