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About NighthawkSE

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  1. NighthawkSE


    Hrm... blast. Oh well. Hopefully they'll correct either the command reference or include a fix for this in the next game patch. Anyhow, now I got a plan. I'll get cracking on it right away. Thanks for the help, Scillion!
  2. NighthawkSE


    This one is driving me nuts! Alright, I'm trying to build a 'defend the town' mission with AI saboteurs going in, placing timed satchel charges near parked vehicles, and then rush back out again. I'm placing the satchel just fine by using ... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">SoldierOne Fire ["pipebombmuzzle", "pipebombmuzzle", "pipebomb"] ... and, according to the command reference, this is now all that's needed ... <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">SolderOne Action ["SETTIMER"] But all that gives me is an error message: 'Error 1 elements provided, 2 expected' I've tried the following: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">SoldierOne Action ["SETTIMER", SolderOne] SoldierOne Action ["SETTIMER", 30] SoldierOne Action ["SETTIMER", "PIPEBOMB"] All of them make the AI bend down and appear to set the timer, but nothing happens after that. No bang. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! Sidenote: The command SoldierOne Action ["TOUCHOFF", SoldierOne] works, but I want placed bombs to go off even if the saboteur is killed during his escape from the town.
  3. NighthawkSE

    Bug using the M1A1 target sight

    When I try to use the gun sights in the M1A1 Abrahams during multiplayer (with a team mate driving the tank), I get a very strange graphic bug where the sight moves up and down about an inch very rapidly. Like 20 times per second, making everything kinda blurry. Has anyone else noticed this? The problem started after installing the 1.4 upgrade.
  4. NighthawkSE

    Soldiers on lunchbreak?

    Or is there a better way to respawn enemies?
  5. NighthawkSE

    Soldiers on lunchbreak?

    I'm trying to compose a training mission where it's possible to create new enemies "on the fly", so to speak. By a simple press on the added action "create enemy", one (enemy) soldier is randomly placed on one of nine locations. Now, all that works like a charm - with the exception that the soldiers created with ... badguy="soldiereb" camcreate [_xstart,_ystart,0] ... seem to lack ai control. I've tried just about everything in the cmdref that relate to unit control, so far without success. How do I get it to defend itself or, even better, to attack me?
  6. NighthawkSE

    Soldiers on lunchbreak?

    You should try it! lol It's quite fun. You can use it to create buildings, tanks, soldiers, etc. Or why not create a 120 mm shell 30 ft up in the air and watch it drop? Just make sure you're not standing too close. *s*
  7. NighthawkSE

    Soldiers on lunchbreak?

    I've tried using editor created soldiers and the badguy1 setdammage 0 command, but that stops working if the soldier gets blown to pieces by handgrenades. (Edited by NighthawkSE at 11:29 am on Dec. 2, 2001)
  8. Does anyone know if it's possible to "activate" soldiers brought to life with camcreate? They show up as I've scripted them to do, but they just won't attack (I even did a little moon walk right infront of them without being shot at). Perhaps the new soldiers are being treated as objects (like a table or a chair) instead of ai controlled soldiers, due to how they were created? (Edited by NighthawkSE at 9:55 am on Dec. 2, 2001)