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Everything posted by Nagual

  1. Nagual


    This is a good idea, i been thinking about same thing since resistance came out. People are making videos of other games all the time, but no new opflash ones I actually tried to make one this week, a raid by Bas Deltas and MH6, but crappy video capture card stopped me (again). Anyhoo, more opflash videos would be good.
  2. Nagual

    Seb nam pack 2 out!

    Funnily enough, as the mission revolves around those tactics, i completley forgot to put in the good ol flyinheight. Originally i had a script to do that sort of stuff, but when i ditched script i forgot to assign heights. Will see how it goes, even if the ai disregard the command a bit when combat hits, it will seperate the hunters from the killers , Thanks for feedback. I also think some sort of ROE based on knowsabout command would be good, as cobra pilots could not enage in nam without confirmed targets, even when under fire (technically). Theres a few other things to do that mission, like maybe make a version with DKM Broncos available.
  3. Nagual

    Seb nam pack 2 out!

    Pitviper, i should of posted this earlier, but i updated Combat Patrol a few hours after i posted it here. The update was do do just that, add the ability to mark targets. Gunner or pilots of the Oh6 can now use the action "Drop Grenade" or "Drop Smoke Shell" to mark targets, alot more realistic. Using flares is a good idea, that should be possible to build in for night CPs (and off course these things built into the helos themselves would be useful). The link is here again: Combat Patrol (updated)
  4. Nagual

    Seb nam pack 2 out!

    Heres a little coop i made for this pack a few weeks ago. I switched over the units in past few days. Combat Patrol Its mainly made as a chopper mission, but there is some aircav playable spots. The objective is scalable so you can fly for a short CP or long one. The main gist of this map is coop between oh6 and cobra teams, the OH spotting VC and the gunships assaulting them. This mission wont work from sp menu, but can be played solo from mp as the friendly ai will go out searching for VC (fun to ride as cobra gunner).
  5. Nagual

    Seb nam pack 2 out!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Ex-RoNiN @ Nov. 27 2002,03:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tell me about it, I have 2 deadlines tomorrow and no Thursday, but all I wanna do is some cool missions Have to hold on. Argh. I played around earlier, 1 marine rifle squad, 2 heavy army squads vs. 3 nva's and 1 charlie squad, the fight took forever, bullets impacting left, right and centre, army and marines using different tactics, amazing, and the m14 is great fun, i LOVE it!!<span id='postcolor'> lol, not to mention grenades, mortars and CAS exploding everywhere. Really good fun. And i noticed the ai love the m14 too. My fav weapon so far has to be the M63 stoner, quite a beast (the seal mger has it).
  6. Nagual

    Seb nam pack 2 out!

    I've noticed that since installing nam pack 2 its no longer possible to sleep or get any work done due to an overwhelming desire to land slicks in hot LZs, is that a bug? But seriously, the more i look there more i find to like. The dispersion things is good, the battles last so much longer. Very cool.
  7. Nagual

    Seb nam pack 2 out!

    This pack is amazing, the helos and units are so nice. Not to mention the mortar And the inclusion of SP and mp missions is nice. Well done SEB, very well done!
  8. Nagual

    Mission briefings

    If your just checking its working there no need to export it, just hold down left shift key when you click on preview, if your briefing is working you will see it then.
  9. Nagual

    1.90 bug list

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PRiME @ Nov. 24 2002,16:54)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Bike_2 = "Jawa" createVehicle getpos StartVcl_8; Bike_2 setpos [getPos StartVcl_8 select 0, getPos StartVcl_8 select 1, (getPos StartVcl_8 select 2) + .5]; Bike_2 setdir (getDir StartVcl_8); Now Make a Gamelogic called StartVCL_8 Now to prove this is a bug and not a mission mistake make a Game Logic called server (this is ment to tell the server to only run code/script on its end not on clients)<span id='postcolor'> Try something like ?!(local Server): Goto "end" in your script or ?(local Server) in your trigger condition, so the server logic is used to make one set of vehicles.
  10. Nagual

    Dynamic range for v 1.90

    Im not sure what values would need changing, but things like this thread have some info.
  11. Nagual

    Dynamic range for v 1.90

    Eviscerator, it is a good as folks say, and worth the download and mod directory. The extra sounds add nice extra depth, especially the beloved whistling tank shell sound (though i will miss the barking AK of the amon sound). And Pitviper, in regards to releasing the config.cpp for sp use, maybe consider a special version of DR, with tweaked things like dispersion to make things a bit more realistic. I really dont know how much work is involved each time you update it, but a tweaked config.bin could be excellent for sp. The other day in sp when an ai gave me a headshot while running with a kozlice about 70 meters away, i thought a altered config would be nice.
  12. Nagual

    Mp / coop missions

    Next two packs are NATO and MP VS. Most nato missions were updated before resistance came out with server options of daytime and difficulty, and in the long run i decided to leave them compatible with 1.46. Some of the VS maps (player vs player) require 1.85 or later. NATO PAck v1 4C Venom 5C HKPack_HRU (The HK Pack Addon)(RESISTANCE) 6V Air Patrol (TJP_Pavehawk, TJP_DAP) 6C Anti Tankers 8C Charlies' Chopper 8C Charlies' Charge 8C LittleBird Hunt (BAS_MH6)(RESISTANCE) 9C OvertheHill  (ZWA Desert Everon 2, MAF_82ndAirborneSoldiers, uce_kuffiya) 9C Nogova Ops - Bridge Push  (RESISTANCE) 9C OFP Warriors (FLP_M4A1 Pack, TJP_Pavehawk) 9C OFP Warriors 2 (+CE2 SP version) NATO 01: Sainte Beach (+RespawnVersion) NATO 02: Counter NATO 03: The Push NATO 04: Our Regina NATO 05: Vodka Chaser NATO 06: Ex-traction NATO 07: Vodka Chaser 2 NATO 08: Red Road NATO 09: Armoured Cavalry NATO 10: Forest Fight NATO Pack v1 MP VS Pack v1 8V Farm ShootOut 11V Cold Night (RESISTANCE 1.85) 17V The Hunt (RESISTANCE 1.85) 17V The Hunt (Winter Nogojev)(RESISTANCE 1.85) 16V Lipany Elimination (RESISTANCE 1.85) 18V Hot Day 18V Industry Skirmish (RESISTANCE 1.85) 24V Delta Strike R (Respawn) 24V Delta Strike RS (FLP_M4A1 Pack, TJP_Pavehawk) (Respawn) 30V FarmAssualt v3 (RESISTANCE) 24V Combat 01 v1.0 (RESISTANCE) 24V Combat 02 v1.0 (RESISTANCE) 24V Northen War v1.2 24V Nogova Skirmish 1.5 (RESISTANCE) 24V Skirmish 1-3 MP VS Pack v1 Well that is the bulk of this stuff, so far ive missed a few things, like sp missions and Delta Ops coop and a few coops on addon islands. With these packs i have organsied nearly everything ive made, as having stuff all over the place was really hard to keep track of things. From here there is only a few things i will continue working on, but i will fix any fatal bugs that made it in to any missions above. Making these missions has been my first experience in any sort of game/software development, so im pretty happy with things as they stand. While i could still work on any given mission listed above, i would be at it forever. Things like the spec coop pack will still be worked on, and delta ops coop will prolly go into that pack. Now i can focus my mission making time on things like missions for Ballistics and Delta ops part 2, and more refined missions in general.
  13. Nagual

    Loadsa new addons, but where are the missions?

    I think an auto-download thingy for mp would be good (combined with being able to install without restarting opflash). And being able to put download links in a briefing or overview that link directly to the net would also help. Addons definatley add to game play and atmosphere, and they open up new scenarios, like desert battles or super nice winter nogojev. For me, ive made enough stuff with standard units, and once im finished updating old projects i will be using addons quite a lot, as i like them a lot (including a c130 Entebbe op ) . ps. Jap you mission sounds good, epic coops are great.
  14. Nagual

    Mp / coop missions

    Thankyou, its quite a nice feeling in coop to look to the side and see that next you.
  15. Nagual

    Mp / coop missions

    The next pack is Soviet pack v1. This pack is mainly made of the Alpha 13 campaign 1.2, which i will submit to sites soon (recently updated to work with resistance). Alpha coop is not really tested online, so i will prolly make an update at some point. 12C Soviet Suburbs (RESISTANCE) 12C Soviet Suburbs (Respawn) (RESISTANCE) 36C FarmtoNowhere (RESISTANCE) L13_Spetsgruppe Alfa 13 Coop Cooperative Campaign (OfpR 1.85 and Kegetys Russian Weapons 1.1 required for all missions) 6C Alfa13 01: Bloodletting 6C Alfa13 02: Raid 6C Alfa13 03: Raid 2 6C Alfa13 04: Disgruntled 6C Alfa13 05: Road Block 6C Alfa13 06: Montignac 6C Alfa13 07: Ambush 6C Alfa13 08: Guard House 6C Alfa13 09: Raid + Anti-Tank 6C Alfa13 10: Raid + Destroy 6C Alfa13 11: Support Air Assault 6C Alfa13 12: Anti Armour 6C Alfa13 13: Defence 6C Alfa13 14: Soviet Smash 6C Alfa13 15: Anti Anti Air 6C Alfa13 16: Night Stalkers 6C Alfa13 17: Night Raid Soviet Pack v1
  16. Nagual

    Proper release of the littlebirds

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Miles Teg @ Nov. 13 2002,00:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmm... camcreating is a bit difficult. Â I've yet to see a tutorial for how to camcreate an additional vehicle AND then name it and give it waypoints on top of that.<span id='postcolor'> Miles, heres a little way to do that. Shown to me recently by a mate, pynaple (a lil off topic but incontext). Just make a unit, give him the desired waypoints, then put in his init: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> grp1=group this; deletevehicle this <span id='postcolor'> Then he will not be on the map when mission starts, an empty group was created. Then using a distance based trigger or anything, in the script you want the unit spawned put: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> helo1 = "bas_mh6" createvehicle getpos posuwanthim "OfficerWB" createUnit [posuwanthim,grp1,"g1=this; this moveindriver helo1"] <span id='postcolor'> (posuwant him is anything like a game logic or another units name) (g1 is new name of spawned unit) So basically an empty group is created, then spawn any named units into that group, and they can be used as normal after they are spawned and will follow the set waypoint as if they were always there. Pynaple did crazy things with that stuff, like entire airbases that appear/dissapear depending on player distance.
  17. Nagual

    War on iraq

    I think the americans would have to use various tecniques to gain support for the war, such as:
  18. Nagual

    Mp / coop missions

    Thanks for the offer. Im hoping this server should last till the end of the year if things go well. And btw, thanks for RTS3
  19. Nagual

    Need some cool screenshots of ofp

    @JAP Yes, FlipeRs M4, i love that addon. And long coop sounds good. @Advocatexxx Yeah that M4 is fully dressed up with M203, suppressor, and 100 C-Mags. A standard one is in screen below, much lower profile.
  20. Nagual

    Need some cool screenshots of ofp

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (JAP @ Oct. 28 2002,22:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">You got somalia to work with right textures ? Â <span id='postcolor'> Yep, just track down Desert Everon 2 by Zwadar, install it and somalia should work fine (uses land textures from that addon).
  21. Nagual

    Need some cool screenshots of ofp

    Here are some screens from some coop lan with a mate on weekend. Last two screens are not from mp. (all pics under 100kb)
  22. Nagual

    Kawasaki klr 250 motorbike

    F**ing excellent STT, Thank you
  23. Nagual

    1.85 patch & 1.85 Deddy Server are out. Server
  24. Nagual

    Why use offroad motorcycles in the military?

    brgnorway you might find this page interesting, Mt500.