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About NovaPhoenix

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. NovaPhoenix

    Newly bought AA, patched to 1.5, SecureRom prob

    Okie got the game going.... Basically had to restart the PC WITHOUT process explorer running which I find annoying as I use it a lot.
  2. NovaPhoenix

    Newly bought AA, patched to 1.5, SecureRom prob

    I use Process Explorer, and shutting it down didnt allow me to play the game, I dont think there is a way to uninstall it either as its just a copy an exe file
  3. Just bought AA here in melbourne Australia, box and all I installed it, did a quick test run to find out it was 1.04, saw the menu and such before closing it. I would then go and start downloading the 500mb+ international 1.5 patch for the game to. After ages downloading that and installing that, I go to run the game and I get the following error messsage. A required security module cannot be activated. This program cannot be executed (5024). Please have a look at http://www.securom.com/message.asp?m=module&c=5024 for further, more detailed information. Heres my specs Win 2000 SP4 (LEGIT!!!!!! ) Radeon X1950 Pro, Cat 6.12 drivers 1Gig Memory SoundBlaster Audigy 2 sound card DVD Rom = "TSSTcorpDVD-ROM TS-H352A" Â (got that info off PC Wizard) So yeah, not happy at all with this. Â I had a bad feeling about getting this game, especially after playing the demo. Â Turns out to be true.
  4. NovaPhoenix

    General things that i bugs me.

    Just a few things I wish they would change. The FOV while in a cockpit of an aircraft or car or some sort of contraption. ATM you cant see much when you are in the cockpit, but could it be changed, as soon as a player steps into a cockpit, the FOV zooms out? Make it some sort of option in the game, so some people can keep it the same, while us who like the feel of piloting inside the cockpit can see where we are goingaa bit better. Also allow freelook in the cockpit so you can look directly up and down, these are handy during search missions and in a dog fight. Not only that, for the people that use joysticks and stuff while flying, if the player turns on freelook, then let them use the mouse to look around the cockpit while they control the plane or something with the joystick. Now for the more complex bit. A Spot light from a helicopter that can move around, and doesnt use those funny light system that you currently use. The spot light could be controled by the co-pilot or gunner, whatever. It uses a similar targeting system to the gunner view in a chopper, you can zoom in and out. The lighting system could be programed as like a negative shadow or something (if thats possible) and have a circle transparent model just above the surface of the ground. A player cant see the circle, but it emits a shadow, then make the shadow a negative so it lights up the ground and units around it. I have no idea if any of this made sence, but its just an idea. But I really want the cockpit thing in if possible plz, 3rd person is good and all, but I do like the feeling of being in the chopper at times and being able to see in the cockpit properly without need to keep holding down my zoom out key, hehe
  5. NovaPhoenix

    What would be you're ideal island?

    Bigger island, but maybe with a long narrow type lagoon/bay maybe formaing a seperation somewhere, that would make units go around it. Sort like 3km inland or more. But defenetly some sort of lagoon or bay thing, bigger than the one in Maldan's east coast. Around the same ammount of forrests as Everon, and as green as Everon. Road system needs to be sound and all connected like on Malden, but have the complexicity of Everon. The road system needs to be tested too. And no roads that are like on a 45 degreen slant on the side of a hill 1 major airport, but slightly smaller than Malden and Everon, not so many taxi lanes, but have a fule station so planes can refuel or something. No hangers on the airport, becuase we can place them ourselves in our own missions, (yes you can do that without an editor addon for all the n00bs out there). Also have like a small town airport [grass airstrip] for cessnas and stuff. Once again, no hangers, becuase we can place them ourselves. HAVE THE RUNWAYS AND TAXIWAYS MARKED ON THE GRID MAP!! Some sort of new industrial area like near a port. Make large open warehouses, sorta like the hangar size and bigger. They are low poly, they look great from the air with chimneys and stuff, and you could drive a tank in them. Great for setting up bases and ambushes. Other islands out in the sea, so we can use them for special unit placements and stuff, just general editing stuff. Some sort of large town, maybe near the port or something, and smaller farming villages out. Have a defined farm and forrest areas, but still mix them around the whole island a bit. A few new mix buildings, like barns that have open doors for tractors, a few houses that havent been blown away, that you can go into. Maybe 3 or 4 military bases, just a bit more than Malden has, but not as many as Koljeve (or however its spelt) A cliff coastal line, maybe at the end of the bay or something, so super high, but steep like the gorge on Malden. Um i think thats about all I can think of, keep it varied, but familiar, a sorta cross between Everon and Malden, that has more functionality.
  6. Like the topic sed, si there gonna be beta patches released b4 1.40 comes out? It was a good idea for 1.30 why not do it again?
  7. NovaPhoenix

    Bird found in Ofp

    Its not a dove, its a seagull
  8. NovaPhoenix

    Request- M134 Minigun

    The problem with high fire rate is theammount of data that is processed from the server. Eg in multiplayer it would getreal laggy!
  9. I know theres always someone to spoil someone else's fun, but I'm gonna be the critic here. Your unit ideas are great but they seem very limited, alot of them just look like you have changed the Hue and stuff on the textures to make them look different. Eg all the sports cars and tractors are just plain colored, no new fetures or anything and they just all look alike... :\ Maybe sit down for a while longer and give a few a massive makeover or buidlt a texture from scrath? well thats my b*tch over :>
  10. NovaPhoenix

    Manhattan in OFP

    Problem with big low polygon things. Their fill rate. As much as it is a low polygon, the fill rate of the entire thing would take ages, then add all the buildings and stuff, it would chug things out. Good example is a city area in flightsim.
  11. Does everyone know what the woodtower is? Its like you can climb these stairs things and go into an inclosed building. Its not as high as a view tower, but it would come in useful. Does anyone know how to add it WITHOUT using all these unofficial addons and editor upgrades and stuff?