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Everything posted by NoToRiouS

  1. NoToRiouS

    Probs installing 1.40

    When I install the new patch I get several "Errors found in" just about every missionfile as well as in the addon files. Any ideas?
  2. NoToRiouS


    I dunno if anyone noticed this but when you reload your gun before it's empty the amount of clips doesn't decrease. So you can keep firing with 1 clip. Not a bad bug but kind of handy to know I think
  3. NoToRiouS


    And this topic fits remotely into the game how?
  4. NoToRiouS

    VBS -Explain.

    I don't think VBS is a game. It's a combat simulation for military use only. Maybe we'll see some stuff from it implemented in OFP(2??). They took the Steyr-Aug from it already. But I don't think it's ment to be released for all to buy NoToR out
  5. NoToRiouS

    Red Hammer

    I DO get your point about the copyright and the price isn't bad but it's more of a principle-thingie here. We paid a good some for a game that turned out to rather beta on release. The patches were good and are really appreciated but it's the least you could do to prevent the communicty from switching to games that do have straight A netcode and fewer bugs. The efforts on your part however are considerable and therefor I won't download anything that could commercially harm the companies involved. Just try to see it from our side NoToR out
  6. NoToRiouS

    Red Hammer

    I DO get your point about the copyright and the price isn't bad but it's more of a principle-thingie here. We paid a good some for a game that turned out to rather beta on release. The patches were good and are really appreciated but it's the least you could do to prevent the communicty from switching to games that do have straight A netcode and fewer bugs. The efforts on your part however are considerable and therefor I won't download anything that could commercially harm the companies involved. Just try to see it from our side NoToR out
  7. NoToRiouS

    Red Hammer

    So what we need is someone who is a legitimate owner and who's willing to put the .pbo-file online...or not, whatever floats your boat. :biggrin:
  8. NoToRiouS

    I apologize To Everyone.

    This fartknocker just doesn't know when to stop doesn't he?
  9. NoToRiouS


    Ahh, thanx for the info mate. Didn't know that ice out
  10. NoToRiouS

    Information to the Upgrade 4  ????

    Never presume you are almighty or even all-knowing. Those who fly high can land really hard