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About Nozo

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  1. and the helicopters and new tanks like m2a2, that can't be seen through windows ....
  2. while I was testing my map to see if everything work alright (look in the other thread) and fall upon a bug.... I don't know if it only me that is slow and i'm the last one on this board to see it but in that case just overlook the thread... i have noticed that helicopters and some tanks (m2a2..don't know if there are more) can't be seen through windows..... try to land a helicopter outside a house... run inside and look through the window...it's gone, you can't see it !!??.... go outside again and it's still here... i have just talked with some other persons and they have the same error....strange nobody have noticed it from BIS ..... (Edited by Nozo at 1:56 am on Dec. 8, 2001)
  3. Nozo


    somehow the loop command didn't work..... but i've found a workaround: ---- time.sqs ---- ~5 skiptime .03 [] exec "time.sqs" -------------------- then just exec time.sqs in a for example a unit or car.... in my case a ship ;) the good thing about that is that you can forget about waypoint a civ and make a trigger ;) i've made the time change very often but not that much to make it more smooth.... instead of it would jump 30 min. in every 5 min....but all in all it's the same as you would notice :)..... (Edited by Nozo at 7:36 pm on Nov. 17, 2001)
  4. Nozo


    thanx LAW Soldier fd...i'll try if it works....which I'm in no doupt would :)...
  5. Nozo


    the question was how to make the time run faster...... so you'll experiense day and night in a 2 hour mp.... what i did was the every 5 minutes (our time) there have gone 30 min (opf-time)....that means that after 1 hour of play the time has changed 10 hours in opf...
  6. Nozo


    yes...that is actually the solution i came up with.... making a trigger that eveytime it's being activated by a civilian (loop waypoint) the time is skipping 30 min.... he activate it every 5 min and it's working smothly.... thanx for your help...
  7. is it pssible to make your time run faster without making your units or explosion run faster ?.... i don't care if it then makes that it would take my men 30 min (in opf-time) to go 10 meters.... I just want to experience day and night during an hour play... as far as i know i have to use the SetAccTime but where should i put it ?.... if it a script then how and where... I'm totally new into script things...