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About NightHAWK2

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    Private First Class
  1. NightHAWK2

    Ofp: resistance delayed?

    Hmmm - it's already 13th and very little marketing material is out yet. I wonder if this is a good sign, but let's sure hope they got ready with the coding. *Sigh* The worst nightmare I've got that the same kind of beta testing is ahead again as it was a year ago as I started with 1.0. My computer used to hang up each hour etc. etc. but when asking was it worth it - yes it was - experience of OFP was totally something new. Now after having had the opportunity to play with troublefree OFP since last december or so I do not expect to go through the same learning curve again. Let's keep our fingers crossed that they're ready with the program as the production must be on-going as I type this.
  2. NightHAWK2

    Things that are probably in resistance.

    Not to mention having test driven Skoda, Lada, Uaz even but not Trabant. According to my experience 1st hand experience never fully equals to hear saying and book wisdom
  3. NightHAWK2

    Things that are probably in resistance.

    Well, that's what I thought. I probably know less about great russian & east european cars than people in US as I live as far as 350km west from the good old Iron Curtain.
  4. NightHAWK2

    Things that are probably in resistance.

    And here you can find a Lada link. Just review that cousin of Fiat 124 http://digilander.iol.it/cuoccimix/002.jpg and http://digilander.iol.it/cuoccimix/automotorusse4(lada).htm#1 I thought that Yugo was somepoint even exported to US, that's why it can't be THAT bad.
  5. NightHAWK2

    Things that are probably in resistance.

    Hmm, wonder where you come from... Yogo is a limousine compared to standard Lada or Moscowitch not to mention any more sophisticated russian cars.
  6. NightHAWK2

    Is resistance an addon or a new game?

    I guess it's too early to say also whether that new update also includes red hammer as a "platinum" update ?
  7. NightHAWK2

    Close Combat Equipment - missing

    You're right - it's hard, but not impossible. The reason adding them is just that they're part of standard G.I. weaponry, no matter how seldom you used them. Pistols only come with squad leader & officers ranks. (Unless you get one from a dead enemy). What extra does a pistol provide you vs. an assault rifle? Revolvers and pistols belong to wild west rather than modern combat ground.
  8. One thing this game needs is close combat equipment. Sharpened field shovels, axes, bayonets, garrottes and knifes for spec ops would make difference. (All recommended by Finnish army) In the middle of the night sneaking behind an enemy would be thrilling being able to waste an enemy without causing noise. Also would give you a chance if you're out of ammo. Shovels could also be used for digging in which is also an important missing feature.
  9. NightHAWK2

    Molotov or throwable Satchel Charge

    Hmmmph, http://koti.mbnet.fi/~avalpas/images/Talvisota/Varusteet/cwdata/MolotovinCocktail.html Please see the link for further info. As often thought Molotov's cocktail was not russian origin, but the Finnish regards to Russian foreign minister Molotov during the Winter War. Similar weapons were already being used during Spanish Civil War, but can't confirm if they were already being called Molotov's.