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Everything posted by Nagual
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sith @ April 02 2002,10:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'> For the sake of info, emotions could be incorporated using a simple template. There are four pure emotions, from which the "complicated" emotions find their source as a combination of the primary 4. These are; joy, fear, anger and melancholy. They all represent a desire. Joy; the desire to live. Fear; the desire to retreat (re-treat). Anger; the desire to fight. Melancholy; the desire to change. This info is sourced from the knowledge of the ancient and modern toltec warriors, folks who know alot about war and human psychology.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Tex [uSMC] @ April 01 2002,21:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Arent games supposed to be fun?<span id='postcolor'> I think they are Tex, but they are also a form of entertainment. Movies and books and other things are entertainment, but they can and do invoke things other than joy or fun.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ April 01 2002,18:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Nagual @ April 01 2002,18:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I also think that opflash gives us a chance to learn about some of the "good" things about war, such as in multiplayer; working as team is good for people psychologically, so is cooperating in an intelligent way, or executing strategies against real human minds.<span id='postcolor'> ... or blow up a BMP without having to pay for it afterwards. <span id='postcolor'> lol...or coordinate a coop covert op with scuba gear ...
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sith @ April 01 2002,19:53)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Maybe folks would like to see the horror just to learn more about war, as they might have the intention of never fighting in real life.<span id='postcolor'> This is the whole reason why I brought up this matter. There are alot of people out there that want to know what war is really like (to some extend). The thing is that no game to date has showed much or less anything about the horrors of war, so I think it's time a game does that for a change.<span id='postcolor'> I cant disagree with you if your motivation is gaining knowledge. I get the feeling though that a game like that would just be depressing and make me angry. But then again, that is all part of learning. If or when a game is made portraying some detailed war horror, if it is done well, it could maybe even show a thing or two too people who are not interested in war. If you are interested in learning more about the pyschological effects of war, then a game would definatley be better than any movie or book, as the interactivity would engage more aspects of your brain. And if it was a good quality production like opflash, then it could engage emotional systems and from there make you feel things, sad or angry if need be.
I dont want to see the horrors of war in games, or have them in my mind from playing games. Things like limbs flying after a ffar or something seem like practical game things, not quite horrors, it would add to the game. But i wouldnt want to see the pure hate filled violence and the raping of women and the killing of children, and the manipulation and corruption. I think that is sick. The pyschologocial effect of seeing these things in games (and taking enjoyment in them) could be very bad. There are schools of thought and investigation in the world that believe the mind cant tell the difference between thinking something and actually doing it. An easy example is research showing visualisation can improve sport performance instead of simply physical practice. I think that opflash can show the seriousness of war, but luckily not the full insanity making horror of war. Maybe folks would like to see the horror just to learn more about war, as they might have the intention of never fighting in real life. I also think that opflash gives us a chance to learn about some of the "good" things about war, such as in multiplayer; working as team is good for people psychologically, so is cooperating in an intelligent way, or executing strategies against real human minds.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DV Chris Death @ Mar. 27 2002,16:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i wouldn't care less how much Kbs an intro/ outro would make to the mission, if thats what was required, unless we are talking about MBs <span id='postcolor'> Have you ever been receiving a big mission, when at least 8 players were connected?<span id='postcolor'> I dont really play online anymore, only lan, but let someone in my team run my server online sometimes, they have sent decent sized missions to around 20 people, with lan computers beings the last ones to finish recievieng and be ready. So i have seen nothing but inconsistent timing when it comes to recieving/sending times. But like i said, i dont play online much anymore so i cant answer your question with much experience backing me. What i meant was, that at the end of the day, a mission has to meet the vision of the mission maker, not the time any given player has. So if i were making a mission that was getting large in the kb way, i wouldn't comprimise the integrity of the vision/mission and cut it down (make it incomplete) just to satiate a person who is in a hurry. When it comes to cutscenes, sometimes thats all the mission maker has to impart a story or a mood or a significance. People paying for minute by minute internet is strange, if that is what they want to do things, they definatley shouldnt complain to others that things are taking to long. The only other people that have to pay for the time online are called servers
2 Maddock, just so i'm clear, i agree with you and Blake. I dont really have any view on how it would work though, but imagine it would be most simple if the server had the SP like option to press "ESC". 2 Mr Death, if i were making an intro for MP, i wouldn't care less how much Kbs an intro/ outro would make to the mission, if thats what was required, unless we are talking about MBs due to sounds and voices. I can see what you mean though, and this idea were to be implemented it would be a factor; fast systems would be right through the intro when slow systems have just started. When the game starts, fast players have already started killing things, slow players are watching the end of the intro. Also what did you mean about people paying for online time, it sounds interesting.
I try to avoid using even 15 second cutscene for MP, I cant stand sitting through it if all i want to do is restart a mission. If the suggestion you guys are making is implemented, such as skipable intro style scenes for MP, then i probably wouldnt be able to make an MP mission without an intro and outro, as i do think they are important, its just not practical from my perspective at the moment.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Mar. 25 2002,16:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When you say overall sound, I take it you're including environmental sounds (wind, birds, etc.) and movement sounds......... The environmental sounds are just fine. Regarding running, the sounds are disappointing. Some sort of an unnaturalpitter-patter. The panting and heartbeat effects are very nice, though........... To hear the contrast, try playing Red Hammer's Beachhead Assault mission, just as an example.....<span id='postcolor'> Yep, overall sound, and how it mixes togeather (tanks rolling past with chopper overhead with heavy fighting in town, with, um, birds chirping). When it comes to things like running (or sound, or graphics or anything), its like fikalaker said, not everybody likes the same thing (y know, once the perfect running sound is attained, somebody will say "i dont sound like that when im running"). I will try the red hammer beachead once i've got satchels sound back in, but i know the contrast, as i used the addon when it came out. I started making some missions just to take advantage of the new sounds (such as long range tank battles or heavy MG suppression). I plan to replay both campaigns once the sound is back in. After taking the addon out, it took weeks to get used use to the old sounds again.
lol, if you havent tried satchels sound yet mp82, then at least give at go, you may like it. If you need to get more out of your ofp, get yourself some sort of force-feedback cushion (to sit against the back), the subsonic transducer types, turn it up real loud, and u will get a nice kick everytime you shoot, good for your "killer instinct", lol (grab some 3d glasses too if u can). I agreed that the sounds are of great importance to the overall experience, and especially in the case of a sim, but at least flashpoint is flashpoint, at the end of the day its still extremely good, and things like satchels sound can actually improve on all that goodness
ha, ok, so you seem to miss the point that i said satchels sounds are better than the origonal. Do you think i am trying to defend the original weapons sounds, or that i am saying there are as real as the real thing?. lol, I was just saying that i would like it if satchels sounds were compatibale with current patches and all multiplayer. I never said "the original weapon sounds are the best and realistic", but it seems like you think i did. I dont think there need to be an official patch just for sound, users can make sound sets that come from real life, as long as their is no config problem. @Avon, sure its fair to be critical of the weapon sounds, but what about the overall sound, how did you find that? I found the "sound" amazing, it totally pulled me in. @mp82, i think stachel got most his sounds from videos and things like that (a lot like the TV news)
yes I have heard a guns shooting outdoors, i was saying that one of my first impressions of the game was that the sound was amazing, I did not say realistic.
I dont think there is a need for an official sound addon, i remember being amazed at the sound of the game when i first played it, and continued to play it. But satchels sounds do sound better in general, and add to the atmosphere of playing in very good ways. Such as tank shells flying through the air, and even the sound of equipment on your soldiers and squad members. Even things like the sound of other soldiers hitting the dirt around you add to the immersion. A gunshot in the distance is a resounding crack, breaking the silence. Bullet richocet sounds add to the effect of being pinned or suppressed in a really good way. I dont use satchels sound at the moment, but am going to use pitvipers config soon, for the sake of enjoying those tasty sounds again. I would love to see a semi-official version of satchels sound, done in a way it could be updated with each patch, so it would have the "BIS stamp of approval" for multiplayer and the like. So i would prefer sound from satchel and Resistance from BIS.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Mar. 09 2002,11:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">- If you are seriously wounded, you must be treated or bleed to death within a varying timeframe.<span id='postcolor'> I would like to see the bleeding thing. Getting an injured mate out of the fighting and to a field hospital can be very satisfying, especially with the stretcher in the uazg. While triggers could simulate it, an inbuilt scripting command for the init.sqs or description.ext would be good, like "playergrp bleed true" or "bleed=1" so mission makers could choose to use the feature easily. It could make for some dramatic coop moments.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PitViper @ Mar. 09 2002,19:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thanks for the conspiracy theory Agent Mulder LOL! Its funny when you kooks come out with this crap. Maybe you can tell me what weapon companies these are? Â How about oil companies? Surely you'd know this info if you knew the above for fact.. Also, Â to my knowledge, the U.S military surely wasn't planning any long term invasion deployment anywhere near that area before Sept 11. Â There is no evidence of any preparation for that. Â Are you suggesting that just one fine day the military command was going to tell the services to get on a boat and head there without preparing and without any cataclysmic event to back it up? Â Even better is the idea that the U.S would "invade" afghanistan without prior consultation with China and Russia! LOL!!! Sorry, your little "theory" doesnt pass the "whiff" test.<span id='postcolor'> Hmm, who is agent mulder? Conspiracy theory, ok, yeah sure, whatever you say. I guess you get all your facts from honest propaganda oragnisations like fox news? Why would the US gov anounce their military intent to you. There is really no need or use to waste time elaborating on this subject to a person such as yourself, there really is no use. And "one fine day", lol, yeah thats it. Man, again, why would they tell you about something you shouldn't know? Kooks can fuck off, conspiray theories suck as badly as propaganda. Consult china and russia, lol, thats a good one. I recommend you watch some fox news and take the blue pill, that will make it better. You cant even begin to understand how ignorant you are about this world, stick with the propaganda. Sorry that you are fixed in your view of the world (i actually mean that). To tell you the truth, you are probably better of there.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PitViper @ Mar. 09 2002,19:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Thanks for the conspiracy theory Agent Mulder LOL! Its funny when you kooks come out with this crap. Maybe you can tell me what weapon companies these are? Â How about oil companies? Surely you'd know this info if you knew the above for fact.. Also, Â to my knowledge, the U.S military surely wasn't planning any long term invasion deployment anywhere near that area before Sept 11. Â There is no evidence of any preparation for that. Â Are you suggesting that just one fine day the military command was going to tell the services to get on a boat and head there without preparing and without any cataclysmic event to back it up? Â Even better is the idea that the U.S would "invade" afghanistan without prior consultation with China and Russia! LOL!!! Sorry, your little "theory" doesnt pass the "whiff" test.<span id='postcolor'> Hmm, who is agent mulder? Conspiracy theory, ok, yeah sure, whatever you say. I guess you get all your facts from honest propaganda oragnisations like fox news? Why would the US gov anounce their military intent to you. There is really no need or use to waste time elaborating on this subject to a person such as yourself, there really is no use. And "one fine day", lol, yeah thats it. Man, again, why would they tell you about something you shouldn't know? Kooks can fuck off, conspiray theories suck as badly as propaganda. Consult china and russia, lol, thats a good one. I recommend you watch some fox news and take the blue pill, that will make it better. You cant even begin to understand how ignorant you are about this world, stick with the propaganda. Sorry that you are fixed in your view of the world (i actually mean that). To tell you the truth, you are probably better of there.
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Goodspeed @ Mar. 09 2002,16:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ok, guys... Look at those news... What they have considered about themselves? Hitler began in the similar way...<span id='postcolor'> Yeah, nukes were authorised to be taken to the middle east months ago. China moved a lot of nukes to the borders near afghanistan months ago. George w's grandfather openly supported hitler back in his day, even when the rest of the world saw him as an enemy. go figure...
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PitViper @ Mar. 07 2002,15:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">of course you could. Â you are proudly flying a flag of totalitarian communism. <span id='postcolor'> What about totalitarian capitalisim? How many know about the US intent to invaded afghanistain for months prior to s11. Paskistani intelligence were informed by the US 3 months before s11. Talks between the US gov and the Taliban to build a caspian sea oil pipeline across afghanistan failed, the US was not happy at all (The Bush family, + Cheny, have massive investments in Oil and Weapons production companies). "Domination" is in US foriegn policy, read the fine print, it is an essential working mechanisim within capitalism. Like Hardliner said, there is much more that can be said about global politics, so much its barley worth saying. No government is perfect, nor system of governing. You would probably cry if you knew the truth
</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PitViper @ Mar. 07 2002,15:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">of course you could. Â you are proudly flying a flag of totalitarian communism. <span id='postcolor'> What about totalitarian capitalisim? How many know about the US intent to invaded afghanistain for months prior to s11. Paskistani intelligence were informed by the US 3 months before s11. Talks between the US gov and the Taliban to build a caspian sea oil pipeline across afghanistan failed, the US was not happy at all (The Bush family, + Cheny, have massive investments in Oil and Weapons production companies). "Domination" is in US foriegn policy, read the fine print, it is an essential working mechanisim within capitalism. Like Hardliner said, there is much more that can be said about global politics, so much its barley worth saying. No government is perfect, nor system of governing. You would probably cry if you knew the truth
I was just playing a lan game, and towards the end some players connected through the net. I stopped the current game, and let everyone in for a little shooting fight. Everyone had the message "use modified config file", and all except one or two came up with the message: "playerXXX uses modified config file - Timeout (Probably Cheat Used)" This didn't stop them from playing and from having fun. Does anyone know what causes this message? Nagual b
Yes there is. You need to make a text file with notepad or something similar and save it as "description.ext". Place the file in the same folder as the mission your are making. Place these lines in that text file: respawn=4 respawndelay=15 you can also use respawn="group", you can change the delay time. Have at look at the editing center for more info on how to use the description.ext
Interesting placebo, but the sound wasnt installed when the messages came up. It had been, but was removed cleanly. But from what you said, the other players may have had it. Only one player seemed to be addon savvy, the others mentioned the word with fear (as in "I hope i dont drop out cause i need addons!. Anway, thnx.
Server was 1.46, i was running that machine.
I was just playing a lan game, and towards the end some players connected through the net. I stopped the current game, and let everyone in for a little shooting fight. Everyone had the message "use modified config file", and all except one or two came up with the message: "playerXXX uses modified config file - Timeout (Probably Cheat Used)" This didn't stop them from playing and from having fun. Does anyone know what causes this message? Nagual b